Swallows low fly - what do you accept?


Observation of the state of weather conditions, as well as the behavior of birds and animals, was the key moment in the life of our ancestors. It was from him that they could already be repelled when those or other agricultural work should be performed, and it helped to get a good harvest. In addition, the signs allowed to protect themselves from various adverse events and always be in the "armed knowledge."

We will try to figure out what the sign means when the swallows fly low.

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General information about swallows

Swallows with antiquity caused in people Exceptionally positive emotions and experiences. Swallows called good messengers, they symbolized beauty and loyalty. The last aspect is due to the fact that swallows retain loyalty to their partner and immeasieously love their offspring. Birds selflessly care for small labels, regularly bringing them a regular portion of food in the beak, despite the weather conditions and other external circumstances.

Traditionally swallows tend to spend most of their lives in the air where they are serenely soaring between the clouds. These birds even drink water on the fly, with ease of planning over the water stroke of rivers and lakes. Also swallows like to have their nests on the tops of the trees.

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And if birds want to rest a little during the day, then give their preference or high trees, or wires. They are important to be constantly at the height, So that if anything is instantly climbed into the air. Now it becomes clear why great surprise causes the appearance of a swallow, which flies close to the ground. Our ancestors, noting such an unusual behavior of a living being, immediately began to develop various theories on this matter. In detail with them we will introduce you further.

Why swallows fly low

According to the most, perhaps, the common interpretation of signs, Swallows begin to fly low before the rain. And this belief has a completely rational explanation: swallows belong to the category of insectivores, and therefore their life is very closely connected with the habitat of insects. The latter in most cases love to melt over the reservoirs at a short distance from the ground. Therefore, swallows have to go close to the ground for the extraction of food.

When the weather is sunny and clear, midges are raised high enough so the swallows soar high in the sky. When the weather conditions are changing: the sky is tightened thunderclouds, reduced atmospheric pressure - insects descend a short distance to land and water. It turns out that when he saw a low flying swallows, you can be 100% sure that will soon rain.

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But with swallows associated not only this belief. Birds from ancient time side by side with a man, often had an impact on his life, so a large number of various superstitions and beliefs associated with them. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular.

Other signs of the swallows

  1. According to national signs, swallows weave their nests only in the homes of good people, in families where there is harmony and tranquility. This bird will never see on the roof of drunkards, brawlers, thieves.
  2. Very bad sign, if the swallow had built a nest, and then flew away from him. In this case, the people living in the house with the empty swallow nest, should be protected against losses and troubles.
  3. Our ancestors believed that if the swallow lives next to the house, therefore, it protects your home from fire. But if you get a home burglars, speedy retribution will be inevitable: a small bird necessarily take care of this and punish those responsible.
  4. According to another sign, If swallow knocking on the glass with its beak, it is predicted that very soon you will meet good old friend, which for a very long time there was no news.
  5. A very positive sign - when the birds suddenly appear at the time of the wedding: our ancestors believed that if the swallows circling over his head the bride and groom, it promises them a long and very happy married life.
  6. Swallow decided to twist the nest at home unmarried women? It is also a good sign that promises in the near future the emergence of life worthy of human relations and for a speedy marriage.
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  7. There is another very interesting sign of the swallows. According to her, if you want to have in your house always had money, need to spring, when you see the first swallow, to quit after her small handful of earth. It is believed that the bird afterwards from her supposedly built their nest.
  8. Also swallows can tell you about how yielding (or, conversely, poor harvest), the need to wait. If the winter to warm the edges of the pores of the very first returning swallows (of the people said that they open in the spring), it means that the year promises to be very fertile.
  9. The villagers treated very respectfully swallows. If someone accidentally kills a bird, People were afraid that the punishment would follow over and in the village will reduce the number of livestock. Such a reverent attitude towards swallows also did not arise from nowhere: our rapids thinned all the events taking place and tried to listen to the signs over, plus diligently passed their experience to subsequent generations.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that the sign of a low flight of swallows above the ground is far from the only one, which is associated with these feathers. In a folk piggy bank, there is a sufficient number and other important and useful will take about swallows. At the end of the article I would like to remember another one very interesting, according to which the pebbles that were taken from the nests abandoned with swallows will perform a strong guard for its owner and protect it from any adverse external phenomena.

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