Note: What is the bird beats in the window?


There is a lot of admission associated with the beasts, the phenomena of nature and the weather, which came from ancient times to our time. Studying signs, you can guess all sorts of events, positive and negative, and even try to change their move. But the most curious signs are associated with Pernata, since most of the nations they are associated with the mystical sphere. At the same time, some even have a scientific explanation. Some of them can be a positive meaning, and the part is negative. What, according to the signs, the bird hits the beak in the window?

Note: What is the bird beats in the window? 7678_1

When it happens so that the feathers fade into the window, various nations give such an explanation of both negative and positive. Although, in general, it signals that the family will overtake trouble or someone will perish. Many nations are convinced that if the bird hit the window, then it is very bad news. But such a version you can not call the only right. Many people call a good, associating birds with blond forces and calling them relatives of blue birds. It has long been the legendary heroine of various beliefs and a symbol of a happy life.

Good news

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When taking into account the fact that the signs about the feathered pretty diverse, study this issue is based on how specifically the bird knocked out into the window.

  1. Martin which beats in glass - this is certainly a good sign. The visit of this feathery promises good news from loved ones. At the same time any news that awaits the owner of the house will become rainbow. The same can be attributed to small strings that beat the window. Such a bird is not only pleasant to lead and dates, but also probably long-awaited kids.
  2. If the window knocked tit This also symbolize a good sign. Previously, people believed that such a bird visit and a knock on the window would bring the long-awaited well-deserved joy. This means that there is a lot of happiness and luck in the house. And if the tit welts into an open window, it promises to owners at home a huge wealth and good luck in business ahead.
  3. If it comes to Aist , such a bird brings only warm and kind news. The owners of the apartment or house after the visit of such birds accurately expects the replenishment of the family, wealth and happiness in all endeavors. Therefore, asking why the bird beats the window, you need to remember what particular bird speech.

Note: What is the bird beats in the window? 7678_2

Bad news

  1. If the apartment window or house knocked pigeon , no need to expect good. For a long time, people know that such a bird became a kind of postman between the world of living and those who have already left this light. Therefore, the knock of this bird should be perceived carefully, seriously approaching this. After all, the pigeon brings the most important information from the world of the dead about the fact that someone will die in the house in the near future.
  2. Regarding forest inhabitants, namely Owls or cuckoo - Their knock is the worse than just in ancient times. He indicated the rapid spread of human epidemics or strong infections and diseases.
  3. If you hit the window Little sparrow This is marked by the loss in the monetary sphere. After all, human ancestors called Sparrow by the main thief among the birds. Therefore, if the sparrow knocked in the glass, it means that he arrived in order to overeat something. But it should not be perceived too directly and expect that the robbers will be granted soon. This may be a monetary loss of various nature, such as bad investments, loss of a wallet or deception of the implementer.

Two-digit signs

  1. In general, very two-digit signs are connected with Sparrow . This little bird is a true fighter and an adventure lover, which can lead a tallery piece right from under the nose from a much more impressive in the magnitude of the first brother. If a bright visit of Sparrow called a smile from the owner, he can wait for a big winning lottery. If the owner does not feel the excitement, he may be deceived. In addition, a person can threaten meanness from the side of whoever entrusted his innermost secrets. You can remember the legend of the Sparrow, who, jumping along the crucified Christ, joyfully shouted: "Already alive", condemning him for unnecessary bloody tortures.
  2. The main carrier of the Westa - Pigeon . He can marvel not only death. Great, if at a time when it arrived, the window was open. Note says that if the pigeon knocked out the window, you can wait for the guests. And when there is a blade in his beak, the guest will come with gifts.
  3. The people believe that White bird He knocked out the window promises a girlfriend to give the bride in the near future.
  4. A If a dark bird is knocking out the window , It is necessary to listen to the inner state. Scary - need to contact relatives and learn how they are doing. Usually the one whose name will be the first to come to mind, requires special protection. It is urgent to visit this person or just to gain his number, then grief will leave him aside.
  5. The same must be done if the pigeon is not only knocking for a long time, namely asking or beats the window . The first one who came to this moment on the mind threatens a strong disease or even death. It can be left. Words will help in such a situation: "Every time is your hour, and such trouble is not for us. Amen". You can treat birds, pulling out of the house (without purchasing) bread or sdobu. It is better to carry out near the church.
  6. Excellent sign, if forty is knocking in the window . This means good news and, perhaps, visiting guests; In addition, if someone got sick at home, he will definitely recover. Forty just will not make noise.

Note: What is the bird beats in the window? 7678_3

Scientific explanation

Studying the question that the bird knocks on the window and what it is, we can say that science has long already have its own explanation. A person according to the degree of development of the surrounding world gradually displaces birds from their ordinary range of life. Therefore, the feathery, adjusting to changing conditions, whipped the nests nearby with houses and often turn out to be at the windows.

Seeing the reflection of himself in glass, birds think that this is a similar person, and the knock on the window is trying to pay attention to themselves.

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