Sketches: Rushed right or left eye


The left eye twitches - the sign, first of all, the fact that you are tired for a long time at the computer and perpelled. With the right the same story. The reasons are natural, do not invent anything. But if the eye suddenly began to twitch in a calm state, after rest, it may be talking about something.

Sketches: Rushed right or left eye 7586_1

Our ancestors (and not only ours, many nations have similar superstitions) attached great importance to bodily manifestations and were able to predict the future on them. The left eye and generally the left side of the body are closely related to the otherworldly, unusual, because commemorations are easier for them. But the right, as a rule, the carrier of positive predictions, not bypass.

Twisted left eye

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Here you need to refer to the symbolism of the right and left. The left side of the body is usually the meaning of the bad, wrong, not like that. Therefore, according to the most common interpretation, the left eye twitches Problems in personal life, financial losses.

But there is one nuance here. Ancient peoples (and most will be born in antiquity) believed that women "the opposite". Women are other, unlike, and the left side of the body they have "better" right. Therefore, the left eye in women jerks To successful meetings, successes and profits.

Note on time

Among other things, it is important when the eyelid eye was held exactly. Every day and every hour does something, in every time its energy sector. Remember when the eye began to twitch for the first time, it will help determine what to wait.

By day of the week

The top or lower eyelid of the left eye can twitch towards successes and joy - either to tears, and it depends on the day of the week. How to deal with conflicting interpretation?

Left eye twitching, thereby foreshadowed Joyful news and good luck , v:

  1. Monday;
  2. Friday;
  3. Saturday.

To tears, disappointments and money losses Left eye twitching in:

  1. Tuesday;
  2. Wednesday;
  3. Thursday;
  4. Sunday.

By the hour in days

Ancient oriental civilizations, who began early statehood and complicated a lifestyle, have long rely on the clock, and therefore the system of successful and unsuccessful segments of time they have very detailed. Let us turn to their experience.

Sketches: Rushed right or left eye 7586_2

Left eyelid twitched between:

  • 23:00 and 1:00 - wait for the next day Visit from someone "Above the Regulation" . It may be a senior family member, a dear relative, boss or authority;
  • 1:00 and 3:00 - to excitement, experiences . Note affects, rather, you personally, than close people;
  • 3:00 and 5:00 - Far friend will be connected Or will be on the threshold of your home. Friends on correspondence or online acquaintances just remember you;
  • 5:00 and 7:00 - you have to Meeting with a person who occupies a special place in your heart . Not necessarily romantic, perhaps this is a favorite first teacher who you will be pushing in the queue in the store;
  • 7:00 and 9:00 - and again Far friends remember About you and plan to come. And maybe a meeting of classmates is coming, where ex-rehearse themselves will be gathering in different cities;
  • 9:00 and 11:00 - Coming party , corporate or invitation to eat out at home;
  • 11:00 and 13:00 - there will be a reason and the possibility drink and good to purchase;
  • 13:00 and 15:00 - everything you thought will succeed, new beginnings will soon bring fruit, and Risks will pay off;
  • 15:00 and 17:00 - carefully, this is a warning about loss of money . Lottery, debts, dangerous investments - you need to think twice before participating in these enterprises;
  • 17:00 and 21:00 - whole four hours Age promises Smell meeting But does not specify with whom. Someone will visit you - but maybe it will be just checking electric meters;
  • 21:00 and 23:00 - Friends think again about you and want to go . Maybe it is worth playing ahead and call them to visit?

Shoot the right eye

The right eye "sees" everything is successful, kind and pleasant, therefore attention is drawn (itching, twitching) - To successes, easy money, pleasant meetings.

In women, the opposite is again. Russed right eye - Sick Failures, disappointment In a person or principles that believed, deception and monetary losses.

Note on time

Like the left eye, the right jerks with different values ​​at different times. Of course, it is difficult to remember to remember which eye was delayed at what time, but the efforts will be rewarded with an accurate prediction.

By day of the week

Positive The value of pulling the right eye is in:
  1. Tuesday;
  2. Wednesday;
  3. Thursday;
  4. Sunday.

Negative , unsuccessful meaning - in:

  1. Monday;
  2. Friday;
  3. Saturday.

By the hour in days

The right eye was delayed between:

  • 23:00 and 1:00 - you Waiting for an invitation to a party Or to visit with a feast. Occasion - any unpleasant kind of commemorations either are also not excluded;
  • 1:00 and 3:00 - you Someone remembers . Sketches like Iikota, and also annoys - at two in the morning;
  • 3:00 and 5:00 - to success, change for the better , great joy. Pleasant sign in the morning;
  • 5:00 and 7:00 - what you are worried about, will turn well, Problems will be allowed , enterprises are crowned with success;
  • 7:00 and 9:00 - attention is the sign that you Get a small injury , so be careful, doing repairs, cleaning, taking a shower and in general staying in places of increased danger with wet floors and sharp objects. And you always need to look under your feet;
  • 9:00 and 11:00 - to quarrel or very unpleasant awkward situation. It is necessary to be attentive to words, cases and handling with other people;
  • 11:00 and 13:00 - Unfortunately or even a local catastrophe. The paper ended in the printer before printing important and urgent documents - also a disaster, but fortunately, not fatal;
  • 13:00 and 15:00 - Small joy and pleasant surprises Waiting for you in the evening or the next day;
  • 15:00 and 17:00 - Soon You remember your loved one;
  • 17:00 and 21:00 - either someone will come to visit to you or invited to visit you. In any case, communication cannot be avoided;
  • 21:00 and 23:00 - expect Court-related trouble and judicial system.

Easy to remember!

A small mnemonic rule is not to be confused.

Sketches: Rushed right or left eye 7586_3

To joy, the right eye twitches on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday (everywhere there is a letter "R").

The left - in days, where the letters "P" is not.

To failure - everything is exactly the opposite.

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