Signs about birds - good and bad


Signs about birds are so popular and there are so many that whole volumes are devoted to these superstitions. It is difficult to collect them all together, but we will try to give you at least an elementary idea of ​​the most common of them.

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Birds fly, circle and sit on the head

There are people who analyze certain phenomena and specialize in all sorts of predictions. This is a very exciting occupation, almost the same popular as jokes or stories from the life of stars of show business. Let's see how the world is great and believes about birds:

  • Some interpreters believe that If the bird knocks on the glass of your window , this is bad sign, but if a pigeon flew into the room, it can mean both death and happiness gained soon;
  • You saw a pigeon on the windowsill - This, first of all, means approximation of very important news, the same applies to the swallow or tit, perhaps the main purpose of this event is to warn you about something that will soon happen to be prepared;
  • Pernaya stranger "Heritage" on your clothes - Do not be mistaken, because it may be the foresight of great luck;
  • If a black big crow - This is exactly the sign of a very big wealth, in general, any bird that sits down a man on the head, not afraid of him, symbolizes profit in money;
  • The appearance of Aist in the field of your vision - This is by the birth of the baby;
  • The nest appeared on your balcony, puffy pigeons, - There will be happiness in your life, and if they also demolished two eggs into the nest, there will be no way happiness.

Interpretatives will accept disagree, as generally evaluate examples associated with the appearance of birds. On the one hand, our flying brothers smaller - a symbol of something air, good. On the other hand, it is clear that there are birds that even in folk tales are characterized negative. Output one - it is better to know folk signs.

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Follow the flight direction - the details are important.

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Most often it happens that the same phenomenon interpreter will incorporate to interpret in different ways. It should not be surprised, because it would seem, the same events occur in the standard situation. But in fact, from different small details, the interpretation of the same signs may change in a diametrically opposite direction:

  • If the bird made a tour of the room, rushing and run out of it, - this is to the message;
  • Just a penny guest flew - Wait for news;
  • The heavenly messenger was in your apartment, and you see some blade from her in the beak - in a short time, a very good event will happen, by the way, in this case it will not be superfluous if you put the supporter of the good news, feeding it with crumbs;
  • Panta Ptaha is visible above the roof or incessantly flies around - sign to the disease of someone from home;
  • If the winged Bulletin is all the time over the housing, It is necessary to be extremely attentive in relationships with friends, you may be betrayed, it is the right one, if the bird has a predatory bird;
  • You see birds flying past your home, but suddenly they change the direction Yes, it is still very sharp - in this case, caution must also be taken, it is a sign of an approaching danger;
  • Pernaya Twitters are in flight from left to right - There will be a good luck in business;
  • Right left lasts flight birds - the planned plans will suffer fiasco;
  • If heavenly messengers are heading right on you - you will be lucky soon;
  • Flying birds - bad sign, there will be no success in affairs;
  • A flock of feathered rushing far from the ground - The day will be excellently good, everything will come true, and if on the contrary, you can stay at home, all your efforts will be useless.

This is how it is important details, such as flying birds. And yet: you gathered to work, left the house and saw the flock of feathered in flight - you can safely storm any heights!

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White birds foreshadow your future, be careful

The color, or, as the ornithologists say, the color of the feature, the sounds, published by them, can also serve as good or bad.

  • White bird who have seen by you will bring happiness, and Seen dead Pernaya Pthaha promises misfortune;
  • Sitting on the windowsill of your apartment Uninvited guest - harbinger of minor financial costs;
  • the morning of the wedding, and the bride and groom saw that a bird died in a cage, - marriage will fail, eventually a divorce will follow;
  • Pernata Guest goes over the roof and then suddenly flies into the pipe - to the death of someone from home;
  • On misfortune initially carries the whole house that Who keeps in the cage a feature of a crumb, caught in the wild;
  • Successful will be a day for who heard how, flying by, Screaming the firepour;
  • Rocking Crane and Glamor Hawk will make your day unsuccessful;
  • There are cases when Cry of night birds are heard in broad daylight - Such behavior of the Pernata Individual entails misfortune;
  • sizza His presence holds the whole house under full protection, any trouble in this case will bypass.

Quite often, birds serve for people by overalls. It is not by chance that our ancestors embroidered the dresses with the image of the feathers. This served as the protection of their owners.

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How to make news good, attract happiness to your head

There is a lot of superstitions that allow you to attract happiness. One of them is to roam the birds, but there are others:

  • Sophiete The guest can not penetrate the house, the windows are closed, it beats the wings in them - do not lose time, open the sash, let the bird, feed it - then the good news will definitely find your home;
  • Around the house circles blonde Dove - death of someone is close;
  • Any other White Color Bird - Sign of the ambulance or born baby;
  • Do not drive birds , let them find themselves in the spring of the road to your home, bringing with them good luck, for example, a stork, which flew on the roof of the nest, brings the owner wealth and happy life without troubles;
  • If the owner of a big beak, on the contrary, removes the nest, Wait for a fire;
  • The stork hastily leaves the spaced place - will soon be misfortune, but if the stork just flies, a nice person to visit you in a hurry.

Love birds, learn signs with them - and be happy!

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