What dreams of clean water?


Water is a substance necessary for life. However, along with life, the water element bears destruction and death, so the large accumulation of the aqueous mass causes fear and horror. Tsunami, floods, swept - numerous human sacrifices and destruction left in the memory of mankind an indelible mark. What dreams transparent and clean water in dreams? Consider all the details.

What dreams of clean water? 7555_1

Water image in a dream

Water is mystically connected with the emotional sphere of man, his inner world. If the water is transparent and clean, it is a favorable sign for a dream. The dream will proper good luck, the rise of vitality, pleasant emotions. However, with interpretation, it is necessary to take into account where there was water:

  • in the natural source;
  • in an artificial water pool, a well;
  • in the house, in the bathroom or on the floor;
  • in a bucket, bank or other capacitance;
  • consecrated water in the temple;
  • In another unexpected place.

You should also take into account the actions produced in a dream with water: swim, drink or gain water.

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Large natural reservoir - sea ​​ocean - with calm clear water symbolizes great success in life and huge prospects. Everything will be successful. River or Creek - To new endeavors. Lake - Symbol of energy stagnation, lack of development.

Swim in dreams in pure sea water - to the successful implementation of plans. However, if the water was student, there is a risk of not getting the desired. Do not be afraid to go to the end, in this case the risk will be noble and will not lead to trouble.

Bathing in a calm river flow in a dream - To a prosperous period in life. If you float for the flow, the universe itself will help in everything. You will always stay afloat, successfully overcome any obstacles.

Peep a well with clean water - Get the innermost knowledge of the genus, however, you should make a mystical rite of connection with it comes to obtaining information.

What dreams of clean water? 7555_2

  • Water drips from the ceiling to the floor - to financial profit.
  • Water spilled through the window to the floor - to the joyful news.
  • Peacefully burning streams - to favorable events, serenity.
  • Flood in the apartment - you do not own your emotions, and this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • Water pours on the walls - to a vain attempt of enemies to slander your family and you.
  • Water pours out of the shower - to global change for the better.
  • Battery broke up to a conflict situation, try to keep yourself in your hands.
  • Water in a glass jar - to a pleasant event.

Large masses of water in the absence of a feeling of discomfort in a dream, the way out of the predicament: exit dry out of the water.

For what dream of holy water . This is an image of purification, striving for change, revival and repentance. For patients, it is a symbol of healing, for those who suffer - the hope of getting rid of suffering. The dream is awaiting a qualitatively new lifewater, without impurities of negative energies.

If Water pours hose / pipe / crane - You are trying to control everything with your attention. Let the events develop naturally, with their own toeh. Intervention will not be in your favor.

Explanation of danger or problem

Hazard signal is swimming Deep under water . Analyze your thoughts and actions, find errors and errors. However, if you were looking for the truth, soon discover the answer in the depths of the subconscious.

Swim in the pool with clean water - dream of limited possibilities. You will not be able to go beyond the scope of admissible, the grand plans will not be afraid of reality.

Bathing in the bathroom Symbolizes an even narrower range of possibilities and obstacles to the implementation of the intended. However, if water flows from the crane, and you spilled water to the floor, "you can achieve a goal of great efforts, going against the circumstances.

  • To see how the water wakes up through the slots in the outdoor surface - to the goats of the enemies.
  • Flood in the house - to illness and tears.
  • Water is selected to the house - to great trouble.
  • To see the dried riverbed river or a stream with no time clean water - to sorrow and experiences in their own fault.

What dreams of clean water? 7555_3

Water actions

Dive - Search for new ways for self-realization, courage in actions, daring. You are doomed to success, as fully control the events and direction of development of the situation.

Chill in water - Make a rapid act, which will cause negative consequences. Do not try to achieve goal by any ways, despite anything. Think away every step to unlock trouble.

Thin in water - You incorrectly calculated your strength, and the circumstances became uncontrollable. As a result of rapid acts, a psychosomatic disorder can be obtained, enter into depression.

Breathe underwater - Show your stubbornness, try to leave the last word for me. Your reluctance to make concessions, the flexibility in communication spoils absolutely everything. Review your position and learn to hear the opposite opinion and make an excellent point from your point.

  • Pick up water in the river - to a successful marriage.
  • Choose water in the well - to a profitable acquisition.
  • Splashing water - spend their strength.
  • Spilled water - to show indifference and be indifferent.
  • Search water is a thirst for knowledge and adventure, the search for new impressions.
  • Walking on water is the right time to implement plans.
  • Wash the water to new endeavors, the appearance of something pleasant and unexpected in life.
  • Stew fire - you are aiming to correct the harm caused to someone correct your mistakes.
  • Asking water - you lack new impressions and emotions.
  • Drink water - to solve complex issues, help and support from the part.
  • Swimming in the natural source of spring water - to wealth, which will acquire in their own difficulty.
  • Save the child from the water - you will have a pet, which will bring joyful troubles.

What means salty water in a dream? Sleep points to vulnerability and sensitivity of your soul, vulnerability before circumstances, inability to adapt to the realities of life. You can easily touch the word, abandoned by chance. Summate to overcome sensual discomfort and find the forces to resist aggression.

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