Croton - Signs and Superstitions about the flower


Choose a cohabitant, let the indoor plant - the matter is serious. Beautiful exotic flower can simply do not get along with you. What will bring to the house of Croton, signs and superstitions of what kind of related and how to use its properties on a complete coil?

Croton - Signs and Superstitions about the flower 7513_1

Croton, he is a codion, - not without hidden dangers. The fact is that it is poisonous, the juice is irritating to the skin when contacting, and when it gets into the mucous membranes and in scratches or wounds, it can cause serious poisoning into blood. All work with the crotone should be carried out strictly in gloves.

As for magic properties, Croton - a plant with a powerful energy. He rebuilds the atmosphere in his house in his own way, repels negative people who want to be launched by the state's spiritual forces.

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The most prominent features of Croton:

  1. Helps to set order in the house.
  2. Gives decisiveness and healthy self-confidence.

For family well-being and peaceful sleep, it is better to pick up another flower: Croton will help more than with affairs than with relationships and inner peace.

Satellite of creative people

Both the main features of Croton help people gather and chase their goals, which makes it the desired cohabitant for those people who work for themselves without constant supervision.

  • Croton Organize all around. Are you suffering from supporting the routine? Start the Croton, and get up at the same time and dedication to cases certain hours will be easier. And to organize, finally, things on the table - too.
  • Croton helps Believe in yourself . Self-confidence in creative people magically combines one or another degree of applub and at the same time extreme insecurity in herself, so Croton is the best friend of writers and writers, artists and embroiderers, everyone who is busy creative labor.
  • Croton well affects determination . And it needs to be very much to show his work to the world, especially women who for some reason they narrow to modestness.
  • Croton brings Size . Do not know how to count your strength? Combine the watch of resistant everyday life (not distracted!) And rest for the restoration of forces - high art, not such a simple place in development, any help, even from the room plant, is useful.
  • Croton helps get out of the creative crisis . How long haven't been new ideas? Croton will be an excellent gift for itself, and the second one can grab for a friend tormented from the creative stupor.

Croton also configures to a more positive perception of the world It helps to appear and linger in the head to constructive thoughts. Prosic to the wins, people are an indispensable companion in the room.

Croton - Signs and Superstitions about the flower 7513_2

Croton for eloquence

Separate feature of Croton: he contributes to the selection of the right words in the conversation, removes uncertainty . Of course, he will not make a sociable person, but will help to deal with the necessary minimum of communication.

Freelancers and work at home creative people have to negotiate with customers. Croton will not make you love talking on the phone or in Skype, but contributes to ensure that they go out as efficiently as possible and without fear and grip. The interlocutors will appreciate the confidence of speech.

Health and harmony

Health benefits are not the most famous feature of Croton. However, it can be useful for treating diseases:

  • kidney;
  • adrenal glands;
  • Bladder.

Croton Wear heating energy which will help protect against caused by the hypathy of diseases. It is not worth dialing all the responsibility for recovery on the crotone, but in the form of an additional energy feeding to adding to treatment, it will show himself perfectly.

As for harmony in the house, there is no need to feed unrealistic expectations: Croton is rather Reliens to order What calms and allows you to take things as they are. This is the perfect homemade plant for those who want to change their lives, and not torture with her.

Harmony from Croton is harmony after an order, established regime, life and work. First you have to try to achieve it, but then life will not only be effective, but also bringing satisfaction.

Persons who have dearned chaos in affairs, relations and things, the Crotton should not start.

Bad signs and warnings

Croton - Signs and Superstitions about the flower 7513_3

No matter how surprisingly Croton blossom It is considered a bad admission. His flowers are pretty small, all beauty is in multicolored leaves. In addition, to poisonous plants, which crotone is, always treated wary.

Flowers Croton rarely, flowers are recommended to immediately remove to extend the life of the green pet. If your suddenly bloomed, cut the flowers and be careful for some time in matters and communicating with people: maybe the crotone "felt" and warns you.

The remaining warnings relate to the positive properties of Croton, which under certain circumstances can become negative. Who is contraindicated to keep the Croton at home?

  • People prone to hysterical behavior. Croton increases energy, and calm down with him in the same room will be even more complicated.
  • Loud and talkative people. Do not raise the crotone if your households are hard to shut down: silence will not wait at all.
  • Workaholics. Croton supports energy and activity, it will be even easier to forget that you need to rest, restore strength, sleep and give time to friends and family.
  • People who are not inclined to think about solutions. Croton will only strengthen this quality, and sometimes spontaneity is sometimes the enemy of a sound calculation, and it's not too reasonable to believe in my first gust.

Extract maximum benefits

Ideally, the Croton takes place:

  • In the room of a creative person, especially those who earn creativity.
  • In the office with employees who need to communicate often.
  • In the house of those who want to live on a schedule, but can not yet.
  • Next to indecisive, insecure people who need to be talent to their talent for success.
  • In the apartment that general cleaning does not prevent.

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