Ficus Benjamin - Signs and Superstition


Ficus Benjamin got its name in honor of the English nerd, this is a popular wild or indoor plant, which is often used in a phytodizain, in which its thin twigs with a multitude of green leaves are given the original form - a variety of floral compositions are created. Behind Benjamin Fikus since ancient pore there is a lot of acceptance and superstitions connecting it with a happy marital life or, on the contrary, multiple trouble.

Photo of Benjamin ficus

Is it possible to keep it at home?

The attitude is significantly different in the signs to this plant of the Eastern and Slavic peoples. If the first considered a ficus of the characters of happiness in family life, then the second called his witch tree, which brings trouble. We will get acquainted more detailed with attitudes to the ficus of various nations:
  • Chinese The ficus was perceived as a family plant, which was presented as a gift for weddings, birthdays, and also passed to descendants. If you believe believe in, it contributed to the purification of the room from negative energy, gave people cheerfulness and physical activity, which made it an ideal option for the elderly.
  • Thais Also considered the ficus the sacred plant and were confident that he was able to move the evil spirits. It was Ficus Benjamin that is a tree-symbol of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. And the other variety of him became the personification of the Barbados island country and depicted on the coat of arms of the state.
  • Slavic nation They attributed magic properties to wax leaflets of Benchinami ficus, endowed the plant with the ability to make discord to families, provoke conflicts and lead to parting. Also Ficus Benjamin performed as a man - such properties he found in the post-war time, when most families where the village grown was lost men who died at the front.
  • Benevolently speaks about ficus bible . So, one of the varieties of him served as the first robe for Eve and Adam, and the fruits of another species (namely, figs) were their first food after the latter were expelled from Paradise.

Folk beliefs and signs

With the proper use of Benjamin ficus, it will certainly benefit for all family members. Further in the article, we will look at the positive effect of the plant on different areas of human life.

To improve mood

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Thus, the leaves of the ficus allocate special phytoncides and ethers that purify the air and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, these substances contribute to the normalization of the state of the nervous system, improve the mood, effectively cope with fatigue and eliminate depression.

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For eloquence

The people are believed that this ficus is able to give a person with the ability to a clearer formulation of thoughts, as well as the best conviction of the interlocutor. On the other hand, this plant allows you to get rid of excessive chatty and tend to lie, helps control your speech.

For financial well-being

As a rule, trees having fleshy green leaves are considered monetary. But it is also programmed to attract cash to the house, as well as on well-being. To do this, you need to regularly ask him for help and adhere to the right care, while not allowing the massive loss of leaves.

It was recommended to transplant the village in a pot of green and on top to glue with special materials. Also, in this case, several coins must be burned to the ground - to attract themselves like.

To attract love

Also Ficus Benjamin contributes to happiness in personal life and strengthening relations with his beloved person. To this end, it needs to be planted (or transplanting) in a pink pot, preferably ceramic, and not plastic. An additional advantage will be on a pot of hearts, which, by the way, can be painted independently. In the process of work, several hearts are added to the roots of trees, it is important to talk to them about your problem and ask for help in love affairs.

For pregnancy

The plant also has assistance to childless pairs. In order for the long-awaited pregnancy, it must be placed in a married bedroom in the head of the bed and provide him with such a thorough care, as for his baby, - to water, wipe away from the clusters of dust, stroke the leaves, talk, use fertilizers.

Such actions are extremely positively affected by a hormonal background of a woman and lead to conception. New shoots that appeared on the tree also constitute a very good sign.

Where signs advised to put ficus

It is important to get acquainted with the choice of the right place for this plant in which it will be able to maximize its abilities:

  1. Ancient doctrine Feng Shui It suggests that it will be best to manifest himself while in the southeastern side of the room. It is there that it will provide peace of mind in the family and will help you to make faithful solutions.
  2. When placed in the living room The tree will balance the energy and will attract only the necessary people to your dwelling, and also contributes to the harmonization of relations between family members.
  3. Planted on the kitchen Ficus will attract financial well-being to the house, will save from unforeseen spending.
  4. In the bedroom The plant will provide you with a full night sleep, will save from nightmares and insomnia.
  5. Located on workers Place the plant will establish the workshop process, will speed up the way out of conflict situations, and will also reduce the level of conflict.
  6. It is not recommended to put a plant in the northeastern or central parts of the room - It is here that it will minimally effectively affect the energy of the room.

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