How to attract money to the house - folk signs


There are a great many diverse articles and books devoted to the subject of financial well-being. But, as you know, all new is well forgotten old, so it will not be superfluous to pay attention to popular beliefs that came to us from distant ancestors. How to attract money to the house for folk signs, we will be covered in detail in this material in detail.

How to attract money to the house - folk signs 7631_1

Folk signs about attracting finance and good luck

If you wish to lure good luck to your home, be sure to listen to the following folk signs:
  • Be sure to give one tenth of your revenues for charity - sacrifice the poor, distribute alms, finances will return to you doubly;
  • Put on the threshold one silver coin, And every time you enter the house, say the following phrase: "I go home, and the money go after me";
  • If you wish to attract finance to yourself, Make a manicure procedure and concrete nails on Friday and on Tuesday;
  • Spend a mini-ritual: On the night before Merry Christmas, donate the churches any money When pronouncing the following conspiracy: "To whom the church is not a mother, I'm not the Father." After this simple manipulation, finances will begin to actively come to you from the most unexpected sources;
  • Money actively attracts oil patchouli For this you need to take bills with the letters of your initials, put this tool on it and always keep in the wallet as a talisman - it will provide a permanent influx of money to you;
  • Another mini-ritual: To the new moon you need to show money (coin or bill) with a young month At the same time, these words are: "As a month is born, so my finances are added."

Signals for saving money

How to attract money to the house - folk signs 7631_2

Now we found out how to attract money to your home. Now we bring to your attention the people's beliefs to preserve proven well:

  • you need to buy a piggy bank and put small coins every day every day , while mentally wishing prosperity and success;
  • Do not keep money in the light - They do not like it. Hide bills in a secluded dark place;
  • Do not take the garbage from the house in the evening - It is fraught with possible robbery, loss of luck;
  • should not be given or take a gift empty dishes - Put some minimum there (candy, slice of bread), then weak will always be in your home;
  • Do not scatter bills around the house - Keep them in one place;
  • When the sun went, it is impossible to lend anything to anyone, even the most close people;
  • It is impossible to whistle in your house - So you can wipe all profit;
  • If you think about money, you need to say: "So that you have always been and I have increased";
  • When sacrifice the ahead of the poor Whispering must be said: "Let the hand of the giving the giving", with this manipulation, do not look into the eyes of a person who lends himself;
  • You can not take delivery in the form of torn, crumpled or dirty bills - not even touching them, immediately ask to change;
  • can't stand on the threshold so that well-being and luck will not "stagnate";
  • Do not put money or knife for the night of the dining table - It can provoke various troubles and losses.

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Familiar to all of us belief " Money loves account "It is also not devoid of magical meaning. If you believe him, you need to recount finances three times a day, and on Fridays - money for major expenses. And all available in cash - twice a month before sunset at even numbers. When funds go to your wallet, they need to recalculate and leave to sleep in the house, but only after that it is permissible to spend.

It is impossible to leave dirty mirrors in its dwelling, windows and other surfaces from glass, as it blocks the flow of the positive energy of weakness and good luck to you.

A little about metaprimettes

Thanks to folk signs, you can learn how to attract finances in your life at the physical level, and with the help of MetaPrime, it will be known how the money is attracted on a metaphysical, more subtle plan. It is worth carefully studying this topic if you really want to show cash in the material world.

You can not allow bad thoughts about money, as well as about people who have them. Drink away from herself a mind that money was evil and that all secured people are greedy, false, nasty. It is these negative installations in the subconscious mind prevent you from achieving wealth.

How to attract money to the house - folk signs 7631_3

Money is energy that should circulate, do not allow its stagnation, do not accumulate in its home large amount. It will be more correct to make an account in the bank or invest in some kind of business.

Also, it will not be superfluous to follow the following rules:

  1. When we spend money, always pronounce mental thanks for what you get in return Whatever it is - food, clothing or utility bills.
  2. Cash energy is inextricably linked with the energy of happiness and joy, therefore, when you get finances, always sincerely rejoice.
  3. Do not regret money on tips - Believe me, voluntarily removal funds will certainly return to you in a triple size.
  4. Show love for money , Provide them care, purchase a beautiful wallet for them, and also contact them carefully. But at the same time, do not serve them.
  5. Clean your living space in the house To ensure the influx of material goods.
  6. Always sweep the house only towards the middle of the room , Never remove into the dwelling after sunset.
  7. Use only one broom in your home (different are able to disperse success and prosperity in different directions).
  8. Put the broom of the house darling up - It attracts wealth.
  9. When a guest is leaving the house or some member of the family, Do not sweep until he falls into place of his destination - otherwise all litter will fly after him.

Our ancestors carefully adhered to all these and believes, and also collected them and passed to the subsequent generation - that is, we. To believe them is either no - definitely, only your business, but in what they act, you can not even doubt.

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