Why can't you give a birthday watch? Bad sign?


Perhaps, every person is familiar with the belief that give a watch - not good But not far from everyone knows than in reality it is due. Perhaps this is just a meaningless superstition, to believe in which only naive people can? Or is there a share of common logic in it? In this article we will tell you why to give a clock is bad sign.

Trendy hours

Why do not give a clock? Origins of signs in different countries

There is a certain number of theories that can shed light on the question. So, for example, in Western states The clock arrows refer to acute subjects (along with knives, forks and other). Things of such a plan refer to the category of bad, inappropriate gifts.

Also, many people were confident that Similar presents are closely related to power. And the person who received them as a gift for his birthday, is able to tie her to himself. In addition, according to acceptance of a presented clock, with time, relations with the donor must certainly be spoiled. Also, various troubles and troubles were not excluded. Our ancestors were convinced that sharp objects (in particular, hours) are capable of cutting a long relationship once and for all (no matter what plan - friendly, love or partnerships).

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Turning to another variety of this challenges about the ban on the donation of hours, we fall into the ancient China. For a long time, the Chinese have believed that if you present a person as a gift, together with them, he acquires an invitation to the funeral.

Residents of Japan I went even further - in this culture it was believed that if someone wants to present the clock, it means that he fully consciously wishes death to the culprit of the celebration. First you may seem that in such a statement, there is no healthy logic in such a statement, but you should not forget that in Eastern culture there was always their secret secrets and secrets, incomprehensible strangers, but from this not losing their relevance.

Eastern adoption of banning to give a day on the birthday of a person explained already on the other hand, in this case there is Immediately several interpretation options:

  • The presented clocks start counting up to speed up with a donor, and when they become, communication with man will be irrevocably lost.
  • The watches obtained as a gift automatically launch a certain countdown until the death of a person.

pocket watch

Signs about the watch of our ancestors

Our distant ancestors in Slavs interpreted this adoption in their context: they were believed that, together with a presented clock, pain, anxiety, disappointment and excitement comes to life.

Another explanation of the signs indicates that together with the clock, the donor gives a certain part of his life. There is also a version according to which a gift for such a plan provokes serious quarrels or even death. And does not play the roles, what hours were presented - wall, pocket or wrist.

After reviewing such a large number of negative opinions As for presented hours, it becomes clear why people in most cases avoid presenting such gifts. After all, even if nothing wrong happens, the human imagination will not have a terrible picture, "inspiring" such a large number of negative prerequisites.

Is it possible to give a clock for a birthday?

You know a large number of versions explaining why you should not give the clock to your beloved person. According to the popular legend, one girl decided on the birthday of his beloved to give him a beautiful wrist watch. Until that time, there were no quarrels and problems in their pair, and after the celebration, the relationship changed, and the most radical way.

Regular conflicts began to emerge and find out relations, which, of course, did not bring any pleasure to both partners. As a result, fortunately, everything ended quite well - the forces of their love turned out to be enough in order to break the ill-fated clock. The subject was not subject to recovery, and the lovers were able to live all his life long and happily.

Gift for your loved one in the form of hours

When is it permissible to give a clock?

All signs described above do not have scientific confirmation, so Is it permissible to give the clock to your surrounding or not - This question will have to give an independent answer. First of all, it is necessary to once again reflect on how a person will perceive such a present. If you know that the celebration's culprit is very superstitious and will later think for a long time and worry about such a gift, it is better to refuse him, not to spoil the nerves or a birthday.

100% can argue that hours (especially old) People will be delighted Which are collectors of these items or just adore the clock. In this case, to add a gift even more "raisins", order them special engraving.

And if you wish to be sure that such a present will bring only positive emotions to a person, go shopping with him.

How to act, getting a watch as a gift?

If you feel about the category of people superstitious, do not hurry to immediately think that the donator certainly wishes you evil. Most likely, a person is simply not aware of the existence of such a belief or not really believes. And, in principle, the gift itself is not important, but the attention.

In addition, there is an effective way to get rid of the intended negative impact of the gift. All that will be required of you is Just make a spill, That is, pay for the clock. Then they will automatically become no gift, but acquisition. Of course, at the same time there is no need to pay half the cost of goods - it's quite enough of several coins.

Try in all life situations to configure only positive. Scientists have long been able to prove that thought is material and is able to strongly affect the continued course of events. Therefore, believe in the best, wear a clock with pleasure and try never to waste time!

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