What is damage: the process of its diagnosis and elimination


What is damage? Probably many people interested in Esoteric, causing this issue. And also: how to get rid of damage, can it be protected from such a negative impact and how this is done, "you can learn about it below.

Negative impact

  • 4.3 How to talk water
  • What is damage

    According to folk convictions, damage is a disease that is induced with the help of an evil burning, that is, witchcraft. It is so damage to the "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language" of Vladimir Daly, as well as the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" Sergey Ozhegova.

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    Damage can be three types:

    • temporary (impact that runs independently over time);
    • healing (to get rid of her, use special prayers and conspiracies);
    • and incurable (eliminated this impact is not possible).

    The word "damage" happened from the verb to "spoil", that is, worsen anything, turning good in bad. The damage can adversely affect the human health, as well as to worsen his relationship with others.

    Due to the damage, a person may suffer from such pathologies: black sickness, sorrow, lesson, executive, itching, Icotes, evil eye and others.

    How can damage

    Negative impact can be hovering by such ways:

    • By eating and drinking - this method is the most common;
    • Through things that belong to the victim;
    • With the help of presented things or objects;
    • by photographs;
    • Through an acute conspiracted subject (often - pins). The sorcerer throws his sacrifice either trying to prick it;
    • through menstrual blood;
    • with biological material (hair, nails);
    • With the help of the earth from the cemetery;
    • through candles.

    The most destructive look of damage is to put a candle in the temple for the rest of the soul of a living person. Due to the fact that recently such a type of damage is often practiced, many priests do not read prayers "for the rest," without receiving death certificates.

    Diagnosis of damage on a person and in the dwelling

    It is possible to determine the presence of a negative impact on a person by such signs:

    • appearance on the face of pigment spots with good analyzes;
    • the inability to get pregnant, and all the tests are good;
    • lack of menstruation in women, frequent delays or insufficient discharge;
    • inexplicable rapid weight change (weight loss or fullness);
    • difficulties with a device of personal life;
    • Man has been treated for a long time from incomprehensible illness, but to no avail;
    • Poor well-being in the temple;
    • There is constant bad well-being, a person has no energy;
    • A solid "black strip" comes to life;
    • You are avoided pets.

    On damage to the dwelling will indicate such manifestations:

    • You often find the strange items near the entrance door (blood, land, sand, needles, dead animals or birds);
    • Revising periods and pillows, find different grain crops, bird feathers, threads and sharp objects);
    • Notice your photos that someone punished with a needle;
    • constantly feel fear while in your home;
    • Residents of the house often swear and sick;
    • suffer from incurable alcoholism;
    • Dogs are constantly launched near the house, and cats - try to leave the dwelling quickly;
    • Strange images are attracted on the walls;
    • Guests rarely visit your home.

    There is another way to determine damage:

    You need to take a glass, gain cold water into it. Then smash the chicken egg in it (necessarily to be fresh). Make it very carefully, so as not to damage the yolk eggs. After that, the jar is put on their tempea area, the chin is tightly pressed against the chest.

    Diagnosis of damage to the egg

    It is necessary to linger in such a position for two or three minutes. Now pay your attention to what is in water.

    • If the water remained clean, transparent, and the yolk is in protein, there is no negative impact on you.
    • In the case when the yolk lies, and the stripes depart from the protein, there is a damage.
    • If there are bubbles on the strips, the impact is very strong.
    • In the case when the strips are covered with black dots, there is a damage to death or using the cemetery land (in such a situation, it will be necessary to urgently ask for help to a strong and proven healer).

    How to get rid of damage

    In the process of getting rid of negative impact, one rule should be followed: for three days, do not let (and do not lend) anyone, and also take nothing. Observe the rule needs not only to you, but also to all members of your family.

    This is explained by the fact that the magician who damaged you will certainly come to your dwelling - he will need to touch you or take something, so it focuses on your energy.

    In addition, you will need to revise your pillows and perin. They should be cut and go through, and everything detected in them is made from the dwelling and burned.

    Also, when you get rid of damage, you need to quickly fast (do not use meat, milk, bass, eggs, sour cream, sausages). It is also forbidden to drink alcohol and smoking.

    Compresses from damage

    A good effects have compresses with conspired water, which are applied to the patient places. To make them, heat the conspiracy water, moisten the fabric in it and attach it to the patient, and over with the top with a cellophane package.

    After that, the man can start leaking the Pump, and when the compress is removed, there are often burns. Do not be afraid of such phenomena - thus comes out.

    Baths from negative impact

    Also eliminate damage will help baths with conspired water. To carry them, the bath is filled with warm water (the temperature of which is 40 degrees), it is crucially poured into it a glass with a conspired water, and then drink a cup of heated water, which also read the conspira.

    Bathtub of negative impact

    After that, a person goes to the bath (it is necessary that there was a native cross on him), reads the prayers of the "Father" and the "Virgin Devo", "God will resurrect", as well as special conspiracies from damage.

    It is possible that the patient will begin to publish terrible sounds, shouting not with his voice, bruises will appear on his body - you should not be afraid of such phenomena. The signs described indicate the yield of negative effects from the body.

    After using conspiracted water, a person can begin vomiting, a stomach disorder will begin, the body temperature will increase, blood will go from the nose and so on. So the unclean power comes out of it.

    How to talk water

    This is not a special difficulty.

    The bank is taken with water, it is placed in front of the icon and such prayers are read on it:

    • "Our Father" is three times.
    • "The Mother of God, Delo, Rejoice" - three times.
    • "God will resurrect" - three times.
    • Clear prayer from damage - three times.

    Purified by the driver uses to get rid of themselves or a close person from damage.

    To eliminate the induced negative impact, it is necessary, first of all, believing in your strength, in what, using the specified methods, you will definitely achieve a positive result. In addition, you need to adhere to all the rules (observe the post, not to drink and not smoke, not to give and not take any objects), and then a good result will not make yourself wait a long time.

    Finally, add your knowledge about damaging video viewing:

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