Prayer for Daughter: Orthodox Maternity Prayers


For any mother, happiness and well-being of her child stands in the first place. So the nature is so laid down that girls are more weak and more need maternal love. Of course, Mom will not be able to constantly, at any moment be near his daughter, but to protect and maintain their native monitoring in all endeavors, the Orthodox prayer about the daughter uttered from the whole heart, with the strongest love in the world.

Maternal prayer for daughter

Power of prayers and their varieties

Prayer has a special miraculous force capable of supporting the future woman at all stages of her life - from birth to time when she herself knows the joy of motherhood. The sincere prayer of the mother takes over the daughter the invisible shield of divine protection and care, which will not be able to have any arrows evil.

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Prayer per daughter is often read with some kind of purpose. Depending on this, several types of its varieties are distinguished:

  • universal prayers;
  • about health;
  • chambers (protective);
  • on learning assistance;
  • about marriage;
  • About pregnancy and help in childbirth.

There is a very close psycho-emotional relationship between mother and child, it is especially deep in relationship with her daughter. Praying the highest forces about her beloved and precious girl, Mom blesses her for happiness, health, success and well-being in all life spheres.

6 prayers about the child

Motherful prayer

With a prayer request for the daughters of their Orthodox mother, they turn to different representatives of the Higher Forces. Mother prayers for the Lord God, to the Most Holy Virgin, to the Guardian Angel are common and in demand. Depending on what exactly the field of life, the mother wishes heavenly patronage for his child, pleads can be addressed to various holy (Blessed Matron of Moscow, Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker, Reverend Seraphim Sarov, Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg, etc.)

Universal maternal prayers

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Universal parent prayers are prayers, with the help of which the mother is asked by the Lord and its asewers about the vital well-being of their children. They often do not contain an indication of the child's sexuality, that is, they can also be read for daughter and for a son. There are a lot of similar prayer texts, if desired, they can be found in the Orthodox prayer. Give 2 examples of the total prayer.

  • Prayer first. A short maternal prayer for a daughter addressed to the Almighty. It is recommended to read it in the complex of Orthodox prayers for the dream of the coming, preferably immediately after "our own". The number of repetitions is 3 times. The text of the maternal prayer for your daughter:

Prayer about daughter

  • Prayer Second. Universal maternal prayer, which lists all the main aspects of life well-being. It can be used as a prayer for her daughter, and as a prayer for the Son, and as a general prayer for children (if there are several of them in the family). To contact this text of the mother can daily, at any time, without a certain occasion. If you wish, you can make the necessary changes: the word "children" should be replaced by the words "daughter" or "son", instead of the number of multiple use a single number. Prayer is this:

Maternal Prayer for Children

About health

Various diseases are serious and not very, any child can be touched: and a girl, and a boy. At such moments, the mother sick with her chance, but sick and heart. Maternal prayer addressed to the Most Holy Mother of God will help facilitate the condition of the patient of the patient.

Mother's writing aimed at Virgin Mary is distinguished by great power, as it is the Virgin Mother, who herself is a mother, the best one understands the feelings and aspirations of the parent and willingly responds to a request for help. On the health of his child (daughter, son) God's mother can be asked:

Maternal Prayer for Health Daughter


Mom's prayer appeal is the strongest charm for a child. Popular prayer for the daughter and protection over it is pronounced by the mother can add to the personal angel keeper of his blood. This text protects the girl from all troubles and troubles, from the influence of the evil witchcraft char. Words of protective prayer:

Maternal Prayer Char

I propose to get acquainted with the penetrated maternal prayer about the daughter in verses in this video:

For help in learning

Training (first at school, then in the middle or higher educational institution) - an important period in the life of any child. It is during study that many children reveal their talents and choose a further life destination. In this long, hard, but memorable time, maternal prayer and the divine blessing and support for it is simply necessary for any daughter.

Help your childhood - a daughter or son - in the period of learning a mother can, praying regularly to the Virgin before her "addition of the mind" ("Umot"). Prayer before the named icon read this:

Maternal prayer for learning assistance

About marriage

Marriage is the next important stage in the life of a mature daughter. This is a stage when she herself reveals all his femininity, is preparing to become a keeper of a homely hearth and mother.

Maternal prayer for marriage daughter, given below, allows the parent to ask for his glowing girl with successful marriage and family well-being. She is addressed to the Lord:

Prayer for marriage daughter

About help in childbirth and birth of a healthy baby

Cheating and the birth of a child is a responsible task assigned to nature on a woman. This is a difficult time when the future mother should be extremely careful, because it answers not only for themselves, but also for her crumb, which soon illuminates the white light with its appearance. Sincere prayer for her daughter, emanating from the future grandmother's mouth, is able to give colossal support for a young pregnant woman, protect it from possible dangers and risks.

In the process of the birth of his grandson or granddaughter almost held already, grandmother is recommended to pronounce prayer for help in childbirth. This petition to the Blessed Virgin Mary will help ease the pregnant daughter who arises from the delivery of pain, will give the strength for the birth of a new little man:

Maternal prayer for the help of his daughter in childbirth

How to pray for your daughter?

Mother's prayer about daughter

Daughter is a continuation of the mother, a fragile and gentle creation, which most of all needs maternal love and care. Mother acts as a reliable support of his daughter throughout his life: advises her in domestic issues, gives her his life experience. An additional task of the mother of Orthodox is to serve the spiritual mentor of his daughter, take care of her spiritual well-being.

The True Mother will express her love to his daughter a gentle heart and a good word, and not all sorts of prohibitions and reproaches. The true mother understands his child as no other and helps to reveal to her the female essence.

Prayer about the daughter must be read with all the love overwhelming the maternal heart. Progressing the sacred text, the mother follows in the head to keep the image of his beloved girl. It is necessary to pray at the light of burning church candles and in front of the corresponding icons. The thoughts of the praying mothers should remain clear and clean even outside the prayer. Also, a woman must certainly go to the temple and provide full assistance to those in need.

Such prayers are recommended to teach their daughter from children's years. These spiritual lessons will prepare it for the execution of their main life destination - motherhood.

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