How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove


The dream of any woman is to have a strong family, healthy kids and attentive husband. Many women manage to establish a family idyll, but there is a certain percentage of pretty and educated "unfortunates". Who are these women and why are they alone? The characteristics believe that the cause of failures in family life is a targeted magical impact - damage. How to determine damage to loneliness, for what features? Is it possible to remove it yourself and what ways? Consider on the items all questions.

How to determine damage for loneliness

Magic causes of loneliness

Esoterics distinguish several types of damage to the celibacy, which differ in the methods and power of energy-information impact:
  • crown of celibacy;
  • Stamp of loneliness;
  • damage for loneliness.

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The listed effects are imposed on a person only with the help of black magic or film rites. The sorcerer goes on the cemetery, holds a rite from the grave and "crowds" a person with a dead spirit or binds the spirit to his victim. As a result, a woman, as far as Miloids, it remains celibe. The same happens with men who are doomed to idle.

Sometimes damage to celibacy or loneliness is imposed on the whole genus and is transmitted through the female / male line. A characteristic feature of such a damage is divorces in the family - all women of the genus remain without husbands. A special type of damage to loneliness is to spend the "black widow". This damage is manifested by a series of deaths of men: no matter how much woman would not get married, she will bury all his husbands.

How does the damage for loneliness be damaged from the point of view of energy? When diagnosing exposure, clairvoyant sees the blocked energy centers, which are responsible for creating strong family bonds. At the same time, dating and short-term close relationship with men, which always end with a gap. Consider in detail all types of loneliness.

Types of damage for loneliness

Crown of celibacy

Relationships are tied easily, but can not last long. The gap occurs either naturally (quarreled, did not compare the characters), or the tragic finals (death of a loved one). The crown of celibacy can be ordered from a professional sorcerer or a warlock, surrounded by a doomed woman is always a secret or obvious ill-wisher. The crown can order a sorcerer and because of the black envy. Is it possible to remove the crown on his own? It is better to seek help from professional kneading.

Stamp solitude

This magic program allows you to get acquainted with the opposite sex and even sexual relationships, but before the wedding it never comes to various reasons. Or the partner falls in love with another, or disappears suddenly, or just not ready for family life and is looking for easy relationship. The seal of loneliness may accidentally impose a native grandmother or mother for any reason who does not want to give a girl to marry. Printing loneliness, compared to the crown, removed easily at home.


Previously, the women who are doomed to eternal loneliness were so called. Energetically, the woman becomes unattractive for men, and intimate relationship is impossible. At home, it is possible to remove the venture. However, it is necessary to carefully look at his own circle of friends - there are ill-wishes and envious.

Clearance on a single share

This is a generic damage that is transmitted from parents to descendants on the female / male line. Close contact with the opposite sex brings suffering and torment. As a rule, the partner leaves the damned man, intuitively sick. If the partner does not leave the chosen one, his life can suddenly interrupt due to an accident or illness. The cause of the generic speech is always a lute enemy of a family, which either curses himself, or hires a black mage. This type of damage cannot be removed independently.

Rites to remove loneliness

How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove 755_2

Remove the crown of celibacy holy water

This rite needs to be started on a decreasing moon on Thursday. Buy without passing a thick rope from natural threads, and on Saturday, proceed to witchcraft. For the rite, except for the rope, you need to prepare:

  • 3 church candles;
  • White tablecloth made of natural fabric;
  • Scissors and woolen threads of green shade;
  • Shovel, hammer, big nail.

Exactly 12 days caught the table with a white tablecloth and install candles in candlesticks. Next, put the icon of God's Mother and Lord Almighty. You can put your personal icon nearby. Close the door into the room, disconnect the phone and burn the candles. Start the rite from reading our "Father" three times.

