Folk Signals about the weather, relationships and money


Folk signs remained with us from the pagan times, when people tried to understand the world, seeing the sign of fate or warning from perfume in each event. No sphere of life remains without accepting. They, among other things, help do not go crazy with helplessness before reality.

Old signs for the most uncomfortable, dark - first, because from life in ancient heavy times did not expect anything good, and secondly, because many signs were considered news from the dead relatives, and they would not strain, Just to say "everything is fine."

Signs about the weather

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Some of the most numerous and popular Russian people will take - weather. It is now the rain or the sun affect only what shoes to shove and take the umbrella. In more severe times, the weather determined the harvest and the order of all economic work, the prey of food and, ultimately, survival itself.

  • Swallows fly low - To the rain. Even residents of cities know it!
  • The sun sits in clouds - it will be raining.
  • During the rain in the sky, a rainbow is visible - Soon the precipitate will stop, and the sky will become clearer.
  • Sky at sunset painted in gold or pink - Tomorrow there will be good weather.
  • Ridge thunderstorms in October - Winter will be little snow.
  • Birds went to the south later than usual - To the long and warm autumn, to the late arrival of winter. Birds better people feel warm, and move to wintering earlier than the cold will drive, not accustomed.
  • Ants afternoon running into an anthill and close up inputs - To the rainy.
  • Frogs get out of the water - Again, to bad weather.
  • At the end of winter with roofs hang long icicles - Spring will also be long.

Signs about life and death

Previously, death was "closer" to the man - the dead to the funeral left at home, relatives were more, lived abruptly, people from an early age saw the care of expensive people, tried to predict him, delay it. And of course, everyone was wondering how much he would live.
  • Can not sit on the threshold - To illness and early death. Threshold - the transition is not only between the street and the house, but also between the worlds. On the threshold, the line between them is thinned, and the person can simply tighten into the world of the dead.
  • All winter on trees Fat layer Inea - In summer, they are waiting for health problems.
  • Distribute in man - To the dead man. Or to the wedding. The latter is preferable: the opponents of the marriage can and divorce, but there is no road to the road.
  • Fallen icon - To death in the house. An example of how the originally pagan habit of writing signs included church attributes (with a very wary of the church with superstitions) and feels great.
  • "I buried alive" - Will you live for a long time. I buried - not in direct, of course, the sense, falling asleep of the earth and especially the cremation of health will not correct. But the news about the death of a person who is still alive, may well promise him a long term on this earth.

A separate place in the relationship of man with death is occupied by birds. They predict death, and bring to lead from the afterlife, and warn about diseases and disasters. Family sign " how many times the cuckoo is bumping - so much live left "- one of the incomplete examples.

  • Crows are circling over the house - Soon death will happen in it.
  • On the cemetery of the crow village on the cross and the tail shows on someone's house - To the dead man in it.
  • Crow sits on the roof of the church and square - To the dead man. It is worthwhile worthwhile who saw and heard crowned, and not everyone in a row is parishioners.
  • Bird hit the window or flew into the house - To illness or death. But here much depends on the type of bird and its behavior. For example, if Bird calmly sat on you - To good luck.
  • Flipped into the room to a sick man bird promises difficult recovery or death at all.

Signs about misfortune

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The main question for our ancestors is not how to attract great happiness, but how to distract the misfortune. The failures and life of generously flew over people (and now they do not stop), and Russian signs offered a system of warnings, signs and proper behavior to go out with minimal losses.

  • Keys on the table - Unfortunately or quarrel. It is better to hang them or leave in your pocket.
  • Smash the mirror - To a series of failures. Mirrors are mystical items, it is better to treat them better.
  • Hope inside out clothes or underwear - To the fight. It is better to behave quieter and kindly on this day.
  • Lose glove (vesa) - Unhappy sign.
  • Showed out Wood in logs at home - It's not good. More and fewer people live in wooden houses, but many have daches and baths.
  • Raise a fallen pin to yourself - Attract the misfortune.
  • Kill cat - Disgusted from yourself good luck for seven years. Brutally handle the animals are not good.
  • Fly in winter in a plate - Unfortunately in whose spoon she fell. In the summer, flies are too numerous to consider them by the heralds anything.

Protection against the evil eye and damage

According to our ancestors, unhappiness occurs not only by themselves, but also happen as a result of the evil eye, damage. Someone possessed you? Someone specially brought damage? There are no problems. But there are ways to protect, they, however, rather prevent troubles, than fixed already accurate problems.
  • Click on the involve of clothes in the chest area two crossed pins - protect yourself from damage.
  • Touch wood After the loud announcement of optimistic plans or boasting - to take the misfortune.
  • When communicating with an unpleasant person, cross arms or legs - Do not negative from him. If he wishes you evil, then he will not come out.
  • Horseshoe at the entrance to the house - Universal Symbol of Good luck, and more excellent protection against damage.
  • Soap for Pazhy It will help to take damage and evil eye. For a modern person, small souvenir soaps or disposable from trips are perfectly suitable.

Signs about money

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From a long time, and for this, in our country, it is impossible for sure when hard work will bring cash benefits (and whether it will bring any poverty at all). Wealth is ensured not only good calculation and thrift, but also to a large degree - luck.

  • Whistle in the house - Driving money. The exclusion of "them and so no" does not work: a man reduces the whistle and the future income. And on the street you can whistle how much soul.
  • Make surethen from the house in the rain - To poverty. It is better to wait until it works around.
  • Take garbone in the evening - Together with him and money.
  • Put money on the table - To losses. Money must have its own special place.
  • Stand on the threshold - Not to put into the house wealth.
  • Itchies left palm - To the money. To enhance the effect, the hand needs to be strongly squeezed into the fist.
  • See spider - The sign is generally good, and one of its values ​​is to profit.
  • In one house sweeping up different brooms - Stop wealth.

Signs about home and house

For welfare and relations in the house, not only living there is family, but also the house. He is a kind of spirit of the house, he should not be offended, otherwise he will begin to be harmful. Most will adopt the housing, comes from these beliefs.
  • Disappear things - The house shawl. It is necessary not to scold it, but to draw in a word or treat.
  • In a non-residential house - Undead. If the house does not leave the dwelling together with the owners, he, called from loneliness, begins to read the readiness to everyone who crosses the threshold.
  • When moving it is impossible to leave garbage in the old house - In addition to the fact that it is inactively, it can damage it. At all, do not forget things in the old place - to failures on the new.
  • Forgot the thing in someone else's house - To the wrong return. But it must be forgotten, and not intention to leave.
  • Saw door - Unfortunately. Irritated homemade will report permanent - already misfortune, so it's better to hurry and lubricate the loop.
  • Buzzing in the furnace (now - fireplace) pipe - Dead relatives visit.
  • First to a new house you need to let a cat - She will take over all the misfortunes that they prepared perfume for households. A Rooster need to be left to spend the night , and only then settle themselves.
  • Also in a new place, especially if someone lived there, You need to sprinkle in the corners of the Holy Water - From failures and demonic.

Construction signs

Installing a horse head under the foundation went into the past. But some signs to ensure good luck in construction, remained.

  • It is impossible to build a new house in old age - Otherwise, you will speed your own death.
  • To put money on the first masonry - for wealth, and wool - for heat.
  • Builders (and finishing craftsmen) poorly treated - There will be unclean power in the house. I will appreciate the builders themselves invented.
  • The best thing start construction on Tuesday or Thursday - To the rapid completion of the construction and luck in the house.

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