Signs about Raven - What to Give Black Pernation


According to the general conviction of our and foreign ancestors, the ravens are carrier of bad news. Signs about raven in most gloomy. And what else should the meaning of bird-holders with a dark plumage and unpleasant rude carchanga?

"Breakal!" - Standard reproach acclating trouble. Voroniy Gray - harbing Diseases, disasters and death . Previously, he was heard over the fields of battles, places of burials of people and livestock, and now, when urban crows feed on food waste, "next to landfills. Not so scary!

In the last couple of centuries, signs about Raven, like many others, "softened" have also acquired a positive or neutral meaning.

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See Crow

  • Lonely flying crow - harbinger of bad events.
  • Crow on the roof coars flag, advertising banner or other cloth - Unfortunately for the head of the family living under this roof. How to interpret to accept if the house is multi-apartment, the sign does not report.
  • See two or three raven - Unfortunately.
  • And here see four raven - To replenish in the family. At least somehow compensate for all those dead people who promise other "Vorony" signs.
  • Caught a fight of Voronov , especially bloody, with the loss of feathers - to trouble.
  • Flock raven flies high in the sky - Sign of good, clear weather.
  • Crow flies to the right from you - To luck, Left - To difficulties on the path to the goal.
  • Crow kecks bone - To fractures and other injuries and diseases of the bones.
  • Crow takes food in the beak - Sketches for profits.
  • Crow keeps a pinch, twig thatthen wooden - foreshadows fruitful friendship with a good man.
  • See the crow during a wedding celebration - To failure. It can extend both marriage and on the life of any of those present.
  • What if Crows quietly sit on the roof of the house - To the emergency wedding. Obviously, in return spoiled from the point above.

On the window and outside the window

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Urban live makes adjustments to the interpretation. More around us fields and forests, more and more high-rise buildings and double-glazed windows. In pursuit of ravens insects, like pigeons with sparrows, often sit on the cornice. What can it mean (besides the fact that the creep crow)?

  • Crow flew to the house - To death in this house. If someone sick and the crow flew to him into the room - most likely the sign is intended for him.
  • Crow aggressively knocking up the window and sketches - Unfortunately, death. Especially if before that she or her barking circled over the house.
  • A flock of raven is going on a tree behind your window - Someone dissolves rumors for your back.

Near the church or in the cemetery

The crow was always suspected of close to the world of the dead, so a separate category will take - for a crows in a place where you think about ten times more often than usual.
  • The crow flew over the church yard, and then sat down - Soon the funeral will be held. It is not necessary in the family of those who saw the crow, so you can relax a little.
  • Voron sat on the church roof and square - hints at the ambulance death, reports the deceased. Again, it is difficult to determine to whom this dead man will relate.
  • Voron village on the tombstone - Sickness of the immediate death of the priest of the arrival, to which the cemetery belongs. Already somewhat less blurred.
  • Voron sat on the grave cross and shows the tail in the direction of someone's home - To the dead in this house. Specifically, no discrepancies! It is good that even in the cities of the grave far from the residential buildings.

Hear a crow

I heard a roronee carcass, but the birds are not visible anywhere? Or first heard, and then, the search, noticed?

  • Crow shouted twice and silent - To the money. It's time to do projects that have been postponed for a long time: now everything will work out.
  • Voron shouted three times - foreshadows death.
  • Hear a carcass to the left - To the difficulties in affairs, especially if you are standing in the water (bathe or arrived in the puddle).
  • Vorona Karkanie over the house - To household diseases.
  • Hear a ravene carcage between 20:00 and 22:00 - Fortunately. This short range is the only time when the roronier carcass is definitely good. Many at this time are returned from work, it's time to listen.
  • Vorona Karknya is distributed long and without a break - To bad weather. In winter - to frost and blizzards.
  • Crane kits, looking south - To the robbery of the witness of this action.
  • A cartoon of one croron sitting on the roof of the house, - Sick that someone from friends remembers you and is going to see.
  • Hear the rororne box in the forest and get frightened - To failures in conceived, Do not flinch and pass by - To success in life.

Closely encounter

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Birds differ in arrogance and fearlessness from the species to the form and from individuals to individuals. Among the crows there are those who are not at all afraid of people, because in such behavior is clearly there is a sign of over.

  • Raven on the head - Good sign promising wealth, success in affairs and turn of life in a more successful channel. All that was before that bad, anxiously, took the strength - will soon leave, difficult times will be completed, a new day will come with a new income and good luck. Only you need to be careful, claws at the crows-th, and the beak is solid and strong. Do not frighten the bird to avoid injury.
  • Crow marked you - Also perfectly, it's for money. Not a very pleasant chance, clothes will have to be cleaned, but at least a happy meaning.
  • Crow flew to the car - warns about the accident. At this day, be careful on the road!

Protection against misfortune

Ravens - such malicious in the plan will take birds! What to do to be the failures and death, about which they massively proclaim, bypass by side?

  1. Do not touch the raven themselves. Eat the Rorona nest - to bring the death of a child. Kill the crow - to the fire, damage to the house. Therefore, do not touch yourself and teach your children to bypass the side of the nest or take them carefully if the place for nesting the crows was chosen uncomfortable.
  2. The bird flew into the house - carefully, so as not to apply injuries, catch and release. Bear claws and beak! The surface where the crow sat, you need to wash it well. The Council is universal for any birds flushed into the house, they most often mean misfortunes, the house needs to be cleaned.
  3. On the window handle should be tied a red thread so as not to let the disease in the house.

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