How to determine the evil eye and damage yourself at home


Is it possible to independently determine the negative impact on yourself and how to determine the evil eye or damage? You can not always appeal for diagnostics to the signs and sorcerers, as finding qualified assistance. Since ancient times, our ancestors have determined magical impacts with the help of improvised drugs and knew how to provide themselves and native help. Consider the methods of self-diagnosis of the evil eye and damage.

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Signs of the evil eye

Many people are interested in: how to find out yourself, is there damage or evil eye on me? Usually, such a question is beginning to be interested in the sudden decline of forces, renewal of cured diseases or with constant bad luck. If the decline is impossible to explain the seasonal lack of vitamins, it is necessary to diagnose the presence of negative energy in the human field.

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If the cured diseases suddenly appear or the temperature rises, it is necessary to immediately find out what state is the power. The infinite series of failures cannot be considered a normal phenomenon: this always indicates the introduction of alien energies in the man's biofield.

Simple methods of diagnosis of the evil eye

With black bread You can reveal the presence of a evil eye on a person. From the evening, put a glass with water in the room next to you. In the morning, take a piece of black bread into the right hand and keep a couple of minutes in your hand. At this time, it is impossible to concentrate thoughts on ritual, it is better to remove it from everything. Put a piece into a glass: if he goes to the bottom in a minute, you have been smoothed. If it floats on the surface for a long time, the energy is in order.

Same rites can be held with a match . Google the match and keep it until it burns more than half. Then throw a match into a glass with water. If you drown in a minute, you have been smoothed. If it holds on the surface for a long time, there is no evil eye.

Easy to check the evil eye on overaves and amulets . If you have a protective amulet, when attacking alien energy, it deforms: crawl, it will take it, it will break or get lost. Magages advise everyone to have coated items to protect against accidental or directional energy.

Detection of the unlocked coal

Three coal (or completely burned matches) will help to identify the evil eye on a person. If all the coals drowned, there is a evil eye on the man. Negative can be immediately removed, if we wash the face of the patient with this water and drink.

Before the rite should cross the glass with water and herself, saying: "Lord, Homes." When you lower the coal, tell me:

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Carms can drown for two reasons: due to human disease and due to the evil eye. However, if a person is not smoothed, he will not react to the rite. If the patient was smoothed, after drowning the coals, he will yawny, squeeze or experience the attack of nausea. Then you should read a special conspiracy on the water and wash the patient, and also give to drink from the glass.

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Diagnosis of stones

How to determine the evil eye and damage using conventional stones? To do this, hold 3 pebbles in your hands. Stones do not have information about the human aure and give a sign. Shipping the table with a clean tablecloth (it must be done, even if you never have a tablecloth on the table), put the container with water and lower the stones in turn. It should be said like this:

"The first stone from God,

Second from wind

The third of people. "

If the first stone in the water is in the water, it means that you have done God - blame only yourself in punishment. If the second stone is notched, you smoothed a random person. The third stone will tell about a person from a close environment that envies you and secretly wishes evil.

What should I do if any stone slaughter in the water? We need to go out and pour water with stones on the left side of yourself. At the same time, such words should be said:

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Signs of damage

The damage is a dangerous negative program that destroys the human biopol and can lead to serious illness or death. Plow must be removed to save a patient from a difficult fate. The damage will never leave the challenge of this magic program - to destroy a person. How to find out if you have a damage or evil eye, and what to do?

You can talk about damage if:

  • A man refuses to wear a native cross - he became unpleasant for him;
  • A person does not make a church atmosphere, although he was happy to visit the temple with pleasure;
  • A person can not look into his pupils in the mirror - does not endow her own sight;
  • The girl or young man cannot find his soul mate - the relationship does not fold;
  • The man is thinning the day from day day under normal nutrition;
  • A man is rapidly gaining weight with a small amount of food per day;
  • You found strange items, water or land under the door;
  • Cool candles in the church are not lit or immediately fucked - this is damage to death.

Also signs of damage are the following deviations:

  • insomnia and nightmares;
  • daily bouts of headaches;
  • feeling of hopelessness and fear;
  • invasion into the house of mice, cockroaches or ants;
  • lack of desire to do something, constant decay of forces;
  • The man feels sick, and the diagnoses in the clinic is normal.

Also a sign of damage is Unpleasant feeling in the spine , especially in the field of blades. This suggests that damage began its destructive action.

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Church candle definition

How to determine the damage or evil eye? There are several ways to identify negative impacts with the help of church candle. The simplest method is the meditation to the candle. Put the candlestick in the candlestick, the table is copied with a clean tablecloth or make a cut of white fabric. Install the candle at a distance of 25-30 cm from myself and look at the flame.
  • If the flame candle is clean, burns smoothly, there are no negative programs on the person.
  • If the flame is smooth, but dim, aura is amazed by a slogony.
  • If the flame is smooth, but rises high, and the candle of cracks and the wax swells with dirty drops, there is a damage, but so far does not show itself.
  • If the candle smokes, the damage has broken in the aura and began to destroy the person.

You can determine Availability of damage on a person by photography . For diagnostics, a recent shot is suitable where a person is depicted one. The photo of the hands / legs should not be crossed - it disrupts the stream of energy in the body. Capture the image from left to right and read ours "Father". Watch the candle behavior: Signs of damage are described above.

Method with black cloth

How to determine damage and evil eye yourself? To diagnose, you need to take a black handkerchief without patterns or a cut of black fabric. A person should sit on a chair with a straight back, you need to throw the material on my head. Another person lights a church candle, keeps her in his right hand and reads our "Father" 9 times. If the diagnostic becomes bad, it means that there is a damage.

Method with a gold ring

Intenit face with soap so that the traces of cosmetics remain. Swipe the wedding ring on the cheeks. If a dark trail remained on the skin, there is a damage.

Method with egg

How to determine the evil eye and damage with the help of an egg? You need to pour clean water into the faceted glass, cover with cloth and put in a dark place at 3-4. Next, it should be carefully broken into the water a raw egg and drive a glass over the topic, reading "Our Father". Hand movement - right, clockwise. Then look at the contents of the glass: if white threads stretch from the egg, it means that there is a damage.

A few more ways to determine and remove the curse, see in the video:

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