How at home to know if there is a damage on a person and who did it


How to find out at home, is there a damage on a person? How to distinguish damage from the evil eye, for what signs? These questions are interested in many people who faced the influence of a magical negative on life. Can I independently determine and what are the diagnostic methods? Psychics determine the negative using the bioflasp diagnosis, and an ordinary person can learn about the presence of a damage with the help of breeds. Consider simple and efficient rites.

How at home to know if there is a damage on a person and who did it 765_1

Determine damage by eggs

Rite №1

This simple method allows you to know if there is a negative program on a person. It is necessary to dial into the floor-liter glass jar of clean water and gently split the egg so that the yolk remains the whole. Put the jar on the topic and press the chin to chest. Keep the jar on the pattern for about three minutes, and then look at the egg:
  • If the egg remains the same as it was before the diagnosis - no damage;
  • If the protein stretches up the thread, the damage began its action;
  • If the threads are drawn up and bubble, damage is quite strong;
  • Black splasions speak of a deadly damage through grave ground.

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Transparent bubbles on the threads Usually talking about damage to failures in finance and ruin in life. The rite makes a professional on request of competitors and ill-wishers. A person begins to collapse in life, luck disappears, obstacles appear in cases.

Black dots (splashes) on the yolk and thin threads from the protein They talk about death through grave land. This damage brings only a professional on request. The negative is manifested in 21 days. If damage does not remove, a person can die throughout the year.

If you saw that The edges of the yolk "welded", and from the protein stretch up the threads with bubbles - damage is made on torment. Sometimes you can see a different picture: There are no filaments from the protein, and in the yolk are inserted greenish or brown.

If the columns from the protein are missing, and yolk all "welded" The damage is made at excluding happiness. A person will have everything in life, but at the same time he will lose joy in life.

Muddy protein and blackened yolk - Mortal damage, which will quickly reduce the person in the grave.

Rite №2.

How to find out at home if you have a damage or evil eye? This method will not only learn about the presence, but also to remove it. Pour fresh water into the glass floor-liter can and carefully break the egg so that the yolk remains the whole. Then you need to bring the jar to the next parts of the body and keep 2-3 minutes:

  • above head;
  • At the nape;
  • in the forehead;
  • in the chest;
  • Phage;
  • at the feet.

Then cover the bank with the material and put the bed at the head on the night. In the morning, consider the contents:

  • With a strong spider, the egg turn the egg, and the water will become muddy;
  • In the absence of damage, the egg will remain as it was.

What to do when detecting damage? You need to repeat this rite at midnight on Sunday until the egg stops black. During the rite, read prayers should be read: the Virgin "Elementary" and the Holy Spirit "King Heavenly, Comforter".

Water from the jar with the egg, pour into the toilet and wash off three times. Wash the bank and calculate in the oven (or take a new one every time). To damage the damage, every Sunday attend the church and compete during the year.

How at home to know if there is a damage on a person and who did it 765_2

Other rites

Plug will tell about damaging and evil eye

How at home check if you have a damage or a slogony, with the help of a pin? For this, the pin needs to speak. Pinning pin to clothing, say the following words:

How at home to know if there is a damage on a person and who did it 765_3

The pin must be added to the edge up, but after returning home to see if she did not unbuckled. If unbuttoned, you were smoothed. If the pin is lost, then damage to you.

Conspited herbs

How to find out at home, is there a damage or evil eye on a person? To do this, brew tea from herbs: oregano, lime color or nettle. The grass must be brewed with boiling water and insist how tea. If, after drinking tea, someone from the family will be bad (a headache appears), it means that there is a negative program.

Woman brewing the grass. When brewing should read the prayer of the cross ("God will resurrect") or "Our Father". Having a woman in person will pass in a couple of hours. Negative need to be removed.

Determine damage with milk

This method is more suitable for rustic residents who have a cow. However, for diagnosis and urban resident can buy 12 milk packages to fill the bucket. How at home to determine the damage or evil eye with milk? To do this, fill the bucket with milk at sunset and read a special conspiracy:

How at home to know if there is a damage on a person and who did it 765_4

Then it is good to split the knife over the flame and throw it into the bucket. If for an hour milk will come So damage is. If Milk will acquire a dark color , You are deadly damage, after which you do not live for a long time. If the milk does not skiece and did not darke it, nothing to worry about. Skyrshest milk must be immediately disposed of - it is better to pour into the river. If the river is far away, pour into the toilet and wash several times. After diagnosis, wash your hands.

Non-housing rites definition of damage

How to determine at home if there is a damage on a person? To do this, you can apply a cook salt, a glass with water, a candle and a knife, a wax ball. Consider in detail.


Put 3 tablespoons of the usual salt on a pre-hot frying pan and say:

How at home to know if there is a damage on a person and who did it 765_5

If the salt does not darken, then there is no negative.

Glass with water

Pour fresh water into a faceted glass, let a person raises her. Then put the glass into the cool dark place until the next day. If water is likening and deterrent, there is a damage on a person.


Roll off the homemade candle from wax plates and burn. Srate the person opposite the candle, let him look at the flame. At this time, you must say the following words 13 times, conducting a blade of a knife in a candle flame:

How at home to know if there is a damage on a person and who did it 765_6

If at the same time the candle starts to crack and smoke, there is a damage on a person.


Skate from the softened wax ball. Draw an equilateral cross on one of his sides, and on the other - a six-pointed star. Now you need to roll a ball on a man's head and say:

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Rail for a few minutes. If the patient becomes bad, then there is a damage.

How at home to know if there is a damage on a person and who did it 765_8

Who brought damage?

If you need to know who wears a lining under the door, do the following. Put aspen rod near the threshold and tell me:

How at home to know if there is a damage on a person and who did it 765_9

If you want to know who added to the negative on you, do a simple ritual. You need to buy new needles, when you pay, I do not take the delivery (or buy). At home, split the frying pan and place 7 needles, turn the frying pan clockwise and say: "So that these needles stuck in my enemy's heart!"

Do not remove the frying pan from the fire, turn on the stove. Read as many times as it wanted. Sometimes the enemies make themselves known during the ritual - they call or can come (if neighbors). The ritual is not carried out at any time, but from twelve to three nights. After the ritual, the needles need to throw out or bury into the ground.

About signs of damage and ways to remove it Watch the video:

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