What dream of gold in a dream?


Interpreters diverge in opinions. Some argue that gold symbolizes evil and negative, others see in this symbol a dizzying success and happiness. What is the dream of gold? Interpretation depends on the set of nuances, which are present in the picture of the dream. We will analyze the question in detail.

What dream of gold in a dream? 7617_1

Folk interpretation of dreams about gold

Gold is a symbol of value, significance and wealth. However, not all gold in a dream can be endowed with this meaning, for example, Fallation under gold carries a negative aspect , like bent or spoiled gold products. Also, the symbol of gold is cheating, seduction or trick.

Plots of dream dreams can be different:

  • Beautiful precious products;
  • broken or spoiled gold jewelry;
  • suddenly find gold bars or decorations;
  • steal or buy gold products;
  • Other plot lines.

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Golden decorations in the shape of rings - Earrings, bracelets, rings, chains from links - foreshadowed wedding. If the decorations were pressed on the fingers or shy movement, in the new family will have not sweet. If you felt comfortable in jewelry, life in a new family will be secured and calm.

The image of a gold jewelry that lists on another person, foreshadows joyful events in the life of a dream. This interpretation is appropriate only in the absence of envy to the wealth and happiness of other people. If the dream hits and wounds the well-being of others, the dream indicates depression about the goodness of loved ones or familiar people.

See Many gold jewelry on other people - To the big envy, disappointment and deception. However, admire gold jewelry on other people and worry that they did not get to you - to great success and unexpected profits.

See Gold on the counters of a jewelry store - To great opportunities. This plot can foreshadow a young girl wanted marriage, and a married woman is a divorce and new love with great opportunities in marriage.

Hurry yourself with decorations and swim in gold - To diseases, envy, slohalu or even spoilement. If you demonstrate your advantages, envious can revenge envious.

If Gold lies in your home This foreshadows a serious illness. The disease will leave an imprint on the outer image of the dream, for example, hepatitis. Sick people such a dream may impose a fatal outcome of either a cancer tumor. Especially dangerous or drinking from gold dishes.

If you have Gold stolen , expect deception and separation from expensive people. It promises the loss of trust relationships, love, honor and dignity. However, in some cases, the dream promises the deliverance from bad in life if it pursued a dream.

Turn gold - You are not able to achieve the desired legal way. Sometimes this plot suggests that the person does not appreciate others, they do not notice his talents and merits. If the dreams want to gain honor and glory, there are insurmountable obstacles on its way.

What dream of gold in a dream? 7617_2

Golden finds

What dreams of Find gold . Finding gold in a dream promises envy on the part of the environment, and for poor people - an even more distinguished position. Most likely, you will have to part with an expensive thing to ensure your existence. However, this interpretation does not apply to the find of the Golden Brilliant Coins: In this case, the dream is expecting a big luck.

Chains and bracelets In dreams symbolize bonds and duties. If a gold chain was found, even in a broken form, the dream foreshadows success and an unexpected source of income. However, sadness will come together with joy: inconvenience from superimposed obligations. This may be a loan with great interest or bible terms of the contract.

If the gold chain finds in a dream guy This promises a meeting with a ugly girl for the sake of favorable place or favorable conditions of existence. Ugly, but very secured girl will poison his life and restrict freedom.

For girl Find a gold chain - get married for the calculation without love. However, the attractive type of gold jewelry indicates the presence of excellent personal qualities of its chosen one. That is, the person will be secure and good, but the heart of the girl will not respond to his love.

Married woman The find of gold jewelry promises a meeting with another man, for which she will discern with her husband. If the dreams found a chain and ruined it in a dream, then it is divided with her husband for the sake of free lifestyle.

What denotes the find of broken jewelry or Slices of gold . This plot foreshadows sadness, problems and tears. Find one earrings in a dream - to actively search for your halves, or a woman will dare to hover a husband from a foreign family.

What dream of gold in a dream? 7617_3

Interpretation of dreams

Dream Miller . Gold vision in a dream promise success. If gold stole gold, be prepared to lose what is expensive. For the young girl theft is promoting a profitable marriage, but with a stupid and greedy man. Losing gold - not to take advantage of the chance provided.

Develop a mine - to a difficult but honorable case. Mock the sand - to the temptation of light money, steal - to infringe the rights of others, to buy - to big trouble. To see the gold plane - to envy and false, nuggets - to talented descendants, gold in water - to the malice of haters.

Dream of flowers . Jewelry box warns about exaggeration of hopes for anything. Find gold in a dream - do not be lagging, digging out of the ground - to self-realization. If gold is intertwined with silver - to deception in love. Decoration as a gift - Beware of false compliments. If a woman gives a decoration to a man, Alfons will soon appear in her life.

Lose / sell gold - to liberate from illness or old offense. Golden dust will dream of wealth, obtained by grave labor. Collect gold from the floor - to humiliation for the sake of benefit. Hold the decorations in the cache - to trouble with his own nonsense.

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