Chinese rose in the house - Signs


Chinese rose is a very common indoor plant. He also has another name - Hibiscus. In the wild, the rose bush has a large size and is able to reach 3 meters in height. And for home conditions specially created a low-length flower grade. Signs about the Chinese rose in the house appeared in antiquity, but were able to successfully walk to this day and did not lose their popularity. Further in the article, we will deal with the positive and negative interpretation of these.

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Good values ​​of signs

Chinese rose is peculiar to the content. It is these qualities that make it an ideal option for public institutions and at home. But besides the aesthetic side, the Chinese rose is also a carrier of certain information. And it is capable of how to assist in certain situations, so harm the life and health of a person. And in which direction a bowl of the scales will be lean, it will depend purely from a particular situation.

Around the Chinese rose always consisted a lot, from the positive, the following can be noted:

  1. Flower is able to charge the surrounding space of motion energy . Hibiscus corresponds to the sign of the zodiac lion, and refers to it because of love for bright sunshine and a magnificent image of flowers. Despite his femininal name, the Chinese rose has a fairly strong male character. If you believe astrology, it is the fire that speaks by male beginnings, expresses activities and activity.
  2. Flower like a sponge collects the destructive energy of laziness and begins to convert it into the energy of creativity . It is recommended to start this plant in your home to those who suffer from heart pathologies or reduced pressure. Also, the Chinese rose is shown to people passive, as it will provide active in vital power.
  3. The energy of the Chinese rose is in a spiral-shaped - bottom rises upstairs . From the area of ​​the roots - to the tips and leaves. According to the popular accept, it is believed that with the help of this plant you can restore the fired fire of love between the married couple, for a long time living together (although there is a opposite interpretation).

Negative interpretations

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But besides good, there are also a number of negative projects of this belief:

  1. Hibiscus is a kind of beacon, pointing to family happiness and health . Therefore, if you notice that the plant began to fade without any reasons, or he began to crumble the petals, it indicates a possible disease of one of the family members (both manifest and hidden). In such a situation, it is necessary to seek medical help.
  2. There is also one very contradictory sign associated with hibiscus. This plant is considered a symbol of passion, and the unmarried lady , growing it, will not know the feather from the workers. But with this there is both the opposite interpretation, according to which Hibiscus is "Musicon". And although he actively attracts fans, but at the same time very quickly makes them cool to the owner of the plant.
  3. If the flower will start a married couple , the situation is at all risks becoming a deplorable. Together with the appearance of Chinese roses, probably the beginning of the quarrel, disputes and scandals, it can end everything can even be a complete rupture of relationships. And it will attract them that is this beautiful, but at the same time the dangerous flower.
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Let's summarize

Of course, everything described above, in its essence, is simply superstitions. There are many people in the house where Hibiscus grows, but they are happy and do not have any problems. But do not forget that the signs and beliefs do not appear on an even place and there is always a share of truth.

You must decide for yourself independently, to believe these signs or not. Each specific case is fully individual, and for all people, the crucial role is played with their own mood, energy and emotions. We ourselves are the creators of their fate.

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Signs and superstitions will not be superfluous, if, of course, you will not believe in them fanatically. They did not appear from nothing - our ancestors were collected for centuries and analyzed the events that took place, built certain analogies and connections why there was a different event. And we now have an excellent opportunity to use their work for the benefit of yourself and the world around.

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