Signs: Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord


For believers, the whole year is scheduled for every year, each can it mean and endowed with spiritual meaning. For unbelievers on religious holidays it is easy to track folk signs. What is this day - the elimination of the Cross of the Lord and signs of what kind of related to him?

Signs: Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord 7534_1

The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord Orthodox is celebrated on September 27, and Catholics that everything happens earlier - September 14. If briefly, the exaltation, as it is called in the people, went from the Holy Cross of the Lord of Queen by Elena in three centuries after the crucifixion of Christ.

People use this date as a milestone of final turn to the fall and collecting the last harvest. According to believe in this day (and there are still plenty of such days in the calendar) there is a battle between good and evil, the evil is incurred, but retreats before the cross.

It was in connection with the rampant of evil entities that challenges were born and prohibitions that need to be observed to keep in the right soul, body and even save their lives. Our ancestors had everything very seriously.

Forest affairs and unclean power

The first ban is associated with the forest. It was believed that, just in the upstream, the debt leads its kingdom in the winter approach, inspects and recalculates animals before wintering, collects forest reptiles (snakes). Together with the beasts buffates the evil spirits. For this reason, signs appeared:
  • Do not go to the forest - Will disappear.
  • Needless Close the door to the castle, Otherwise, the snakes will break into the house or, even worse, unclean power.

It was better to go to the forest in advance, bring mushrooms, which would go to dishes on a festive table: to strengthen the Cross of the Lord, it is customary to fast, so no meat.

From the invasion of evil forces will save the cross drawn on the doors and walls with chalk, coal or garlic, as the previous generations did. If you feel that something does not happen to exordly, you can Scratch a small cross Somewhere on the door jamb and do not be shy to wear a native cross.

For personal safety believe in comments better refrain.

Cleaning at home (office) spent on the upstreaming rituals will be particularly effective from unclean forces.

Cabbage - on the table

Signs: Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord 7534_2

A good admission is considered to eliminate the Cross of the Lord There are pies with cabbage . And not even just a promise, and tradition and almost a duty.

  • Bake to empty cake with cabbage - Attract good luck and wealth for the whole winter.
  • Feed someone to this cake - To improve relations with him.
  • Submit poor food - It's later to be fed.

At this time, a lot of cabbage: it is customary to be stored or recycled, leaving nothing on the beds. Food habits and signs of the people form a calendar with the schedule of posts and a variety (more precisely, its absence) of affordable products. They removed the cabbage - it means the cabbage day, especially in the post.

It was customary to feed the hungry crosses of the Lord and serve the poor, he began to sign about charity. Not only is she good for the soul and mood, it is on that day she will attract good luck to you. If you are not used to sacrificing food or do not know where needing you live next to you, you can sacrifice money for some kind of good deed, especially now it's easy, you can not even go out of the house.

Attracting Grooms

After the exposure, the "Capped Parties" began - gathering for pies and other cabbage dishes with games, riddles and fun. The word "cabbage" in the meaning of comic representation - just from there.

Girls on the cabbagers were engaged in the device of personal life, they read special conspiracies, made love spells and fed the attached young people specially cooked cakes.

  • Dating to Exaltation Promise to grow into a novel.
  • If you leave on the table at night a pate with a cabbage and a glass of milk and ask for a brownie about matchmaking, Soon a meeting with the fiance will take place. The groom, however, will not necessarily be the best possible.
  • Wash this day with thoughts about marriage - Become more attractive.

Pie and at this time remains an excellent reason for dating. No need to be shy to treat a pleasant person.

For those who value freedom, September 27 is better not to install new connections and do not respond to flirt.

Meeting of autumn

Signs: Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord 7534_3
Nature is gradually falling asleep, frosts are mounted, the harvest finally leaves the fields (otherwise it is easy to disappear in the rains and cold), the day becomes shorter, and you can no longer count on warmth - the Indian summer ended.

During the fall of nature, it is better to devote themselves to home deals. Remember cabbage? It's time to pick it up.

However, in church holidays, the more such important, as the elimination of the Cross of the Lord, was not accepted to work on their benefit.

  • Should not start new cases - They will not be rest and bring loss and disappointment.
  • Make blanks on this day - They will turn out delicious and will stand for a long time.
  • See the flying bird flock and make a desire - It will come true.

Birds at this time are massively flying to the south, so see the flock in the sky is very and very likely. In order for the desire to come true, it is necessary to voiced it to anyone, keep it with you.

Weather signs

On the weather and bird behavior to the elimination of the Cross, the Lord determined what will be spring and summer. The main thing, remember after the winter and see if it came true.
  • Wedge Gusey flies high in the sky - To the spring flood. Low - And the water will be low.
  • On the day of the upstream cold wind blows - Summer promises to be warm.

Trouble for sinners

For the exaltation, as in other week days and church holidays, it is customary to take care of the soul. Prayers for deliverance from vice awake will have a special action, and if you are not accustomed to pray, then work on yourself will bring abundant fruits.

  • Fast on the exaltation - Ensure yourself getting rid of all sins and, accordingly, spiritual peace.
  • Who does not keep post and not repent of sins, In order, they will be dowed with double severity. And at the same time will be happening all sorts of trouble.

For unbelievers, a great idea is to think about this day about your disadvantages and how to fix them and grow advantages.

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