Conspiracy for sex with a loved one or a girl


Magic is able to influence many spheres of human life, the intimate side of relations is not an exception. Many women and men to become physically closer to their beloved person are often referring to the help of the love spell, read a conspiracy for sex.

reading conspiracy for sex

Features, appointment and principle of work

Conspressing for sex It is called a magical impact that promotes the creation of sexual attraction and establish intimate contacts with the object of its physical interest. His goal is to incite passion and the awakening of the libido.

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The rite has a direct impact on the attitude of the object to the Contractor, to associated desires and sexual activity. The sexual attraction caused by this kind of witchcraft spell can be temporary or constant - depending on the strength of the text applied. The conspiracy action applies only to an intimate sphere and does not affect other aspects of human life.

Since the conspiracy concerns directly the most personal side of relations between people, then the performer himself must pronounce it. Who can take advantage of the ritual? First of all, these are people who wish to enter into sexual contact with the object of their lust. Also, the spell can be useful to a married couple in which the sexual attraction and passion, as well as pairs whose relationships are undergoing a difficult period.

Difference from Privota

Do not configure a conspiracy with sexual binding or spell. The conspiracy is characterized by easier exposure to the object and is directed only to the physical aspect of love, consciousness and senses of the victim does not concern.

The spell helps to get sex and nothing more from the desired person. Applying this ritual is not to hope that it will be possible to create a family with the object of your passion.

To some extent, the conspiracy on sex can be called a variety of light love spell without consequences - without serious action, he will simply give the opportunity to spend time with the person interested.

Advantages and disadvantages

Conspiracy increases the quality of proximity between people, even if there is no rich sexual experience behind their shoulders. In addition, it helps to eliminate the physiological and psychological problems associated with the INFIMA area.

The ritual is practically no capable of calling any side effects from handling magic. He does not tend to suppress the will of his victim. Without risk, people free from relations can be used - naturally, to the same free, not married or in a couple of people.


This rite can distinguish a number of advantages:

  • High speed and high-quality effect. The result from the use of some conspiracies may occur after a few hours after the rite;
  • Easy performance. The fulfillment of most rites is characterized by a simple technique and does not require the use of any rare and unusual components;
  • Duration of action. The period of exposure ranges from several hours to one year maximum. This is a certain plus for performers who wish only pleasant, no matter what binding sexual relations with the object of their interest;
  • Positive influence on partners. He favorably affects the sharpness of physical pleasure, helps to know all the edges of sexual pleasure.

The plot does not act on a person experiencing hate and antipathy to the performer. Also relatively poorly affects the rite and on female representatives - in view of their presence, they have more stringent and high, compared with men, moral principles and personal considerations.

4 ways

Conspiracy is recommended to read on the growing moon so that the phase of the night Luminage contributes to an increase in sexual desire. It is also desirable to do it on the day of Venus - on Friday, because it is Friday that is considered a day of family and love magic.

For her husband and wife

This spell will help in cases where the past passion between spouses began to fade, and sex with a marriage partner became rare. The wife should read the conspiracy in the light of the burning church candle, set as the head of the married bed. It is necessary that the husband sleep at this time, and the wife first lay down next and only then read the spell:

"Ignite and igniting the power of magic furyful passion and gentle sensuality within God's slaves (husband's names and wife) . Let that night and other dope and drunk passion and dominate the mind. Let the legs of God's slave (husband's name) tremble, dry lips, hands to God's slave (wife's name) stretch. May I become the biggest softer for him, the strongest desire. Let it be so far from forever. Amen".

Words need to whisper 7 times, during this time the candle must be exhausted until the end.

For inciting sexual passion

Pretty strong conspiracy suitable for home applying both girls and guys. Send text is necessary at open fire (bonfire, fireplace, oven, lit candle). The words:

"The lust and passion at the bottom of the abdomen roasting. Let this attraction climbs and drunk him, the top above the body will take. Let in God's slave (God's slave) (name) Passion burns and a strong sexual desire, to glue which only I can. Wants (name) My body is so that your legs are cut, the lips are drying, dark in the eyes. To both of us in the heat of passion to glow, the pleasure of the unraded to experience. How fire burns, so burns he bones (name) , attracts it to me. Amen".

On salt and water

One of the strongest ways that can affect and in cases where the case has not yet reached sexual contact between a man and a woman.

For implementation, you will need: Fresh Picture of Choold (without outsiders, animals), gymnasium salt, 7 drops of water, glamor (saucer).

The essence of the rite: in the pile drop 7 drops of water, and throw the salt jemy and read three times:

"How water without a residue gives out salts, as a salt of the water is completely drinking, so let me and my beloved, God's slave (chosen name), I, God's slave (my name), wates. And until he takes me all, there will be no peace to him. Amen".

This salt is further evenly sprinkling the photograph of his beloved, put a photo in this position in a secret place and leave until intimate intimate happens. After that, the salt can be washed away, but the photo is to store on.


This spell is read on the red thread or tape and from other conspiractions for sex is distinguished by a period of action, the duration of which depends on the will of the performer.


Cooking in advance the red thread or ribbon, you need to tender 7 times on it below this conspiracy, after each read time, tie to one nodule. As a result, 7 nodules should turn out. Text:

"Tying God's slave (Men's name) to God's slave (own name) Fresh and for a long time. How no one unlocks these nodes, so let no one can separate. Let God's slave (Men's name) Only about me constantly thinks and dreams, just wants me. Let only I will be a Mile, more painful and more desirable. Let the male power of God's slave (Men's name) Only with me will be. Amen".

Conspired thread (ribbon) with nodules you need to hide in the box, and make the box in an inaccessible to prying eyes and hand the place in your home. The spell action is saved until nodes remain connected.

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