Signs of good weather - predictions rather meteorologists


"Nature has no bad weather" - lies! Bad weather is that the most that collapses our plans on the weekend in nature does not allow sunbathing, wraps right under the legs of ice. Therefore, people have been greedy for many centuries before will take good weather.

Once "good weather" was a rather vague concept. For crops and, accordingly, processing their people is better if winter is snowy and cold to extorter parasites in the soil. And for life and various affairs on the street than Sunny and land, the more nice.

Note of good weather We will consider those signs of nature that suggest that the days will stand suitable for the street: without precipitation, warm, sunny, not too frosty during the cold season. It is necessary to once get out of the apartment.

Signs across the sky

Even if you live in the center of a big city and from the wildlife nearby - only stiff trees in the nearest square, weather signs you are deprived, because the sky is visible from everywhere.

Moon and Stars

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Signs of good weather - predictions rather meteorologists 7518_1

In the city of the star, it is seen not as good as far away from civilization and light pollution, but even the fact that they are noticeable may be adopted.

  • Circles around the moon (halo) increase - I will soon cease, good days will come.
  • The moon at night is bright white without impurities of other colors, the contour of it clearly outlined, not blurred - Tomorrow will stand dry weather.
  • At the month of sharp horns - You can expect some robbery in a row.
  • Bright, yellowish moon on a cloudless sky - To good weather.
  • The ascending moon is bold red halo, which quickly disappears - To clear and quiet weather for the coming days.
  • Flickering stars decreases - Soon good weather will come.
  • Stars in the sky are cast greenish - Clear weather will stand for a long time, especially if the stars are at the same time shine smoothly and do not flicker.
  • If clearly seen the Milky Way - This is a pleasant weather. "Well visible" means you quickly found it.


Signs of good weather - predictions rather meteorologists 7518_2

Despite the fact that the rainbow is visible during or after the rain (that is, when the weather is no longer ah), it can be understood by it, whether the bad weather will last long and when clear days come.

  • The rainbow is located in the plane from the east to the west - Promises pleasant weather for the next couple of days.
  • Evening Rainbow Reports that all night until the morning there will be good weather. Excellent opportunity to organize a night walk!
  • Greenish Raduga Hints that the weather will soon improve, even if at the moment it does not please.
  • If During the rain, it appeared for the most part yellow rainbow (And the blue and blue shades in it are barely noticeable), beautiful weather is expected immediately after the end of the rain.
  • High and cool curved rainbow Speaks about clear weather, but maybe there will be windy.


On the color ridiculous sun and brightly colored weather clouds the next day to determine the most beautiful.
  • At sunset, the western sky is clear - Good weather is expected, and if it was still rainy, it will soon be corrected.
  • In the evening, the sun appeared after the rain, and did not disappear in the clouds until the sunset - Tomorrow will be excellent weather.
  • Clean, without clouds, sunset with a gold stripe at the horizon - Sign of long clear weather.
  • Sky after sunset shines silver - Clear weather will be established and will not change for a long time.
  • After sunset, the horizon appeared a greenish strip - You can wait for the heat and bright sun of the day.
  • If The shape of the sunset is not perfect round, distorted, Soon bad weather will change the lives.

Natural phenomena

The weather and herself can suggest which it will be in the coming days, the same as now, or radically changes.


Is it possible to predict on the rain, will the weather come after him? Of course!
  • Summer in the morning went short small rain - The rest of the day promises to be clear.
  • If Rain goes with breaks, Soon he will end, and the weather will come.
  • After the rain, dew dropped out, and the fog fell on the ground - The next day will be worthwhile.

Fog and Rosa

The fog and the dew is easy to notice in the summer, they quite accurately show the weather the next day, so it is very useful to watch them in the summer.

  • After sunset in the lowlands, hollows, a light fog is formed above the rivers and it does not rise to the morning - Weather in the next couple of days will stand beautiful.
  • Fog quickly dissipates in the morning - To good weather.
  • In the morning fog steaming on the surface of the reservoirs - All day without precipitation.
  • In winter, the appearance of fog Means soon warming.
  • Abundant dew in the morning - To good weather for the whole day.
  • Shortly after sunset on the grass drops dew - And night, and the next day promise to be clear.
  • Rosa is becoming abundant before sunrise, and soon after it disappears - All day will stand good weather.
  • Dropped dew in the morning - You can not wait for the rain to lunch.


Signs of good weather - predictions rather meteorologists 7518_3

The behavior of Inea will tell you when choose a day for a ski hike or a rink visits.

  • Fat layer in the grass and branches - To good weather for a few days.
  • Fluffy frost on trees and bushes Means the sky will be clear.
  • If At night, France is formed , During the day you should expect sunny weather. Snowfall will definitely not be.

Plant signs

Green creatures, whose survival largely depends on the weather, feel it is so thin that any meteorologist will envy!

  • Wildflowers smell hardly noticeably - The weather is expected dry.
  • Fern spins leaves down - To the heat and lack of precipitation.
  • Dandelions do not compress inflorescences - It will not be rain.
  • In the sky, dense clouds, and the flowers of the buttercup remain uncovered "It's never going to rain, and the weather will soon become clearer."
  • Spring pop-up on the surface of water lily sheets Promise that good, warm weather will be installed soon.
  • Noticeably a lot of wild sorrel - Winter this year will be soft, with thaws, sunny.
  • Potato flowers are straight - The weather will be dry.
  • In summer there are few fruit on rowan - To dry weather.
  • If In the spring, oak leaves were blossoming earlier than ash leaves, Spring and summer will be dry and warm.
  • Birch in spring gives little juice - Summer will be dry and hot.
  • Thin peel onion - Winter promises to be warm and enjoyable for walking.
  • The violet reveals the petals - To improve the weather.

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