The most popular superstitions in Russia


Superstition - for those who believe in them - this is the way to "agree" with the fate and affect what usually depends only on the case. And even the one who believes only in the relationship of things directly affecting each other calls one or a couple of the most popular superstitions in Russia.

The most popular superstitions in Russia 7566_1
We all remember about the scattered salt and "knock on the tree", but we do not always know why it is necessary to do where it comes from and how to defend yourself from failure because of the black cat's overwhelming road. So, consider a list of the most popular superstitions.

Money and welfare

As a sign of the emergence of money, many random unpleasant events are interpreted. A kind of consolation.
  • Step into a dog "gift "- to profits and good luck in affairs. Especially there are many of them in the spring, when the snow begins to melting, with our missing cleaning culture for pets.
  • Birds marked you - Also for money. One of the few bird-related positive will, usually feathered - messengers of misfortune.
  • Cannot whistle in the house - There will be no money. It is believed that the whistle attracts an unclean strength, which is stealing good luck and well-being (and even just money that is not clear where to disappear from the envelope with accumulations).
  • You can not take money straight out of the hands - Translate. It is better to ask to put them on the table to get calmly. The same with the transmission - not to give right in hand.
  • It is impossible to sit on the table - Attach poverty. The table is a symbol of satiety, everything valuable, which is in the house, there is nothing to insult him.
  • You can not give a debt in the evening Not only that the debtor, most likely, will forget the money to return, so also his own will unexpectedly end.
  • Also In the evening it is impossible to carry garbage - Money goes with him.

Life and death

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The most popular superstitions in Russia 7566_2
It is better to live long and with good health than to hurt and die early - truth for all centuries. Superstitions foreshadowing and allowing the length of the remaining life, even eliminate. The list of fateful accepts and superstitions:

  • Can not sit on the threshold - Attach the disease. The drafts in the doors are not useful to anyone, plus the symbolism of the threshold as a transition from one world to another. It's not worth lingering there.
  • Celebrate a fortieth birthday - call trouble. Forty (days, years) - the number is unhappy, it is better to pretend that you still have thirty-nine.
  • Crows are circling over the house - Someone will die there. What else to symbolize poultry to poultryers, how is not death?
  • If ask the forest cuckoo how many years to live left She bows the answer.
  • After the death of a man's mirror in the house need to close . Through the mirrors on us, everything is still watching.
  • Meat dream To disease. The body clearly suggests something.
The road, especially distant - a small adventure, complete unforeseen circumstances or even dangers. Our ancestors were seriously related to any hikes on their own yard.
  • Returned - There will be no road. It is believed that if the path did not set himself from the very beginning (forgot the keys, gloves), and nothing else to wait for anything good. To take trouble, you need to raise face in the mirror.
  • Need to sit on the track - To good luck and light path. It is necessary to sit down to deceive evil spirits that you think that you have not been going anywhere, and will not be filled with the next.
  • In the train you need to eat immediately after he tried. It is not from big hunger, but from the desire to make a new place, albeit temporarily, its own. Where it was, - the branch of your house, and the evil will not make you there.
  • Bird beats in the window of the machine - In the road lies danger. Option Signals with a bird beating in the window, which foreshadows death. There were no cars in the ancient peoples, and the sign was swinging from real estate on cars only recently.

Relationships and family happiness

What is most important for survival? And in ancient times, and now it is a community of people who are ready to come to the rescue. Quarrels are loosened by our relations with people, so it is better to avoid them.

  • Wake up salt - Get quarrel. So that this does not happen, you need to quit a pinch of salt over the shoulder. After preparing after it is not worth it, otherwise there is no reason for a quarrel and will not be inventing.
  • Wear underwear inside out - For disaster. Or at all - to be broken. The overall, inside out, is wrong, and it attracts bad events.
  • You can not eat with a knife - Will become evil . Apparently, the meaning of the knife as a weapon will go per person. Either the language will be the same sharp like a knife.

How not to stay in girls

Although why not? Not married at the present time better than ever. These are our ancestors were also afraid to stay alone, and superstitions on this expense multiplied and accumulated. Take up - it is useful to take a marriage if you are not going there at all.
  • Girl sit opposite the corner of the table - For seven years, stay unmarried. Long-player!
  • Think someone else's wedding dress Before the wedding - to secure several years. But the dress already participating in the marriage ceremony does not have any effect.
  • Sit on the windowsill (especially bold legs) - Launch grooms.
  • Transmit food and things through the threshold - Give the day of your marriage.

Failure and protection from her

The most popular superstitions in Russia 7566_3

What signs of fate are fussing to us fail, how to defend them from them and what should be avoided, so as not to stick a mischief?

  • You can not sew things on yourself - "Send Memory." It is not known why it suffers exactly the memory, but the danger to prolong the needle is quite real. To neutralize the effect, you need to take a piece of thread or tissue into the teeth.
  • The road ran black cat - To failure! The most famous superstition. How to deal with harmful animals? Find a coach route or twist around yourself three times.
  • It is impossible to select things (especially coins) at the intersections - Pick up failure. Magic rituals of deliverance from unnecessary prescribe to speak and throw a trifle to the intersection or the road, so do not want other people's problems - it is better to leave coins where they lie.
  • Touch wood - Protect your optimistic plans for the future from evil spirits that love to spoil everything. You tell how everything is fine with you, and it will be even better - knock on the tree to avoid bad changes.
  • Friday, 13 Number - A bad day, and better not to try anything serious and requiring effort and good luck.

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