How to check the evil eye or damage


In what cases do you need to know how to check the evil eye? This is necessary if you suddenly began to feel bad without visible reasons, experiencing apathy, decay of forces and energy. The evil eye is a negative magical intervention, which spoils human life and is accompanied by serious changes. Let's talk about how to find that you have been smoothed or someone brought damage.

What evchand options exist?

The evil eye can hover as an outsider and you yourself. Therefore, there are two types of negative magical intervention:

  1. Samoslam . In this case, negative energy concentrates around the spiritual essence of a person because of its own actions. Wine everything is your negative thoughts, bad deeds, strong feelings. Hurtness, anger, envy, lack of love for yourself, self-criticism - the most common causes.
  2. Regular declamation . It produces a stranger, who intends to spoil your life. It uses special magic rituals, due to which the highest dark forces begin to negatively influence your spiritual entity.


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If it is impossible to protect yourself from conventional unchalled or damage, then the self-heading can be avoided if it knows its causes. They are as follows:

  • Pessimistic look at life . Are you used to wait only bad from life? Do not be happy to rejoice in trifles and appreciate what you have? Then the risk to join himself very high. It is necessary to learn positive thinking and be able to find happiness in simple things.
  • Self-doubt . Complexes, the mindset "I will not succeed", constant complaints and whining on the "bad life" can also be the cause of the self-selection.
  • Negative thoughts . If you configured yourself to failure, bad luck, trouble will be pursued in personal life, and in work, and in other affairs. The universe takes all the requests that you send it.

Very often because of the desire to criticize, to condemn and scold other people, a person may accidentally bring the evil eye on his loved ones. Therefore, try to refrain from such manifestations of your nature - strive to praise and thank, and not constantly criticize relatives and friends.

How to check damage

Cerencing from the evil eye or damage can be. This uses special conspiracies and magical rites designed to save a person from negative magical influence. But before resorting to these methods, it is necessary to accurately determine that you have traces of the evil eye. Talk about how to do it.

How to check if there is a slogony

The most common method of checking the evil eye or damage - with the help of water and chicken egg. Water is an excellent energy conductor, and an egg - the personification of life.

The rite is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to dial water into a glass of transparent glass. It is advisable to use water from a natural source - a spring, river or lake. In the extreme case, take water from under the tap, giving it to stand out.
  2. Then disperse the fresh chicken egg right into the water. Try to do it so that the yolk remains the whole and unharmed.
  3. After the perfect manipulations, sway on the chair, and lay the glass with water and the egg above your head. Keep the container for five minutes.

How to check the evil eye

After that, you can find out if you have a slogony or damage. To do this, carefully examine the contents of the glass:

  • If nothing has changed - the evil eye and damage to you no, look for the cause of the problems taking place in your life, in real things.
  • If the protein penetrates thin white threads, it can be argued that you have a evil eye. But he is very weak - most likely the one who tried to spoil your life, spent the rite ineptly or is not enough power. From such a damage to get rid of easy with the help of simple conspiractions.
  • If the egg has changed quite strongly - there were black splashes, bubbles, yolk as well as welded, you have a powerful damage that an experienced magician brought. In this case, it is necessary to seek as soon as possible for help to a strong esoteric, which will eliminate traces of negative magical impact.

The first thing you need to do is pour water with an egg, saying:

"Let all black come back to who the evil eye brought. Amen".

How to check the damage to coal?

If you suspect that you have a strong damage enough, check it with the following method. It is necessary to act as follows:
  • In a clean glass glass with water, lower three small pieces of coal.
  • Look at how black stones are located.

Options may be as follows:

  1. Calcles surfaced to the surface of the water. In this case, you can be calm - there are no traces of negative magical intervention in your energy shell.
  2. Calcles sank to the bottom. In this case, the forecast is disappointing - with a large share of the likelihood you have a damage.

If you have determined that damage takes place, it is necessary to remove carbon from the water and read over the glass prayer "Our Father". Then send a pair of sips, and the rest of the water will be worked out.

Watch the video on how to check the damage or evil eye:

What if you were smoothed?

If you have determined that the cause of all the troubles occurring in life is a declamation or damage, appropriate measures must be taken. Methods are used to get rid of the evilness:

  • Conspiracies. Special texts that are pronounced by certain rules are able to save you from the evil eye or non-milefight.
  • Prayers. This method is suitable deeply to believers. You follow to the saints, under the name of which you were baptized in the church.
  • Meditation. Meditation uses with positive affirmations and mantras.

In extreme cases, contact professionals. Experienced esoterics are capable not only to determine how serious the problem is, but also to save your spiritual essence from any type of magical intervention.

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