Now cut a piece from the rope that you can bind your head: you have to get a crown for the head. Rope ends fix with green threads and the same threads turn around the rope circle. Put the crown on the head and hide the candles with the fingers of the right hand. Wear this headdress to four days, without removing. Then go to a strong young popler in a wreath and dig a small pocket from the roots.

Remove the crown from the head and tell us three times:

How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove 755_3

Put the hole in the center and in the center of Jubus the nail so that only a hat remains outside. Return home silently and without looking back. Houses lit the stewed candles and leave them to get it. Take holy water and wash around with a sprinkle:

How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove 755_4

Do not wipe my face, let it die in the air. Top in the morning, buy large candles in the church - 2 pcs. For seven days, ignite the candle and read seven times the flame on the flame:

How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove 755_5

A candle after reading a conspiracy to carry your fingers, the next day, ignite. On the seventh day, the candle must completely burn. If the beam remains, take it to the church - there is a special box for used candles. After a while you will meet the narrowed.

How to remove the spell on widow

Sign of the spell - a woman bury one husband after another. Not only husbands can die, but also a man close to her. To get rid of such a print, you need to do the following. Buy in the church 4 medium sized candles. The first light from the icon with the male face to the left of the exit, the second - before the female face to the right of the entrance. Third lit the wonderworker from the icon and say:

How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove 755_6

Next, cross and tell about your request any words. You need to speak in a whisper not to attract people's attention. Talking about the problem of the Wonderworker, put the last candle from any icon, but not at the crucifix. This candle will be for the health of rivals, enemies and envious. Tell me the following words:

How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove 755_7

Then you need to buy candles and put to all the men you buried, - the husbands of loved ones. Leaving the temple, leave so many coins in the donation box as you are currently at the moment. The ritual is over.

Important remark. Before performing the rite, it is necessary to confess, keep a bloodless post 3 days and read prayers every day. Do not remove a native cross, wear it constantly. Soon you can successfully marry and live with your husband to old age.

How to remove damage to loneliness in the cemetery

Cemetery ritual

How to remove damage to loneliness in the cemetery? Patch can be "buried" in the cemetery and get rid of it forever. To do this, it is necessary on a decreasing moon to take the poke with me the late and go to the old cemetery. Broodize among the graves and find the burial that no one visits. It is desirable that the cross is not there - only a holmik.

Possek and tell me:

How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove 755_9

Pour some vodka into a glass, bite. Leave everything on the grave and leave without looking back. You must go silently and not talk to anyone on the road. There is a danger to pull the Spirit with me from the cemetery, so do not look around, even if you are covered. At home, take a shower, post all your clothes, wash your shoes on the street (or water from the bucket for the threshold).

Important remark. If the cemetery is active, find the grave where they no longer bury. The bad sign is considered if during the ritual to bury the dead man. For women, the rite is held on women's days (Saturday, Friday, Wednesday). For men, rites need to be held in a male day (Thursday, Tuesday, Monday).

If you failed to find the grave without inscription, choose late younger than yours. This is especially true of the tomb with your name. In the church you can put a candle for rest if the name of the deceased is recorded on the plate.

Report from solitude

How to independently remove damage for loneliness? To do this, it is necessary to buy in the church of 7 candles and the icon of the Mother of God "Sexy Strider". The rite is held in the first quarter of the moon on Thursday at night when the sun went. You need to locate the door on the latch, curtain the curtains tightly and disable the phone.

Ship the table with a white tablecloth, put a new handkerchief, and on top of it - icon. Put 7 candles into crystal glasses with salt and burn from one match. If the match is survived, ignite the candles from already lit candles: you can not light a few matches. Crighten, look at the icon and read the prayer for it:

How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove 755_10

After prayer, cross and read the conspiracy part of the rite:

How to determine damage to loneliness yourself and remove 755_11

In the morning, go to the church and put a candle for health yourself and the candle for the health of detractors, order the remembered service for the relevant relatives. Upon leaving the temple, leave alms and donation to the temple. You also need to listen to the service, confess and compete.

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