Sketches: Bird hit the window


Living nature, unlike people, did not lose touch with thin matters. Sometimes, with a good mood, Flora and Fauna gives tips to a person. For example, the bird hit the window - the sign is clear and known for a long time.

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The most widely known value: misfortune and death . Whatever it feels with a bird, nothing good is our ancestors in the incident.

But if you figure it out, the gloomy prediction will be not so frightening under certain conditions. Nature can be very specific and will indicate where to wait for trouble, how to prevent, and sometimes at all and did not matter. It all depends on:

  1. What bird hit the window?
  2. What did it become?
  3. What was the knock?

I remember all the details - lucky ones, your interpretation of signs will be the most accurate.

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It should be remembered that more than half of the signs of the universe are wiserfully write off on natural circumstances. If the birds are crashed into the windows periodically, the case is most likely in the place of construction at home, air flows and in the fact that the forest is filled across the road and the whole packs are driven from place. Hint of Higher Forces is a sudden event without an obvious explanation.

Options and interpretations

Birds, depending on specific beliefs (which differ from the ground to the area very much), - the Messengers of God and Angels, the souls of the well-known and loved ones, the onset of the other world. Accordingly, the first thing that comes to mind when the bird's knock is in the window - close Death in the house.

But to lead from the afterlife (or from the heavenly parses - the choice of the interpreter) is different.

It is also important to which the bird hit the bird.

  • Thicking in the car window indicates the fate of the driver and passengers and predicts Hazards in the way . Bird's blow into the car is a danger in itself, especially if it is a stork weighing three kilos at a decent speed.
  • The bird hit the window at home - she has something to say about the fate of the inhabitants of this dwelling. Also, the sign relates rather to the one who heard the knock and saw the bird, or to the owner of the room, the window of which the bird chose the target.

Each bird with his meaning

Raven from the swallow somehow differs even a city resident, and more and not required.

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  • From the crows and let's start. Unambiguously associated with death the bird will not know anything good, only misfortune, illness and death.
  • The pigeon, in which the souls of the dead are often treated, also flew to report: Dead relatives are waiting for themselves . Or about what they miss. It's time to remember them, otherwise the dead will be offended and turned Diseases.
  • Sparrow, as the most famous "thief" among birds, predicts Monetary loss, theft, deception . Keep the wallet closer to the body and do not trust the "exclusive offers with savings in 200%."
  • The stork confirms his role of children's delivery and predicts pregnancy . Joyful this news or terrible, depends on the patrols of the owners and preparedness for adding.
  • Swallow - K. News.
  • White wagtail hit the window - sign Tears Yellow - Sick Merry . It is very easy to distinguish them: yellow is bright as lemon, unlike faded lotion.
  • The tit shuled in the glass - a good sign, promise Happiness and income.
  • The haircuts hit the windows - to Addressing in the family like a stork.
  • Owls, Filin, Dyatlah, Cuckoo, Other Forest Birds - Very unhappy messengers, they prophesy epidemics, cataclysms With big victims. It is worth remembering that the sign was created in those times when the diseases were walked by non-stop and epidemics were two years later on the third.

Bird crashed

A unlucky feathered creature and the owners of the house did not foreshadow anything good: a bird broken down about the window - to severe illness . If this happens often, it is worth thinking: who wishes you evil? Who could damage or curse?

Bird flew away

A quiet one-time knock, which did not scare any of the home Softens the value of signs . So, quietly rocking the window and immediately flew away the pigeon - rather, the sign that Close (living and dead) remember than the promise of death.

If the bird hit the glass so much that it cracked, it is Unfortunately . Even if she flew after that. Blood and feathers on the "crime scene" - not good.

Bird stayed and continues to knock

Sometimes it happens. A good way to understand which bird brought to the bird is to bring it to the child's window. How does he react? It is believed that children thinner adults feel supernatural and have a connection with the afterlife.

The child was frightened - the bird reports misfortune . The child is calm or delighted - the bird to you with Good news.

Also a multiple knock in the window means the speed output of unmarried inhabitants of the house married . It is not known whether this is a good sign or bad. With young people, it does not work: with persistence, the bird sliding towards them does not hint at his wife, but simply annoys.

How to proceed?

Whatever threw a fate to man, he manages his behavior, and therefore the consequences. What to do if a bad sign of the bird hit the window does not allow to live quietly?

  • Carefully, with detergent, wash the window. Let it be left and the trace!
  • So that the incidents do not repeat, remove all food from the windowsill - the birds are fighting in the windows in search of food. AND
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    The feeder from the cornice is better to temporarily hide.
  • Replace damaged glass as soon as possible.
  • A broken to death should be buried so far from home, as can. Do not take her bare hands! Gloves are required, birds will delete the diseases no worse than rats.
  • Hang on the frame a red ribbon - she scares evil.
  • To take off the misfortune, go to the intersection of the roads and pour several coins to the ground: the money absorbs the energy, and you get rid of bad.
  • For believers: go to the temple, sprinkle the house of holy water, pray and so on. The church does not recognize (and cannot be responsible for opposition to them), but this is a good way to cope with excitement.
  • Feed the birds - "back up" the forces that they were sent.

In addition, it will not be thoroughly prepared for the fact that I wrapped the sign. Purchase medicines and take care of health, look at the children and old people, be careful on the road. Responsible people are bad signs are not frightened, but mobilize.

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