Good Russian folk signs


Signs are in demand in the people from the time of gray antiquity. There are a large number of different classifications belief, but ultimately all of them can be divided into negative and positive. Often people ignore the signs of fate only because they fear believe in bad. But, fortunately, not all superstitions are distinguished by bad interpretation, various good signs are known, treating the acquisition of happiness, profits, love, health, family well-being.

We bring to your attention a list of positive interpretations:

  • Watching nose - This indicates the good news that you will get very soon;
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  • from afar to notice that light burns in the windows promises great luck;
  • If God's cow sat down on his hand and does not come off with it for a long time, It foreshadows a beautiful romantic history;
  • If in the morning the first met a man, The day promises to work well;
  • A woman who does not want to grow old, should always keep ripe acorn with him;
  • On holidays, it will very much . The celebration will pass safely;
  • If in man There are many moles on the body, His life will be long and happy;
  • if A bird litter landed on his head, Do not hurry to peel on this occasion or ridiculed the person with whom this is not a very pleasant event, as it indicates a quick wealth;
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  • waking up get out of the bed - Very good sign that foreshadows a productive day, successful conclusion of transactions, as well as a solution to various disagreements;
  • if daughter is more like a father than to mother, she is prepared by a happy share;
  • If you found a pin, then someone talks about you in a good context;
  • to prick a finger with a needle girl foreshadows the receipt of compliments from the opposite sex;
  • If you dreamed that someone dies - the life of this person will be long;
  • in a dream to cry - rejoice at revealing;
  • If a squeak is distributed in the right ear or ringing, get ready for good news;
  • Get silver as a gift - foreshadows good luck in affairs and endeavors;
  • If on Saturday you broke a plate - This is a very good sign that foreshadows great happiness in life;
  • human, Restored before the tapti , soon get an unexpected, but very pleasant news;
  • If you want to improve your financial situation, Buy violets;
  • If on the way you We meet a woman who is carrying something in his hands, This indicates that the day will be very productive;
  • meet a fellow traveler, dressed in red clothes, predicts happiness;
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  • If you want a relationship with the young man you like, Put on a meeting with him decoration round shape;
  • always when you step on the sidewalk or climb the stairs, Do it on the right leg so you will attract good luck;
  • If the dish fell flies, Someone is preparing you a pleasant surprise or you can win a large amount of money in the lottery;
  • Child smiles in a dream - This means that in his home everything is safely;
  • Extremely favorable sign see three nuns at the same time;
  • put a newborn baby on mother's belly It will save him subsequently from the need;
  • Our ancestors believed that real luxury - when there are buttons on clothes. For this reason, believed, that a person who found a button , shortness will achieve a career success;
  • The angels are intently observed for human behavior and thoughts. Extremely It is important to tune on this day exclusively to positive , not allowing insults, swearing;
  • If newlyweds in the wedding give a gift blue - It foreshadows them a happy and peaceful life.

It must be remembered that the signs and superstitions will only work in that situation if you believe in them. For Yary Skeptics, they are unlikely to be able to attract both good and bad events in life. And on which side to be - this is your personal right.

If we judge objectively, the good will take there is much more than bad. Plus this amount is updated regularly. Despite technical and scientific progress, no one will cancel faith in ancient superstitions, carefully developed by our distant ancestors and carefully stored for a long period of time. Yes, and see in the whole positive, the bright side is much more profitable and much more productive for life than to destroy yourself with negative emotions.

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