Monetary signs that will help get rich


Everything dreams of success, in particular - financial. And if for many it is not the main goal in life, then poverty is afraid of almost everything. Any people have monetary signs and rituals that protect such fragile material well-being.

Monetary signs that will help get rich 7498_1

Money signs are closely related to symbols of crop and fertility. The common people who invent the majority will take, for a very long time there was no cash in cash, and wealth was considered an abundance of food and healthy children. Therefore, a lot is associated with meals, drink, table - responsible for satiety of objects and concepts.

Another interesting feature: Unlike Protestantism, Orthodoxy does not see a widely distributed link in our territory between stubborn labor and enrichment as a reward from God for this work. To be rich - not very well decently from a spiritual point of view, and wealth is, first of all, the way to help the poor. Therefore, in signs and rituals associated with money, often appears to apply the Council.

Attract wealth

Poverty now does not necessarily promise death, as it was in ancient times, but still the condition is extremely difficult and unpleasant. And in order to avoid it, not only work, but also the trolley of good luck. How to attract it?

General advice from the point of view will take

As they say in the books about rapid enrichment: "Wealth is an image of thought." Can add and lifestyle. Vintage ("Babkina") Signs, so that the money was found, agree with this: material well-being is not attracted by a one-time action, but the right daily attitude and actions.

What you need to do, and what is not that luck in money smile to you?

  1. It is impossible to get involved in the account of other people's money. In enviring is not good in principle, but with money the danger is not only for the soul: you will consider other people's money - it will not be found.
  2. Money should not be stuffed. Earned - sweep, and money will come again. We spend income immediately, and not postpone - not the most healthy consumer habit, but the signs say that way.
  3. Money from different sources - different . It is of great importance how exactly you got money. Unfair income will be touched by good luck for a long time, easy money will be easily and go away, and they should not be mixed with their own efforts.

Signs about wallet and piggy bank

Wallet as the main product capacity has a special power over them, as well as the piggy bank.
  • Dear wallet - Good sign. He will easily attract money.
  • Good notice is considered put money in a wallet face to yourself . The face is Avers, that is, the side of the bills, where the "Ticket of the Bank of Russia" is written and the serial number is specified.
  • OK, when In a presented wallet, there is some money , at least a coin. So money will be found.
  • To attract funds, you need pour into a wallet ("Loam" money) or a little Corn.
  • If a thunderstorm broke out on Friday, she needs to answer Wean a wallet or coins in your pocket - By profits.
  • New piggy bank is best to start the growing moon - And accumulations will also grow.
  • Doggy Protects collected wealth from thieves, in the form of Pigs - Immorted, and in the form of Proteins - will allow risky, but quickly enriched.

Happy accuracy and important rules

Monetary signs that will help get rich 7498_2

The symbols of wealth (or poverty) Ancient people saw in a row, so signs about money are sometimes related to very strange items. But it is only at first glance, in everything there is logic.

  • Again in a dog "surprise" to money. The most famous sign that consults unfortunate passersby. Excrement is a fertilizer, fertilizer is a harvest, everything is clear here.
  • Hence the sign about birds : if One of them marked you - This is for money. Birds are connected little happy, this is a rare exception.
  • On Sunday, distribute the whole trifle beggar - The right way to arrange so that money is not translated into the house. But you need to give everything to a penny.
  • AND debts to give too much with small money . It is unlikely that the one who gave you in debt will be strong enough, especially with a large sum.
  • Obtained for work money (salary or money for the order for freelancers) must spend the night in the house otherwise they will quickly disappear. You do not need to spend them at the moment when they were in your hands, it is necessary to suffer to give them to "bother" and attract well-being.
  • Left palm itches to money. The most famous sign.
  • You should take money left hand, give it right. The left hand is responsible for the profit, which is echoing with the previous point.
  • Whole (no holes) pockets It will be great to keep money, they will not run away, it is incomprehensible where after a week after the salary.
  • Count "So attract money because they love their attitude towards themselves."
  • You should not give animals for free And at least for the ruble. Then unplanned kittens will not only find a new home, but also will provide old well-being.
  • Money, especially big, is worth a ricker (or "dry"), That is, note their appearance with something delicious and sweet. The same sign as for large purchases.
  • See a young moon with the right on behalf of It was considered an excellent sign and promised an ambulance and success in endeavors.


The house is a place where money is brought and where they enjoy what they bought them. How to behave at home so that income is stable and poverty bypass?
  • Broom (mop) need to put a handle down . Brushed, respectively, up. Unusual, but correct from the point of view will make money for money.
  • Also within the same apartment follows Revenge one broom . A few - wealth is placed. Saves vacuum cleaner.
  • Put in the corner of each room on a coin in 5 rubles - To well-being.

Monetary plants

Some plants consider the owners of special energy capable of attracting money. Asking this - it means to help you find a cash flow.

  • Zamokulkas , he is a dollar tree. An unpretentious plant with lush green leaves, which when watering with water, in which they threw several coins and were given to stand, will provide you with good luck in financial matters.
  • Red geranium. It is believed that she loves money with his smell.
  • Bamboo. Uniquely symbolizes wealth. You can hang paper with desires that will be performed, and bills or coins - to enhance properties.
  • Fat known as money tree. If it is good for her, she is without tired of generating well-being. A particularly powerful effect will arise if Tolstanka sprout will give you a financially consistent person.
    Monetary signs that will help get rich 7498_3

Bad signs about money

It happens that with money categorically not lucky. Our ancestors believed that it was not only in the blind case: the man partially lies with wine, because he ignored signs about money.

  • "Do not whistle - there will be no money." All this heard, all this know. It is still possible to whistle on the street, and in the room - it is strictly prohibited by threat of poverty.
  • You can not sit on the table - Dump money.
  • Still sign on money related to Table: It is not recommended to leave empty dishes on it , mugs, bottles . This is all the symbol of disadvantage, malnutrition, and it repels abundance.
  • Also You can not smack the crumbs with a hand of hand, It is necessary to take a rag or a sponge.
  • And here put on the table should not be keys, cap, gloves . And the money is also better not allowed there for a long time to lie, especially on the dinner.
  • Garbage in the evening - Definitely bad sign, also famous.
  • Long stand or sit on the threshold - Do not let the money into the house.
  • The bad admission is considered sweep the floor towards the threshold - You can enable money.
  • Harmful for cash flow Store together bills of different currencies . For each - at least their compartment in the purse, and different envelopes are best suitable for savings.
  • Still bad it is considered put in one place and spend money obtained by different paths : Earned and found or those who came by chance.
  • If Sunday pay trifle - Other money, besides the little things, you will not see for a long time. Coins are better to submit a beggar.
  • Throw out the garbage - Not only big pigs, but also bad signs for money: they will definitely disappear.
  • Borrow on Monday and Tuesday - Bad idea, promulit financial difficulties.
  • And in general, if you can Avoid cash operations on Monday Especially related to debts, it is better to do this. Bad for finance day.
  • A On Sunday, you should not give a debt - Can not return.
  • Cleaning after sunset - Not the best idea if you want the house in the house.

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