Specifications: Dove sat on the window sill outside the window


Our ancestors have paid an increase in the question of various accepts, superstitions and believes. They believed that certain phenomena occurring in our world sometimes even minor, capable of providing a strong influence on human life. In particular, the sign was quite popular when the pigeon sat on the window sill outside the window. We will look at it in detail in this material.

Specifications: Dove sat on the window sill outside the window 7510_1

Flowing pigeon foreshadows good or evil?

Let's deal with stages. If the bird is already sitting on your windowsill, it foreshadows you to get some kind of news, but not necessarily bad. Many people believe that this belief predicts negative events (such as death, destruction, loss, disappointment and the same plan). But in reality it is not so, so do not rush to worry.

Although there are a number of superstitions that the pigeons are able to predicate the Bed. And if this feathered comrade settled next to your window, it is not necessary to prepare for misfortune - he will simply protect your home from various troubles. But if he leaves you, then you will need to be alerted and carefully follow the events that happen in your life. This is a kind of signal over, which cannot be ignored.

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How the behavior of the pigeon outside the window is interpreted

  • If the feathered just sits on the windowsill, then it is most likely to foreshadow good news related to work or family life.
  • If the bird holds some twig or leaf in the beak, then it will indicate the rapid addition of your family or good financial profit.
  • Sometimes the pigeons begin to "dance" on the windowsill - such a behavior of birds predicts the speedy arrival in your guest house. At the same time, on the number of birds outside the window will depend on how big the company will be.
  • It happens that in the winter season, the birds simply fly to the windowsill in order to warm up, without carrying with them any sacred news. Whatever it was, we do not advise you to ignore this situation, because pigeons are able to feel great to feel a negative energy and never fly to a bad house. Give him some bread crumbs, thereby saving in the very feathery from the hungry death.

If on the windowsill pair of pigeons

Considering the signs when pigeons sat on the window sill, it is worth paying attention to their number. So, if you are watching the Sweet Couple Couple, it foreshadows an ambulance wedding. Pigeons are family birds, so look more closely to their behavior.

Specifications: Dove sat on the window sill outside the window 7510_2

  • If the feathers calmly squeeze in the next morning, it foreshadows a peaceful and happy marital life.
  • It is constantly fighting, they are screaming with wings and loudly - their life will be unfavorable - it is likely that the marriage is short enough.

Therefore, look more closely to their mutual behavior.

What a pigeon knocks on the window

Our rapids came up with an explanation and this phenomenon. Biologists know that the chicks that have recently left the parent nest and students of the flight foundations still do not know how to control the trajectory of their flight. Therefore, they can simply not cope with management and inadvertently crash into your window.

In addition, the quality of the flight has an influence of electromagnetic emission from various instruments. You should not immediately dip a panic on this. But if the bird beats about the glass, and then falls out, then it foreshadows trouble or even the death of a close relative.

The bird can also fly to the windowsill and start knocking the beak to the window. It is also not a very good phenomenon - predicts the miscellaneous news that can spoil your plans. Do not let the bird in the dwelling so as not to increase the degree of problems.

Negative pigeons

Many people are holy convinced that the dove arrives the death of a relative or man living in the house.

A rather bad sign is considered if the pigeon first hit the glass, and then he was able to get into your home, even despite the closed window. In this case, you need to be as attentive as possible! Thus, Pernation indicates you for a possible danger or misfortune. Do not ignore such signs of fate and, if you have any disturbing situations, pay special attention to them.

Also, while the bird did not appear in your home, it denotes that the news was never reported. In fact, you have nothing to be afraid until you let him into the house.

Specifications: Dove sat on the window sill outside the window 7510_3

Review was very popular that when the pigeon flies past the window of a seriously ill person, it foreshadows his ambulance death.

Pigeons - lady creatures

Pigeons from antiquity are considered to be God's birds that they honor and carefully protect. Having killed the penate, a man takes a huge sin. It is known to all, even young children.

It is also believed that in the bottom of these birds, the souls of our ancestors arrive. Therefore, people who kill pigeons will be doomed to long-term disasters and face many problems, and they can also part with life.

Prerefficers of weather changes

It is known that pigeons are capable of feeling very good to nature with all its phenomena. So, if the pigeon will arrive in a hot sunny day to you on the windowsill and sit down in the shade, it will foreshadow in the near future. Feather synoptic will help accurately control the appearance of rain, because he foreshadows him in just a couple of hours.

In ancient times, our distant-distant ancestors were not worried about the signs when the dove sits on the windowsill (if more accurate, then the windowsill were not in principle). It always pointed to the emergence of certain news, but what plan - here it was already necessary to think carefully.

Anyway, negative thoughts always have a huge role on our lives and are able to really attract misfortune, so try to think as positive as possible and try to see a positive, and not vice versa.

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