What dreams to get under the rain in a dream?


Water is a symbol of emotions in an esoteric tradition. When a man is upset, he cries - pour tears. And why dream to get under the rain in a dream? Dream intercoms see in this plot reflection of the emotional sphere of man, the experience of daylight emotions and unrest in a dream.

What dreams to get under the rain in a dream? 7640_1

Interpretation of People's Dream Interpretation

The image of rain in the night vision can foreshadow both happiness and trouble. What is it connected with? Interpretation depends on the emotional dream response to events in a dream. Sleeping the rain expresses mental experiences of a person and is the echo day events.

If Rain in a dream caused a pleasant feeling and filled the soul with happiness, this dream can be interpreted as positive. Of particular importance, this plot has for a person who is under the oppression of emotions and survived stress: Soon, relief will come, the alarms will refuse the soul and serenity:

  • Cold rain drops in the dream are symbol of discharge of tension;
  • Warm water trickles wash off the accumulated negative and free from suffering.

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If The flows of heavenly water caused an unpleasant feeling , Frost on the skin: For women, this plot foreshadows tears, and for men - unplanned spending.

Drag up to thread Under the rain - to trouble and disappointment. If the dream had to get into the dream with a loved one, then, with a positive perception of this event, a dream foreshadows harmony and trust in the relationship.

What dreams of heavy rain . Sleep has a dual interpretation and depends on the emotions of the dream. If the vision of water flows caused joy, the favorable changes and the fulfillment of all dreams and plans will soon come. If heavy rain caused fear, a dream ahead awaits an unfavorable period and danger.

What dreams of Rain or rain . Lightning, thunderstorm and powerful water streams express strong emotions. The dream awaits the aggravation of the conflict situation, or the conflict is brewing. Shower with thunder rolls can foreshadow a noisy scandal. However, this interpretation of the plot takes place with a negative perception of the painting of the raging element. If the dreams experienced happiness, then in reality it is not far from around the corner.

Watch the elements from the window - To change in fate. They will be happy or unhappy, depends on the emotional response on the picture seen. To see the rain, get to the rain in a dream - always to important significant events in the dream of a dream.

What dreams to get under the rain in a dream? 7640_2

Other folk interpretations

What means Walk under the rain in a dream? Walking under warm water jetings causing pleasant emotions - to good relationships with others.

Go towards rain - Get ready to meet changes in life. For patients, this plot foreshadows emergency recovery, for prisoners - exemption from prison.

Run in the rain And trying to find the shelter - in reality you are afraid of responsibility and try to get away from solving important life questions. It's fun to run under the rods of water - you know how to communicate with people, find a common language and are a soul of the team.

Open umbrella During the rain - you have a strong friendly support. The dream does not need to be afraid of difficulties - there is always someone to rely on in a difficult situation. Also, the umbrella symbolizes the prudence and foresight of the dream - with your approach to life all problems on the shoulder.

However, the umbrella may have a negative meaning if sleeping has experienced unpleasant emotions from rain. The umbrella is an attempt to hide from the world, protect against communication, clicter in its own Mirka. Such an attitude to life and people will inevitably lead to problems.

See Unusual rain from meteorites - To surprise. If the dreams experienced enthusiastic emotions in the vision of the fiery rain, he soon awaits a bright and unforgettable event. Test fear when vision of fiery drops - to the natural anomaly or catastrophe.

What dreams to get under the rain in a dream? 7640_3

Interpretation of famous dreams

Dream interpretation for the whole family Pushes the image of rain as an omnation of important events in the dream of a dream. Get under the rain, but stay dry - you will avoid responsibility for your deed or bad events.

  • To see the rain rain - to the adoption of responsible solutions that are not avoided.
  • Find the shelter from the rain - to gain a reliable patron in life.
  • Walking under the rain with an open umbrella - to prudent foresight.
  • If a familiar hit the shower, he will have a tight in life without help, he will not cope.
  • Mushroom rain dreams of happiness.
  • Rare large droplets of rain will shoot at a long time.
  • Feeling cold raindrops on his body and flaw - to the disease.
  • Get under the rain, but stay dry - to rapid healing.

See Dirty rain drops - To slander behind your back. To get under dirty rain - the slanders will not be able to avoid. You will have to attach effort to launder your blurred name.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti He considers this story a reflection of the innovity inner world. The wall of the rain is an attempt to hide from the world, to get into yourself due to the complex of inferiority. A person underestimates its importance for the world, considers himself an outsider in life.

Autumn dream book Pushes the image of a warm summer rain as a harbinger of good luck in life. Shower and thunderstorm rolls - to the danger.

Russian People's Sonniest It believes that summer rain with a rainbow dreams of the cherished dream, and the shower foreshadows trouble. Get under the rain in a dream - to big trouble.

Erotic dream book Pushes a warm mushroom rain as foresight of harmonious and warm relationships in the family. Autumn tightening rain foreshadows cooling in relationships with loved ones: the wall of misunderstanding and alienation will rise between you and beloved.

Sonniest Medea Pushes the vision of a warm summer rain to good events in his personal life: love, joy, mutual understanding and happiness. Get under the streams of heavenly water - to a huge delight. Autumn rare weather - to obstacles in affairs.

Esoteric dream book Pushes this dream as a cleansing of a person from negative energies. Get rid of the rain - get rid of bad.

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