Divination by month will tell a woman about the future


There are many varieties of despusts that allow you to slightly raise the veil of the future and find out what is preparing us the coming day (or week, month, year, all life). There are quite serious fortune telling like tarot cards, but many of them are afraid and do not risk once again to contact them. And there are quite harmless ways to find out your future, for example, fortune-telling in a month.

divination by month

How did fortune telling in a month

Perhaps someone will say that a similar method is nonsense, but think about yourself. The female menstrual cycle is equal to the moon, and this directly indicates communication with the thin world.

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Our ancestors were well known for this information, they gave feminine blood sacral significance, so the fortune telling on critical days did not look like nonsense or nonsense.

Now you can also take advantage of the ancient wisdom, all the more all that it will take for this is to establish the exact day and time of the beginning of the monthly.

Divination by month: time of day

  • If you have critical days started in the morning, You can be glad, as it is this time that is the most successful for any new beginnings - it's not for nothing in the morning the sun comes and awakens all living organisms with its power. Therefore, if the monthly began in the morning, in the next 30 calendar days you will definitely meet a large and bright love, and you will also have many reasons for sincere joy.
  • Noon - In general, the month will be filled with quite positive events, but it is possible to occur small difficulties or conflict situations with loved ones. Try to make the most concentrated on good and not think negatively - then all the trouble will easily go to you by the side!
  • Evening time - this is money . If menstruation began in your evening, you can prepare for a significant increase in your material situation.
  • But the night, according to the interpretation of divination, It is not a very good period for the appearance of critical days. If it happened already, then you are better to postpone global plans for a while, do not risk and do not waste energy, now for this is not the best time.

See also general information about menstruation in this video:

An important role of the day of the week

Of course, besides the time of day, it is important to pay attention also for the day of the week when menstruation began.

  1. Monday - A rather difficult day, which is valid in the case of this divination. He foreshadows you the appearance of additional alarms, trouble and anxiety. But you do not need to lower your hands - nothing catastrophic will happen, they just have to take a little.
  2. Tuesday - Fate prepared you a pleasant acquaintance with a charming young man. It is likely that sympathy can grow into a deeper feeling.
  3. Wednesday foreshadows certain troubles. However, a month is not so much, but as soon as it passes, all the troubles will disappear without a trace!
  4. The beginning of bleeding falls on Thursday - You will be invited to visit. And the entire coming month will be filled with fun, communication and pleasant pastime.
  5. Friday - ambiguous day . On the one hand, various news and surprises will come to you. If you believe in one embodiment, they will be pleasant, and if something else, then no. It remains only to hope for the best.
  6. Saturday Definitely foreshadowed love you. And here, even doubt it does not have to doubt, because Saturday in all absolutely mystical areas is a romantic day. Get ready to hear love confession or even get an offer of your hand and hearts!
  7. Sunday - performs a joyful afternoon predicting new meetings and news, but only a positive character.
    New love bursts into your life

At what time?

Considering the fortune telling over a month for a woman, you can go down to the topic somewhat in addition to display the maximum details of the next 30 calendar days. Try to remember the exact time of the beginning of the menstruation and use the next interpretation.

Please note that it uses a 12-hour format, for example, an hour of the night or day will have the same meaning.

  • 1 - Fate will make you happy, will give the desired euphoria, joy, pleasant surprise;
  • 2. - A rather unpleasant person will appear in your life, which will cause a lot of negative emotions, try to make the right conclusion from the situation without causing anyone harm;
  • 3. - foreshadows a quarrel, and it does not indicate how serious it is. You should be more tolerant, wise and predicting the possible consequences;
  • 4 - Happiness is already actively knocking on your door. Open it to let it in your life!
  • 5 - Life has prepared a surprise to you, which will be pleasantly surprised and will lead you into a real delight;

Get ready for a pleasant surprise from life

  • 6. - Refuse to participate in the gossip. It is possible to accumulate around you crossed people spreading rumors - try to avoid it;
  • 7. - Very good start for menstrual cycle. Soon promises you getting love confessions;
  • eight - We will have to face such an unpleasant phenomenon as jealousy. You are important to learn to control it, because it will often be completely unreasonable;
  • nine - Probably, you will be actively discussing behind your back. With this, of course, nothing can be done, you need to try to behave adequately, without giving any additional reasons for negotiations;
  • ten - You will fly on the wings of love! The main thing, while not to lose touch with reality;
  • eleven - You are completely in vain suspect your partner - he keeps you loyalty;
  • 12 - The number argues that some person seeks to achieve your attention, seducing you. You need to be alert!

Be sure to listen to the recommendations of fortune telling - they will help you navigate how to behave in the next month so that everything is fine in life.

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