Orthodox prayers for all occasions


Prayer is a faithful companion of any truly believer Christian. With a prayer, Orthodox appeals to the Lord and the Saints per minute of joy and grief, in bright and dark their days. Orthodox prayers for all occasions emanating from the very heart of a believer, help in any situations, allow you to pray to enlist the support of the highest strength.

Orthodox prayers

What is prayer?

Prayer is not just endowed with the innermost sense text. This is a means by which a believer man can personally talk with God, to stay with him alone. Prayer Gives Christian Peace and Calm, brings an inner relief, pacifies the mental state (and sometimes it is precisely this necessary in difficult times).

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Orthodox prayer is the sacrament, participate in which heart, soul, voice and human mind. This is an invisible thread that helps to establish a strong bond of the believer with the Creator. So that the Most High heard a petition, a Christian must nominate his heart in front of him and become like to learn to love, forgive, to compare it as the Lord did, as well as honor him.

Orthodox prayers help a person find a solution from deadlocks, which sometimes pretends life. They allow you to find answers to exciting Christian questions, contribute to spiritual growth and strengthen faith in the holy strength. The believer should not be ashamed to hope for the help of the Most High and its worship - do not postpone communication with him.

Of course, a person who wants to achieve a maximal effect from prayer, and to itself is obliged to set certain requirements, in particular - to take care of the purity and the unattended of his soul. During the sacrament of prayer, the believer certainly need to exclude all the contradictions between its body, soul and thoughts and fully tune in to inner contact with the Lord.

Classification of Orthodox Prayers

Types of prayer

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No Orthodox will doubt the power of prayers. But in order to use them right, it is not enough to just know their texts - it is important to have an idea of ​​the classification of prayers and their appointment, about how exactly the text is to contact this or that situation. To decide on the choice of the desired prayer, a person will be able to be focused on the inner call of his heart, take care of difficulty in his life.

The Orthodox Church, of course, does not establish any official classification of prayers, but still conditionally, by the nature of the appeal, all prayer texts can be sorted in the following categories:

  • Foundation - contain some kind of request;
  • Pointed - contain repentance;
  • Thank you - Achieve grateful to the highest forces;
  • glorifying (laudatory) - Lords and the saints of his aspirations.

Prayer covers not only the spiritual mood of man. It affects the physiological features, that is, its ability to rebuild his body to relax and coming up with heavenly forces.

Texts of Orthodox prayers in Russian for various situations

The prayers are universal and the strongest

In Orthodoxy, there are 3 main and strongest prayers, which is obliged to know every true Christian. It:
  1. "Our Father" (Prayer of the Lord). This prayer contains 7 requests and glorifies the Most High. With its help, Orthodox confirms his faith in the Creator, expresses his humility and subordination to his will, asks him to give him everything that is necessary for life, in sins and calls to protect against evil. With "Our Father" it is recommended to start any appeal to the Lord.
  2. "Virgin Delo, Rejoice" . In this prayer, the believer asks the intercession of Our Lady, ascertains her fame. With the "Virgin Delo, rejoice" you should start any petition for the naval.
  3. "Symbol of faith" ("Believe"). Prayer is used to confirm its faith.

These 3 prayers are an integral part of the daily prayer rule. They also carry the nature of universal and can be pronounced at any life incident.

Prayers for specific categories

The defining criteria in the life of most modern people are health, family well-being, financial stability and safety - only when they are combined, we can talk about the general vital well-being. If any of these areas does not apply properly, Orthodox prayers can help you correct and pull it out.

Prayer for the Most Holy Mother of God for Health

This prayer can be pronounced at the moments of the River, in front of the icon of the Virgin, in the temple or at home. In tandem with traditional drug treatment, it speeds up recovery. The indispensable condition is a person who affected the disease, or the one for whom they pray should be baptized. Text of prayer in Russian:

The text of the prayer of the Blessed Our Lady of Toast

Two family prayers

  1. The first prayer, addressed to the Mother of God, helps strengthen the family, supports mutual understanding in it, protects against any evil and ill-wishers. Text:


  1. The second prayer facing the Lord strengthens the love between the spouses and gives family happiness text:

Text of the second prayer about the family

Prayer Spiridon trimifuntsky on financial well-being

This prayer, facing the Holy Spiridon Trimifuntsky, is read at any situations associated with finance and material benefits (work, sale-purchase of real estate, contracting, business assistance, salary and so on). Text Next:

Prayer Spiridon Trimifuntsky

Short Prayer for Protection and Blessing - Jesus

Despite its brevity, one of the most powerful prayers. It is used with a strong need for intercession, the protection and blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer cuts out when there is no time to pronounce longer text. Words of Jesus Prayer:

Prayer Jesus

"Psalm 90" - the strongest protective prayer

Another of the strongest Orthodox prayers readable with the aim of obtaining protection in dangerous and risk-related situations is the "Psalm 90" ("Live in Hallogen's Aid"). She, like a powerful impenetrable shield, is able to protect praying from any negative. Text of prayer:

Psalm 90.

Listen to prayers and chants online

Listen to Orthodox prayers for all occasions, you can online on our website:

In this selection, 37 strong Orthodox prayers are collected.

How to use prayers?

Orthodox prayer is already in itself characterized by quite high efficiency. But so that the highest strength heard her and had a prayer timely help, the prayer must be pronounced correctly.

  • Time for prayer appeal to the highest forces to choose the best morning or evening is the most favorable period when a person is not covered by day vanity, his consciousness is as free as possible, and the body is relaxed.
  • Before the beginning of the sacrament of prayers, it is necessary to focus, get rid of extraneous thoughts in the head. It should be praying in a calm state, slowly, trying to delve into the meaning of each word and passing it through myself.
  • It is better to give preference to a brief prayer, the content of which is understandable than to say mechanically, without understanding, the prayers are long. And it is better not to take by quantity, but quality. One prayer, said with understanding, from the bottom of my heart, will be much more useful than hundreds of childlessly read texts.
  • You need to contact the highest forces or standing or knees. Sitty or lying position is allowed in case of illness or on the way.
  • In prayer we must ask not only for yourself, but for your relatives or loved ones, especially in minutes of anxiety for them. It is possible to mention their ill-wishers, pray for God about their forgiveness.
  • The presence of believing prayer experience also contributes its own adjustments. If a Christian just recently came to religion, and his experience of prayers is very meager, the church does not rebel him to contact the highest forces in his own words. Orthodox prayers of novice will be easier to be given if the texts of the texts out loud, working on the intonation and clearly pronounce every word.
  • Much of power is characterized by prayers spoken in the walls of the liturgical institution, so the temple should not be afraid to walk, moreover, visit it as often as possible.
  • You should never forget about the glorification of the Lord and thanks to him. To this end, you can read the prayers of thanks and glorifying.

Many Orthodox Christians are addressed to all prayers for all occasions. But, unfortunately, not all representatives of modern society know how to competently use such prayers. In prayer, it is not necessary to ask for the fulfillment of any of your desire. First of all, it is necessary to call for the Lord asking for a reason for the reason and support, which will just help find the right way out of the established circumstances and achieve any goals. It is also necessary to lead the most righteous life, not allowing sinful passions to master his soul, because sins erect the wall between God and man.

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