Signs of damage and evil eye on a person - how to establish a negative impact


In this article, we will talk about the main signs of damage and the evil eye, how to determine independently that a strong energy or magical impact was provided to humans.

It is no secret that various events occur in life with us: joyful and sad, funny and sad. A white band is replaced by black, and black over time goes into white. And anything, but sometimes it happens that some evil rock seems to persecute a person. Unhappiness and failures are pouring on it alone, and familiar say that the cause of all the troubles is damaged. In such cases, a person is trying to figure out if it really is.

Signs of damage and evil

There are ways and rites that help determine whether the damage was damaged, the evil eye or some other energy influence was provided.

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Let's first figure it out, what is the evil eye or damage, how they are created and how they work.

Damage and evil eye: what it is

Plows are called a negative energy or magical impact, which was carried out on a person deliberately with the help of various magical techniques. It is a specially trained magician who can use personal things of man, photos, hair, blood and so on for his rites.

The damage is created on the astral plan of negative energies and with the help of various rites is transmitted to a person. For the formation of damage, spells are used, the strength of different egregors, for example, religious. After that, the energy bunch falls into the chakru of a person who wants to have a negative impact.

But there is one nuance. If the damage is rendered to a person with a clean and light Aura, which is capable of love, she will not harm him. Negative energy will return to its creator. If the destructive emotions of anger and aggression prevail in man, then damage will attract him and lead to great trouble.

In organs that relate to the chakra, which caused the energy blow, problems arise. If it is a heart chakra, problems with heart, vessels or pressure will begin. If the impact is rendered on the first chakra, there will be problems with potency, infertility.

Heart problems - a typical symptom of the evil

Some sorcerers are able to send damage to several chakras immediately - it will be a damage to death. Making such a ritual should remember that all his genus will be paid for such an act.

It must be said that damage does not determine the life of a person who is rendered. It is able to influence only if the person himself began to destroy his fate. Often, damage suggests those people who themselves in past incarnations were engaged in such. This is a kind of payback.

The person who caused damage begins, begins the "black" bar of failures and misfortunes. It gets silent by mysterious diseases. Doctors can not put the correct diagnosis. From improper treatment and consumption of chemical preparations, man becomes even worse. Close people refuse him, friends betray, the career collapses. Serious material problems arise. There is a desire to commit suicide.

The appearance changes: the girl can turn into unattractive, deprived of charm and cheerfulness. Next, the damage becomes chronic. The person falls and is out of society. It is very difficult to get out of such a state.

What is the evil eye and how to determine it

The negative effect of the energy field of one person on the energy system is the second, weaker. This can be both unconscious effects and a targeted charge of negative energy.

This can be explained like this: your ill-wisher appears negative thoughts in relation to you. Further, he directs this energy into your eyes or immediately on the subtle energy shell immediately.

evil eye

But it happens that man does not want anyone evil. Moreover, he himself is experiencing from the fact that he is considered to be "glazing", but nothing can do nothing with this ability. And sometimes a person may even join himself, to have a negative impact on his health and fate. This means that it can influence the surrounding space by the power of his thoughts, but cannot control it.

The main symptoms of damage

  1. A person is constantly annoyed, he does not go wrong.
  2. All undertakings end with defeat.
  3. A person feels chronic fatigue, a shortage of vital energy, although physically he is healthy.
  4. Often the person has a hiking or yawn.
  5. A person becomes apathetic, is in a state of depression.
  6. A person has suspicions, he feels or knows for sure who could have been jammed.
  7. A person has a panic fear, he refuses food.
  8. For an unknown reason, his inexplicable longing, he suffers.
  9. Various psyche disorders, mania and phobia begin. Possible physical pain in some area. May suddenly have a serious illness.
  10. It can suddenly hate or rejection of a close man. This suggests that someone needs to be separated.
  11. A person has a strong aggression, anger outbreaks. Often he tries to commit suicide.
  12. A person begins to lose weight rapidly or, on the contrary, gain weight.
  13. There is a feeling that you hear some extraneous voices, the split personality.

Rite that will help determine if there is a damage on a person

If you have a suspicion that damage is hooking on you, this rite will help you. Take Capacity with Cold Water and Natural Wax. Melt it and take a couple of minutes at the man's head. Now you need to slowly pour the wax into the container with water and wait for the wax to harde. Now we look at which figure we had.

In case it has smooth edges, smooth, wave-like, no damage to you. But if there is a lot of growths, torn edges, angles, this indicates the presence of damage or even a generic curse.

After conducting a rite, wrap the wax into paper and groove in a deserted place. In case the presence of damage is confirmed, refer to the specialists who will help to remove it. The ritual held in time neutralizes a negative magical impact and will help you to take trouble from you and your loved ones.

If you suddenly arise with health problems, you experience strong apathy and depression, the desire disappears to live and it is impossible to get out of the state of apathy, think ...

You may have become a victim of a negative magical impact. But do not forget that we are the most important detractor. After all, our negative emotions, aggression of surrounding and unclean thoughts, we ourselves create the opportunity to enter our power system of various devastating programs. And the more we are in a state of love and harmony with the outside world, the fact that we become more invulnerable to the action of the magical forces.

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