Why dream of a rat that bites?


Rat carries negative symbolism in dreams. However, we must distinguish between manual and wild animals that are "illegally" residing in the room. Why dream of a rat that bites? Typically, such a plot is not herald positive changes in their lives. Consider all the details in detail, using the values ​​of dream books.

Why dream of a rat that bites? 7538_1

The image of a rat in a dream

In real life, the rats are fighting, using Rat-traps and other devices. Rats cause irreparable harm to the economy - eat foods spoil things and spread the infection. Mad rodents can infect a person through the bite of an attack. Any positive emotions rats did not cause people.

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The image of the attacking rat in a dream is connected with the appearance of a person's life and scheming traitor, envious and detractors. Sometimes a rat could talk about the upcoming trapped by the enemy. The accuracy of interpretation is determined by the details and peculiarities of the dream plot:

  • for what part of the body he was bitten by a rat;
  • It looked like striker rodent;
  • who dreamed this dream;
  • who was bitten by a rat in a dream;
  • that the dreamer did during rodent attack.

If in a dream you are fighting off a group of aggressive rodents Soon expect a quarrel with neighbors. To prevent the development of negative scenario, try to bring the situation under control in advance. A plurality forwards rodents dream of a conflict in the working team.

Where bitten rat

If rodent I bite the hand , Wait for the machinations of the enemies and competitors. For a young woman this dream foretells the appearance of an insidious opponent. Men dream promises conflict with neighbors or relatives. Young mothers rat bite the hand promises anxiety because of disobedience kids.

If rodent bites the feet You will drive associated with the sad event. The bite of a sick or dirty rat portends trial. Blood after being bitten He says that soon will be received the sad news from relatives living far away. Girls dream promises an unpleasant conversation at the meeting.

Bite the finger It has several interpretations:

  • index - for a meeting with an influential person;
  • average - to doubt and uncertainty;
  • big - to the anxiety associated with the sale / purchase of property;
  • ring - you'll find the right solution;
  • pinkie - to gossip about his personal life.

In the interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to take into account, for which hand was bitten by rodent. If for the finger on the right hand, you will easily survive an unpleasant event. If for the finger on the left hand, the trouble will leave the sediment in the shower.

Bite back - To serious health problems. It is necessary to check the condition of the spine, to be examined by a doctor. Why dream rat in a dream woman? This Sleep foreshadows gossip behind his back , Peresis and curvators about personal life or professional achievements.

Also sleep with a bite behind the back Warns about a hidden rival which causes harm. If two or three rodents were clung to the back, sleep warns about the betrayal of a loved one. Be careful not to trust your secrets.

Bad when Rodent attacks and bites for face . In this case, the dream warns about the loss of reputation after the conflict. Do not give in to provocations, try to get away from the conflict situation. Thus, you can minimize moral losses.

Why dream of a rat that bites? 7538_2

Other interpretations

  • If rodent bitched and spoiled clothes Dunning, try to become more organized in life. You are careless and challenging responsible instructions, do not take into account the negative impact of disadvantage on your own life and the lives of loved ones.
  • The rat tried to bite behind the body, but grabbed his clothes with his teeth? You are waiting for a conflict with relatives and close people because of the annoying misunderstanding. Do not react sharply on the development of the situation, and everything will be settled.
  • What is the rat biting a woman in a dream? Such a plot warns about the rival at work, which is trying to hang out a dream and spreads ridiculous rumors about her behavior and personal life. The insidious plans of this intrigue can be implemented if you do not accept measures to counteract.
  • Dream big rat chinchilla woman? You have passed yourself an influential enemy in the image of an authoritative woman who will harm and revenge in every way. Remember who you were cautiously in the recent past?
  • If Rat attacked a familiar person In a dream, his disease awaits him. It is precisely the part of the body for which rodent grabbed.

Why dream of a rat that bites? 7538_3

Good omen

In some cases, sleep may impose positive changes in the dream of a dream. Consider these stories detail:
  • Rodent bites the hand of a sick person - to a quick recovery;
  • Bite of a hand animal behind his feet promises a pleasant journey to distant places;
  • The attack of the big rat and tested fright in a dream - to profit.

If you are in a dream caught and killed the rattling rat In reality, we will be able to overcome your enemies and prevent themselves to make significant damage to your reputation. Enemies will be punished. Kill in a dream a huge rat - to great success and celebration.

if you managed to prevent a rat bite In a dream and fight off from the attack, in reality will be able to mute trouble and the development of an unfavorable situation.


Psychologists consider the image of a rat in a dream with a reflection of the unpleasant damn character. The subconscious suggests what it is necessary to change in yourself. The dreams does not notice that his behavior and manner of communicating with people causes a negative reaction from others. If you do not change and not reconsider your attitude towards people, you can stay in full solitude.

Of particular importance is the dream in which Sleeping saw himself in the image of an aggressive rodent . This means that his behavior in the eyes of others is perceived extremely negative. You see an unpleasant person, communicating with which leaves the sediment in the shower and bewilderment. To change, you need to work on yourself, stop seeing your aggression in the surrounding victims.

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