Signals for a wedding: what can I, and what is impossible?


Folk signs are the experience gained by generations of our ancestors and preserved to the present day. Do not make a mistake and confuse signs and superstitions, because the latter are not experience, but more on mysticism and ignorance. Signs for a wedding is one of the most popular categories. People have always filled this solemn event with a special symbolism and tried to find out how the lives of newlyweds will arise, for a number of signs.

Signals for a wedding: what can I, and what is impossible? 7598_1

Wedding signs for newlyweds

We bring to your attention the most popular signs for the wedding, which we will tell you, and what can not be done on this day. It is worth listening to them if you want a married life to be the most favorable way.

  1. Do not give anyone to try the engagement ring Neither before nor after the wedding ceremony. Otherwise, you risk conveying your happiness to another person.
  2. It is necessary that the groom in this solemn day put in the right shoe coin - It will provide a young happy and peaceful life. The coin must then be carefully stored as a family relic.
  3. Both newlyweds need to attach to the clothes on the English pin head down - It will save them from the evil eye. For the bride, the pin from the evil eye is attached to the inside of the dress, and for the groom - in the area of ​​the boutonnieres, but that the pin is not noticeable to the naked eye.
  4. The bride on the day of his wedding must be dressed in all new . It is also recommended to perform multiple stitches on the dresses and in a different place, invisible to a prayer look. Use for this thread of blue (it will protect you from the evil eye). Shoes must have closed socks.
  5. Immediately before the wedding procedure, the bride should cry a little , then, if you believe the signs, family life will be very happy. Of course, it is better that these tears be caused by the partific words of parents, and not with some problems or lining.
  6. Before letting a girl in the registry office, her mother should pass one of the family relics : In the form of relics, rings, cross, brooches, bracelets and other decorations can perform. It is important to keep this thing with you during the wedding, and subsequently keep it carefully.
  7. It is impossible for the bride to see himself to wedding / marriage procedures in the mirror. It is allowed to look at yourself without gloves and fats, being in one dress.
    Signals for a wedding: what can I, and what is impossible? 7598_2
  8. The bride and the bride should keep a bouquet in hands over the day . In emergency situations, it is permissible to give a bouquet of a mother or a bridegroom. Only at the wedding banquet itself, it is permissible to put flowers on the table by the table, and after the celebration, it is necessary to take them into the bedroom. Our ancestors believed that, having released a bouquet from her hands, you let your happiness.
  9. After leaving the bride from the housing, the floors should be washed , at least symbolically. This will facilitate the process of its transition to the men's home. It is more correct to do her mother. And the wedding procession will quite wait a few minutes.
  10. The bride is worth throwing a veil when leaving the house . This toilet object will protect it from the evil eye. You can learn veil when the bride enters the registry office or church.
  11. After the bridegroom put on the bride on the finger wedding ring Nor she nor it should no longer touch empty boxes in which there were rings. It is better that this thing takes one of the unmarried bridesmaids.
  12. Unnecessary guests should not be corrected Bride or bridegroom, it is important to follow this by the entire ceremony.
  13. Newlyweds should be all the time together, Not allowing anyone to go or get up between them. It will make the marriage union strong and unreasonable.
  14. It is important that the bride and the bride simultaneously play wedding candles - It will provide them with a long joint life.
  15. After the wedding procedure Young needs to be viewed in one mirror . This will attract good luck to them, make a married life friendly and happy.
  16. Leaving the registry office or church, you should sprinkle young : It can be millet, rice or wheat grain. According to accept, it will provide spouses a happy life.
  17. It is impossible to young people go to the wedding celebration on a straight road . Our ancestors believed that it was necessary to confuse unclean power, and therefore chose the most complex route. In a number of countries, there is even a tradition to bind empty banks from canned food from behind, which will be scared by their brand.
  18. When newlyweds drive up to the place of wedding, you need to signal the machine loudly. It will also scare the unclean power, protects against a bad eye.
  19. Newlyweds on the wedding banquet are allowed to dance only with each other And symbolically with parents. But after dance with children, parents should be reduced to them together.
  20. Cut the wedding cake must be bride And the groom should keep the knife. A piece with the main drawing of a new-minced husband puts on a plate with his wife, and the next bride presents the bridegroom. Only after this cake is distributed to guests. This sign indicates mutual agreement and mutual assistance.
  21. When young preparing bed , Pillows need to be laid in such a way that the cuts of the pillowcase tightly come into contact. This will ensure a friendly life.

Signals for a wedding: what can I, and what is impossible? 7598_3

Wedding sign that any bride should know

Sketches regarding the removal of Fata. In most cases, it is accepted from guests to choose a young couple, and they seem to become the "bride" and the "bridegroom". The girl is put on a veil, removed from the real bride, and the boutonniere groom gives an imaginary groom

But, according to the signs, it is impossible to part in the Boutonniere and Fata! On this occasion, the sign was invented to throw a bouquet. After the wedding, veil and boutonniere should keep houses as a family relic. When the couple appears the baby and gets ill, it is necessary to cover it with this item or hang over the bed. Thus, it will be protected from the evil eye.

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