Bad signs - a list of the most famous in Russia


Apparently, someone is there, at the top, believes that scales in fate, which is prepared by each of us, should be filled not only by sweet sugar, but also bitter salt. The fact that bad signs are actually aimed at mobilizing a person, make it live, without relaxing, mobilizing their talents and skills, we have a lot of confirmations every day.

What are bad signs? Let's deal with!

From Friday, the 13th - to the prohibitions related to money

Interestingly, the most "impossible" turned out to be connected with money. Perhaps they do not have such a share of a supernatural miracle (except for winnings in a casino). However, for some reason, it is money at all times attract attention. Although smart people always complain: this person is so poor that, except for money, he has nothing. However, they are not immediately about them, but now let's talk about

Bad signs - a list of the most famous in Russia 7692_1

Why is it not recommended to take anything on Friday, the 13th?

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This mysterious date of its birth is obliged to free interpretation of one of the most popular books of mankind - the Old Testament. It is believed that this combination was the date of the murder of Abel, who made his brother Cain. There were century, the date turned out to be an unimaginable number of all sorts of legends. As a result, the number 13 became a sign of truly terrible tragedies.

Oils in the fire poured coincidences. It was the same number of participants in the secret evening. After reading the most careful gospel, the observational eye discovered that Judas made a betrayal in the chapter, which was 13. Now not only ordinary people, but even magician politics and government figures bypass the tragic number.

The Great Roosevelt postponed the trip if it had 13. In hospitals, there are no chambers in such a number, in buildings - floor. Sociologists calculated that in each family having 13 children, one grows the criminal.

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Halfway turn back and not returned

There are a symbol of the threshold for our ancient ancestors as the guard of dwellings from evil spirits and other unclean strength. In the threshold, the dust of the dead relatives was often buried, many proverbs and sayings contains this sacred word. In the same way, it is impossible to return back from halfway, that is, from the place where the symbolic border between the other world and our.

In addition, the person who did not achieve the goal did not achieve the goal, weakened, its energy is vulnerable. And, crossing through the threshold, he may be exposed to dark forces. It is a superstition that has become bad in the centuries, prescribes everyone who returned, just leaving a house or apartment, be sure to look into the mirror through the left shoulder.

Thus, the outgoing person again acquires energy: the mirror doubles it.

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Watch gift can become fatal

Despite the fact that in the yard of the XXI century, the clock as a gift is still unacceptable offering. And wines to all our dense ignorance and elementary reluctance to systematically expand their horizons. An explanation of this take actually very simple: in neighboring China, the clock is given together with the invitation to take part in the funeral procession.

Etiquette in the culture friendly to us there is no first century, but we believed, as usual, covered with "local flavor". It is believed that such a gift will be fixed, how long it remains until the end of the friendship of the birthday boy with a donor.

According to another version, the clock will consider how much a birthday room remains to live. Some of the interpretors will not pay attention to the fact that the clock arrows can be compared with sharp and stitching objects. Therefore, they say, and it is impossible to browse the watches as a gift - otherwise the birthplace will be hurt and quarrels.

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Go to the path immediately - bad sign, sit down on the track

Yes, immediately start a journey or any trip - bad sign. Only after all family members are sitting on a few moments, you can storm a slope with a light heart. Moreover, such a sign was born, too, for a very long time.

For two people believed that there are good and evil spirits that manage our fate. Good spirits live in our house, but they are the same egoists as we are with you. Here they are trying to delay us, cling to our energy, pull us back. In a word, with this situation, do not expect a good way. And if we sit down, they are "deceiving" our good-natured homemade, they are losing their vigilance, and now you can easily go on the road. It seems to be ridiculous, but try to rush into the path without crushing on the track!

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Who eats with a knife - anger acquires

This superstition also applies to the number of oldest will accept. After all, knives are known since those times when they were made of stone. They were always one of the main items in the hunting arsenal, they were protected by their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

That is, as in the case of the threshold, the knife had a sacred value. It was used (and now Australia's aborigines and North America Indians are used) as a ritual subject, with its help all sorts of breeding rites are being carried out. Thus, the knife is the subject of close attention of good and evil spirits. Therefore, there is from it means to enter the wrath into anger. It is this feeling - anger - and seizes, according to accept, man after he will take a knife.

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You can not raise items from the intersection - sick or ...

Like a mirror, the crossroads in the folklore refers to those places of our world, where its intersection occurs with the world to otherwise. It is possible to observe that it is a kind of intersection drawn by all sorts of magicias, sorcerers and shamans for all sorts of rituals and rites.

Negative energy can accumulate at the crossroads. It is believed that if you cut at the crossroads of some object, they master evil forces. There are superstitions that say: if a person wants to get rid of his problems, he must come to the intersection and put there any subject, monetary bill, and even ancient golden Napoleondor. The more expensive thing, the more from the big problems he can get rid.

However, the one who will pick up such an item, along with it takes the problems and diseases of the previous owner.

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Where did the ban on walking in one shoe?

This is really bad sign. But only for those who are religious. Because this superstition grows straight from the Bible, where it is specifically said about "every creature", which are paired. What is most often symbolizing the unity of people?

Sign "Victoria", the statue of "working and collective farmers", John Lennon and Yoko, it, a couple of shoes. According to this bad, we will take, the two shoes symbolize the inseparable pair. And if disconnecting shoes, it is an attempt to disorder the relations of those who gave us life - father and mother. What if the tragedy will happen after this, which will lead to death? ..

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Garbage in the evening to endure - wealth will be deprived

In fact, the versions are a lot: there is such that in this case a person will be the incredible amount of gossip (and indeed, that this uncle is trying to hide from those surrounding dark night?). But most often there is a version of the money they endured along with garbage. In fact, our ancestors meant preparation for invasion at night every unclean strength: in the afternoon it is necessary to make it elementary to make all the garbage to protect the dwelling.

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List of bad will take about money

The moon, empty and full bucket, the evil eye and the black cat will leave for later. Now it's time to talk about that all of us worries most, isn't it? The following bad signs will begin with the word "it is impossible" - for greater prevention:

  • You can not blame money on Sunday - they will be given for a very long time;
  • Cannot give debts and take earlier borrowed on Monday - You will not have denunciations;
  • Cannot be given to debt on Tuesday - then in debt it is possible for the rest of my life;
  • Cannot be making money issues in the evening - Here is a different thing in the morning;
  • You can not put a headdress on the table, a couple of gloves, a bundle of keys - Stay without money;
  • You can not sit down on the table - Poverty later;
  • It is impossible to make an empty bottle on the table, - "Send" it straight under the table;
  • It is impossible to keep the broom "looking" down, and the handle will up - This is also the question of money;
  • You can not a toilet, water tap and other plumbing contains in malfunction - Each droplet of water of them symbolizes the driving money.

Of course, this is not all signs, you can and need, for example, scatter the houses in the corners ...

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