Sketches: Stumble on the left foot


Specifications to stumble on an even place takes its origins from far from distant antiquity, when almost any man had a horse that was incredibly read. Such a beast is incredibly sharply reacting to the likely difficulties and dangers around.

Therefore, people believed that if the horse stumbled in place, then there were many obstacles and troubles on the traveler's road. In the modern world, horses almost do not ride, however, notes to stumble on the left leg remained, only at present it is believed to human.

Folk interpretations Signs

  • If a person stumbled right On the threshold , no matter what leg, he needs to return home immediately and look into the reflection in the mirror, otherwise it is expected to be very different Failures.
  • There is a sign to stumble specifically. on the roadTo a strong quarrel With loved ones.
  • Suverval people also pay attention to the fact that they stumbled at what leg. By signs, stumble On the left foot promises good luck and joy if a person appeared on the light of an odd number If the date of appearance on the light is the number even, then it is not good.
  • Interesting and the fact that at the old time the right leg was associated with various good news, because to stumble upon it promised to fail, while the left long ago associated with different kind of negative events, which means a person who stumbled upon it, was only waiting for the most Warm events.

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Scientific explanation

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But there are more scientific versions and explanations of such signs.

  1. All people know perfectly well that the person has two different hemispheres of the brain, which are responsible for completely different skills, skills and abilities: the right responsibly for the education of fantasy, fantasies and intuition and is associated with the work of the left side of the body, while the left hemisphere is responsible for Analytical mind and logic and is associated with the right side of the body. Because scientists believe that stumble on left foot means that it turned out The activities of the right hemisphere slowed down So, it is necessary to activate it by all means.
  2. There is another opinion of researchers to this account. When a man is tired, he can stumble just like that, and from the one of his hemispheres dominates, it depends on what leg. So, if this happens on the left, more developed right hemisphere.

Up to modern times, a large number of diverse beliefs and will accept that every human step can explain. Let them sometimes make life a little strange and terrible, but they are curious. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted in more detail with different signs, also those that sometimes people often stumble it is not clear what. By the way, stumble On the right foot means that it will bring Large failure.

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Why Left Leg?

Why left leg . The fact is that this side of the body has long been associated with Devil , negative thoughts, negative and bad actions. Therefore, stumbling on the left leg, a person attracts positive, happiness and joyful news. This kind of phenomenon is a prevention of a person about the fact that there is something that protects it from all evil and negative.

There are other options for explanations:

  • The fact is important on what day the man encountered and what day he was born. If a person appeared on the world on an even day, and stumbled, on the contrary, in an odd, then what happened would bring a negative outcome.

Let all this superstition, and the fact that a person suddenly stumbled, it will not necessarily mean something negative, but based on scientific research, this kind of sign is Outcome of stubborn cerebral activity and. If a person stumbled on his right foot, then his left hemisphere clearly testifies to some particular failure in the logical sphere.

There are also variations of the "left" stubbing on the days of the week: Wednesday or Resurrection. But regardless of whether it happened on the last day of the week or once yet, the main thing at the same time, to follow, what exactly the thoughts supported such an action.

The human subconsciousness often monitors the actions performed and the decisions received. Due to the fact that the person's subconscious is hidden somewhere in the depths and people sometimes simply cannot be exactly sure of their correct choice, the subconscious is trying to signal a person about something defined by the most various methods. Dreams or different stones may be anything else as signals from the inside.

The left side and stubbiness about this side is the signal that man does everything right . So, if he stumble on this leg, he is expected to be the best news. It also denotes the fact that a person is true or arguing.

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Days of the week

Allocations are interpreted not only depending on which leg it happened, but also from a specific day of the week:

  • Such an event B. Monday Greet Long tears.
  • If this happened in Tuesday then man meets his love.
  • If B. Wednesday - then a close surrounding of this person threatens Strong disease.
  • A person can stumble in Thursday To Good words m in your address.
  • Friday The incident symbolizes ambulance An important meeting.
  • If the event happened on Saturday, a person awaits Treason.
  • Sunday Trouble will bring letter.

Regardless of what day the man suddenly stumbled, he should be very careful. And when this happens, he should think about what he thought in advance what exactly could serve as a signal to such an incident. So a person will be able to realize what the error of such actions is hidden. Left leg or right, everything is hidden in human Brain and thinking . The right - it means that the actions are incorrect, but if the left leg, which means that the decision made is true or at least thoughts go in the right direction. In whatever day it happens, it was human thoughts that became the end of this signal.

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