Prayer by agreement - how to pray


Prayer in agreement is often practiced among Orthodox Christians. That it represents and how to pray it properly, this material is devoted to this.

Reading prayer

Origin and features

Prayer by agreement is a type of prayer, when several Orthodox agree to pray together in absentia in order to help the neighbor with some difficult situation in his life: everyday difficulties, illness, misfortune, sorrow, trouble, and so on.

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The roots of the origin of this rite should be signed in the Gospel of Matthew - in words that sound like this:

Quote from the Gospel of Matthew

In an agreement formed by agreement, a prayer team can be listed from 2-3 to 20-30 people. Even if these people are from each other at a considerable distance, they proceed to prayer in the same thing, in advance approved, time.

Pronoming is a whole daily prayer rite, which one or more times can be carried out. Most often, he takes such a scenario:

  1. Initially, the goal of collective appeal to the highest forces is negotiated - for whom to ask and ask for.
  2. Then the psaltiri are then picked up: everyone reads on one specific cafium a day, for the day another reads a cafia next for the already uttered.
  3. After pronouncing the caphysis, the prayer itself is already read.

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There are several options for this prayer text. But they all pursue one good goal - recovering the Lord to help her neighbor.

How to read such prayers to read in this video:

Requests with which believers by agreement pray to the Lord are the most diverse. Depending on them, the sacred text can change slightly. The most common options for such a petition are shown below.

Option of John Kronstadtsky

This text is the version of the Church Slavonic. In addition to John Kronstadt, they used the Moscow Shepherd - Father Konstantin Rovinsky. The words:

The text of the prayer of John Kronstadt

Konstantin's father read this text 4 times a day - in the morning, afternoon, in the evening and night. The same did those who agreed to pray with him. The petition was uttered until the Lord fulfilled the request expressed in him.

Konstantin Father has repeatedly witnessed the miraculousness of this prayer. With her help, even seriously ill people were gained again (which doctors nothing but death were attributed), the vision was returned to the blind, to the paralyzed - the ability to move and walk, etc. This method continues to help in need and to this day.

Optional Father Valentina Amphitheatrova

Text in modern Russian. Authorship is attributed to Father Valentina Amphitheatrov. Sounds like this:

Valentine's version of Amphitheatrov

Reading this text, instead of brackets, you need to call the names of those who take part in the process, and then voice the specific request (for example, "about the recovery of such something", "about the family well-being of such something", etc. )

Another option

Prayer is available in this version:


Request here you can express absolutely any.

Responsibility and obligation - the key to success

The results of the pronouncement of prayer by agreement are sometimes really stunned - in the good sense of the word. This Orthodox sacrament brings great benefits, since in this case there are several people with the same past at the same time, from which the power of prayer is repeatedly enhanced.

However, the rite has a weak side - this is the dependence of the final result from the responsibility and the good faith of the participants of the prayer team. Efficiency will decline if a person who has already agreed to participate in prayer, will begin to miss the days - due to its forgetfulness or banal option.

Prayer by agreement is not easy, therefore, before giving his consent to participate in it, the believer must carefully weigh everything, assess its real opportunities, take into account the features of his character. Entry into this ritual should be necessarily voluntary and deliberate, and a person who agreed to participate in the prayer group is to have excellent self-discipline. Only then together praying can hope for success.

How to prepare

The sacrament of prayers by agreement requires participants in certain preparatory measures. Of course, you can simply agree on everything with all the details, eliminate all the ambiguities, clarify the details and start a petition to God. But truly believers who are really important is the purpose of prayer, will not do that. First of all, they will turn to the clergyman in the church and ask him the blessings in the subsequent difficult work - such a step and will be the most faithful.

Preparation for prayer by agreement

Asking blessings before prayer is recommended only from a well-known priest - whoever knew you and your spiritual mood. Batyushka needs to tell everything as much as possible: to state the essence of the request, voice the existing problem, name the names of the persons who will participate in prayer with you. Give a priest his blessing - and the Lord will definitely help you.

What if the request is not executed?

Unfortunately, it happens that the request expressed in group prayer is not fulfilled by the Lord. The text of the prayer petition itself allows such an outcome, no wonder in it contains words: "May will be your will" . They mean that not all the desires of praying can be implemented by the Lord, for his will does not always coincide with the hopes and aspirations of ordinary mortal people, even if they are assigned to prayer. If a person got a request, it means that God wished, if he did not receive, it is also a decision of the Most High.

The negative result is also the result, so the will with the will of the Lord needs to come to terms and continue to continue to live, who said on His mercy. The essence of Orthodox prayers is such that they are always pronounced with humility and hope. God's decision can not always be comprehended - it is obliged to understand every Orthodox.

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