Folk signs of winter - guess the weather without weather forecasters


Winter is a terrific time of the year, which combines frost, pursuing deep to the bones, with a rare, but so desired winter sun. If you consider the ancient signs of winter, as a rule, people always tried to find out, to which events of the future should be prepared and how long to wait for the offensive of spring.

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Common chances for the whole winter

  • Remember the number when the first snow fell, - Winter will come 40 days after that day.
  • If a lot of snow falls in winter So, you will find a great harvest of bread. Conversely, the lack of snow will indicate a bad harvest.
  • If at the beginning of winter there is severe snowfall This means that in the early summer there will be torrential rains.
  • Snow fell to the fallout of all the leaves - Winter will be laid frost.
  • Thunderstorm in winter He foreshadows a strong cold, and the appearance of lightning indicates a storm.
  • If the smoke goes from the pipes It is necessary to prepare for cooling.
  • In the daytime there is a strong frost, and in the evening it begins to warm - Get ready for a long fit.
  • The presence of strong blizzes In winter, promises rainy weather in summer.
  • Cold and dry winter It predicts that summer will be dry and hot, and warm winter indicates a cold summer.
  • In the sky brightly shine stars - Strong frosts are coming.
  • The sun is framed by a foggy circle - Wait a blizzard, and if it hides behind the clouds, there will be a strong buran.
  • There is no cloud on the sky - Wait for frost weather.
  • When the month in the sky is formed horizontally, Wait for warming, vertically - cooling.
  • Moon of reddish tint Indicates that the entire next day will be warm and snow will fall.
  • If the moon has sharp luminous horns, Wait for heavy rains, and when steep, get ready for frost.
  • Friends appeared on the trees - warming comes.
  • When light and dry snow falls out, So summer will be dry.
  • Fallen leaves on wet ground Promises warm winter.
  • Singing winter day, the noise of the forest is heard - Soon there will be a shower.
  • Snow lies on the ground with large flakes It is worth preparing for rainy, wet weather.
  • If winter is very cold, So spring will be warm, and on the contrary, warm winter foreshadows cold summer.
  • Strong tongs in winter - Spring will be rainy, and summer is sunny. Our ancestors believed that on what day of winter was a buran, on the same day of the summer there will be a shower.

Winter signs on birds, animals and plants

Increased attention, our ancestors paid to how animals behave, birds, as well as in what condition plants are located. All this helped to make a certain forecast for the future.

  • If there are a lot of acorns on oaks, Winter will be very frosty.
  • Many berries on rowan - also to the cold.
    Folk signs of winter - guess the weather without weather forecasters 7605_2
  • Snegiri and Sparrow Start actively tweet to thaw.
  • If the crows began to gather in the pack On the tops of the trees, frost are coming, and at the bottom - there will be strong winds.
  • Cats warm on the furnace - Predict Study, lie on the floor - to warm weather, the floors scrace - a blizzard comes with a strong wind.
  • Hares are located near the dwelling People - it points to cooling.
  • Sparrows hide in the ravar - Prepare warm clothes on frost.
  • If the morning on the window, the tit is chirping, Frost are coming at night.
  • If windows fought frosty weather Wait warming.
  • Chickens began to sit down early - To frosts, with the higher the regiment, which the bird was climbing, the colder will be on the street.

Signals for winter holidays

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A very large amount will accept and believes dedicated to the topics of the New Year.

So, for example, it was believed that how to meet the New Year, so they will spend it. For this triumph, I could have tried to get dressed in everything new in order not to know the needs for just next year.

The following signs are also very popular:

  • Appearance on New Year's Eve of a large number of stars A good harvest foreshadowed in the sky.
  • Iaven appeared for christmas - The year will be chopping.
  • Blizzard at Christmas Pointing that bees would be good.
  • If the whole christmas week is clear days - We collect a big harvest.
  • If there is a blizzard for baptism, Easter will also be a blizzard.
  • Filled with baptism predict a big spill.
  • Full moon on baptism Also indicates in the spring.
  • If the snow starts to fall with big flakes, It is worth waiting for a fertile year, and clear days will indicate an indispensable.
  • If baptism is colder than on the penitution and christmas, This is a good crop.
  • In Tatiana, the weather is very sunny - So, birds come early, and if the snowy, summer will be rainy.

Signals by months of winter

Winter signs in December

  • If in December the first snow fell dense , wet and heavy, get ready for rainy weather in the summer, and if dry and easy, wait for the dry summer.
  • The presence of frequent winds In winter, points to slush in March and April.
  • December warm "So winter will delay for a long time, and spring will be cold and late.
  • The presence of strong Inea and large snowdrifts When the soil freezes well, points to a good harvest.

Signals in January

  • On the roofs of houses hang long and frequent icicles - Vintage will be good.
  • If for 30 days the weather will be snowball with tongs and snowfall - Many rains in the middle of summer.
  • Cold January It predicts that July will be dry and hot.
  • And warm weather Spends on the cold March.
  • If at the beginning of the month heard strongly, as the woodpecker knocks, - Spring will come early.
  • If January was very cold Next year is likely to be warm.

Folk signs of winter - guess the weather without weather forecasters 7605_3

Signs of February

  • If the days at the beginning of the month are warm, Spring will be early and knead.
  • If in the evening on February 1 in the sky a lot of stars, Cold is maintained for a long period. And sunny weather foreshadows late spring.
  • In February there is a strong fog - the year will be rainy.
  • Availability of abundant Inea on trees predicts a good honey harvest.
  • If snow sticks to the trees, Wait for fast warming.
  • Strong rains in February Indicate the wet summer, and their absence speaks of drought.
  • If the in the morning you can hear the tweet of the blue, You need to prepare for frost.

Listening to these people's beliefs, you can draw up a certain forecast of future weather and will be prepared in advance for its various surprises.

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