Conspiracies on the cover of the Most Holy Virgin (October 14)


The Orthodox Church is celebrated on October 14, the Pokrov Virgin Mary - the Christian holiday, which is considered to be female, because the Most Holy Mother of God has always been patronized by representatives of weak gender, as well as those who suffer all and in need. Conspiracies read by cover have great power and can be applied in different spheres of life. Especially with them use the unmarried girls who dream of meeting the narrowed, with whom it will work out to create a happy family.

Holy Mother of God

From the history of the holiday

The cover of the Most Holy Mother of God is celebrated in honor of the event, which, according to legend, occurred in the X century in Constantinople. The city was captured by Sarcins. There was also a temple there, in which the residents of Constantinople prayed to this time, among them was both the Holy Andrey Yurody. When the all-sleeping was walked, a miracle suddenly appeared in front of him: he saw the Major Virgin Mary, who walked through the air surrounded by heavenly angels.

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God's mother prayed for the simple people, and after her prayer was finished, he took off his bedspread (in honor of which, by the way, the Holy Holiday and got his name) and spread it over him in the temple. This covered it was seen until the Mother of God was in the Holy House. When she left, it became invisible, but praying still felt in the hearts of their grace, emanating from this bedspread.

Later, the holiday of Pokrov received official recognition and became the people with one of the favorite and revered. On this day, it is accepted by the whole family to attend the church, ask the Holy Heavenly patronage of intercession. Also on the cover on October 14, special rites and conspiracies are being held - their implementation is promoting the Mother of God.

What rituals and conspiracies are applied to the Pokrov of the Virgin Mary?

Rites and conspiracies to which people turn to cover can be the most different. Also differ from the parties of life for which they affect. But you can still allocate several types of rituals who received the greatest distribution among the people. These are:

  • Rite for love. Girls pronounce love to accelerate a fateful meeting with the beloved;
  • Rituals for marriage. They They are considered to be rightfully among the girls among the girls, as there is a belief that they help lonely young ladies get married during the year after the year. And this marriage will certainly be happy, since the Most Holy Mother of God applies his hand to him;
  • Rituals for financial stability and material well-being. Read a conspiracy on money is characterized by a large force and attracts monetary success to the Contractor in the shortest possible time;
  • Conspiracies and rites for protection. Protective rituals are most often performed by people regarding their family and at home. They are done with the intention to protect their loved ones from misfortunes and misfortunes, from troubles and life failures, from the impact of dark witchcraft (damage, evil eye) and all the negative;
  • Rituals for good luck. If you hold them under cover, any endeavors of the artist are doomed to succeed, success and well-being;
  • Rites from a pigeon. Healing conspiracies have arapeutic and prophylactic effect, helping to get rid of certain diseases or facilitate their current.

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The autumn holiday of the Most Holy Mother of God gives people a unique chance to take advantage of the magic and influence the most favorable way to their lives.

Spell on love

This plot contributes to a meeting with the second half and subsequent successful marriage. Read it on October 14th. The words:

"Bless, God! Help, God! My righteous faith. Mount stone, around me stand. And I climb into the rays clear, bless the Mother of God. Batyushka cover, me, servant of God (own name) , the crown went. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen (three times) !”

Prayer for marriage for lonely girls

Single girls dreaming of soon marriage can take advantage of this prayer. Words to say on October 14, at dawn, three times, presenting yourself in the wedding dress at the altar. Text of prayer:

The text of the prayer of the Virgin

It is believed that the girl who read this prayer marry will be married over the next 12 months.

Rande for marriage if one already has a chosen

This conspiracy and ritual are used by a girl to marry already existing sweetheart. Rite is fulfilled on the eve of the holiday, October 13, in the evening. For him, it is necessary to prepare a container with water and a shirt (T-shirt) of your beloved person. First turn 3 times the water:

"Mother of God, bless me for a wedding crown. Let my virgin come to my end. I no longer need maiden braids - let the girls unmarriedly wear them. In return, I ask the Baby handkerchief and wedding finish. Bless me, the Mother of God, on the Holy Pokrov. Amen".

Cocked with water, the girl should wash her face first, and then wipe his beloved clothes dryly. The shirt after the rite must be dried in a hidden place and return to your chosen one.

Cash prayer in the Pokrov Virgin

Among the prayers and conspiracy on cover, this prayer is one of the strongest. It is necessary to read it on a coin of any dignity, laid on top of an open wallet with money.

First of all, the Orthodox prayer says "worthy to eat", praising the Virgin. The text of it:

Prayer is worthy

After it is read by a prayer that attracts finances. Text:

Cash prayer

Ends the ritual of the prayer "Virgin Devo, rejoice." The conspiracy coin is placed in the wallet and will continue to perform the function of the mascot for money.

Conspiracy on health

On the day of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary should be disappeared in the bath. Selfish, suffering from any ailment, must enter the bath and 3 times to pronounce a plot:

"Banya-Banaka, let me wash me how to get it up for a long time in order not to build up. A broom is a white body to stroke your health under the cover-father to blame. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen".

Harvest should soon retreat. A healthy person can also apply a conspiracy - in this case, he will provide himself with protection against diseases for a whole year.

Protective Conspiracy Charger for Family

Under the cover of the head of the family or the older in age, the woman should sprinkle with water (you can holy) all family members, without missing anyone. It is necessary to do this through a sieve, accompanying the process of the words of the conspiracy:

"The Most Holy Mother of the Virgin Motherod, Fake, Opashi Yes, whithes me and my family all on good health, the farm is rich, for life a long and happy. Do not lime us all enemies-enemies just like not to endure water from my house in this way. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and dreaming, and forever. Amen".

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