Note: Spider in the house


Despite the repulsive appearance, spiders, in the overwhelming majority, are kind and not dangerous insects. Do not kill spiders - this motto can be found quite often. And indeed, these hunters wonderfully catch flies and other annoying guests in our house. But this is only one of the positive qualities of insects of this species. Numerous folk observations believe that the sign about spider in the house always brings the owners of the housing, good news. It only remains to find out what?

Note: Spider in the house 7701_1

According to the interpretation, the spider brings good luck to the house

The main sign that characterizes this insect in your home, says: Spider appeared - luck came.

Such interpretations reach us from deep antiquity. The greatest legend is about how the artistic insect saved Maria with a little Jesus and his spouse: Spider Opolen the entrance to the cave, where they hid from pursuers, and they thought that this was evidence of a long absence of a person there. In the house, a harmless spider can bring him to the owners a lot of good:

  • Living next door to other inhabitants , a pasturist of flies imperceptibly assisted in getting rid of conflicts, bad thoughts and other negative domestic manifestations;
  • The behavior of the spider serves as the basis for weather forecasts , and if you saw a spider somewhere in the most secluded corner of his luxurious web, to be soon a strong wind;
  • If our tireless needlewood engaged in weaving very thick cobwebs, it's to drought;
  • If you came to visit someone and immediately stumbled upon spider , do not be afraid, and most importantly, do not frighten the inhabitant of this hut, because he, judging by the legends, is one of the main signs not only well-being and wealth, but also happiness in the life of personal;
  • An explanation of such a predisposition to a spray tribe is very simple - It is believed that it is in the corners of the house all negative energy focuses , since since there is most often woven by the articulated neighbors of the web, it is firmly holding all the negative, without letting it be impaired;
  • making cleaning, each of us seeks to get into the most hidden corners where dust accumulates, preferably not to disturb the spider , and if we remove the woven web, then leave it alone.

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Of all the other inhabitants of the corners in the house, commemorates and beliefs are somehow preferred with sprues of light color, apparently, black color is still associated with all sorts of interpreters with negative energy.

Note: Spider in the house 7701_2

We saw a spider on the floor of the bathroom - to change

A rather large amount will accept and believes it is connected with the specific location of the artistic inhabitant of an apartment or at home:

  • seen in the bathroom, but not in the corner , as usual, and on the floor - to the fact that you, without waiting for the further course of events, you should adjust further plans in life, perhaps something from the previously scheduled will not benefit, and in harm;
  • According to another version, seen spider in the bathroom, It is evidence of several phenomena at once, which is outside of your attention is stagnant in business, in the matters of heart, theft or other kind of money leakage, things, including jewels, as well as information not intended for open use.

It will take quite a lot, and here it is important not to disperse with thoughts throughout, but calmly move away all possible options for the development of events, make the corresponding conclusions from it. Actually, this is exactly what is the main purpose of all and their interpretations.

Note: Spider in the house 7701_3

From well-being to material difficulties to file

It happens that different signs within one day can contradict each other. And this is another proof of the presumptive nature of all similar interpretations:

  • presence in itself Spider in the house - to material supply;
  • If the spider suddenly caught your eyes - Wait exactly the same sudden profit;
  • But if you saw a little segmental and frightened - this is to unpleasant news;
  • Changes in life entails a spider crawling on the floor Here, most importantly, note, in which direction he does: if we are talking about the insect approaching to you, it promises additional cash receipts, and if consistent, material losses are possible;
  • Spider crawling on your clothes , I must also not scare you, but, on the contrary, please, because such a sign means an ambulance to the wardrobe;
  • If you saw the spider, busy weaving his favorite network - Rejoice, this is an ambrose omen;
  • down the spider, the gossip network, - Your cherished wishes are not destined to come true, up - Wait, and on your street there will be a long-awaited holiday;
  • Agree, the most unpleasant feeling when you feel spider on yourself, however, signs are considered differently, for example, If on your head straight from the ceiling fell by this harmless insect, Expect rich inheritance, big win or good in financial operations.

And now imagine such a picture - the curl of flies goes right in front of your web, such a plot foreshadows a meeting with a very pleasant person or just receiving expensive guests.

Note: Spider in the house 7701_4

By time of day and signs are explained in different ways.

As in other signs and beliefs, the time of day is playing great importance when you see a spider in your home:

  • morning The crawling spider is bad sign, after that it is impossible to implement the plans scheduled earlier, fiasco is guaranteed;
  • Saw Spider B. afternoon time - to luck;
  • met with spider hanging on a web, face to face - There will be an unexpected joyful news, receiving a letter with good news, service promotion, receiving money;
  • If the spider is completely close to your face, There will be a chic gift;
  • The insect descended from the ceiling to your hand - do not pull it off, because it promises money profit.

But if the sprues imperceptibly dropped from the ceiling on the table - attention: the secret enemy wants to penetrate into your house.

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