Pests Girls: Rules and Signs


Baptism is an important event for the family. The church takes a little girl in her launo. From now on it is not alone, but always in the company of a personal guardian angel. How to do everything right, what to meet the rules and signs on the christening girls?

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It is best to explain in the temple that parents chose for christening. Moreover, the details differ from the temple to the temple: in what clothes are allowed to be, is it possible to handle parents not coming in the last 10 days and so on.

But the signs in the temple will not tell, the church refers to them wary. The people, however, keep them and transmits from generation to generation.

Right christening

The baptism rite symbolizes the joining of a person to God, rejecting him from the power of evil and the transfer of the soul under the holy protection. Of course, you need to do everything right! Strict rules, with the failure of which no christening take place, not so much. But separate subtleties - even eliminate!

Church rules

The priest will explain everything, but it is better to be informed in advance.

For christening, the girls will definitely need:

  1. God-parents;
  2. ready-made name;
  3. cross;
  4. Capture dress and hryonma.

All the same thing as for the boy (but the name, of course, Maiden). Even the baptismal clothes in boys and girls differ not strongly: a white dress or a shirt with a minimum of jewelry.

  • The godparents should be adults, capable, not married between them, the same confession as the future godfather (Orthodox in the case of baptism in the Orthodox faith), people of strong moral obscons.
  • The name of the girl is chosen through the sacnesses. Preference should be given to the saint that impressed with their acts and virtues. The priest will have their own recommendations, and good signs - Do not argue with him about name.
  • A native cross for a girl is better to choose silver. Be sure to new and consecrated. Those that are sold in the church shop are already covered, the store will refline immediately before baptism.
  • The hryonma is a special diaper, which is wrapped in a baby after the font. Her together with the dress acquires, as a rule, the godfather mother. Special bastile sets with hryon and clothing are sold.

For christening Girls, special attention should be paid to the choice of the godmother. It will serve as an example and spiritual mentor, support for the scenic.

Optional moments and rituals

Ask parents, how did they baptize you? Are there any family traditions?


  1. Well, if the godfather will prepare a hryon, and the godfather is a cross.
  2. A pregnant woman to be a cross mother, contrary to believe in, it is possible, but hard: in the church will have to stand for a long time and keep your child in your arms.
  3. The baptismal water on the face of the girl should dry by itself - for luck.
  4. The baptismal dress will be new, and will not get from the sister. The same clothes allegedly strengthens relations between children, but also promises disease One child if the other sick.
  5. It is believed that the godmother the first godfather should not have a girl - otherwise In privacy failed failure . Someone adheres to this rule, someone is not, the consequences do not come once at times.

Signs familiar and unusual

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On the day of such a big event, it is decidedly everything matters. You can try to predict the fate of the girl, carefully watching the christening, as well as attract happiness with some rituals.


  • If the child is crying in time - this is Good sign.
  • The baptismal dress and the hryon should be stored. If in the first after baptism the days to wrap a child in them for sleep, he will calm and peaceful.
  • Not to good If the priest drops the objects during the rite and confuses words.
  • It is not customary to report that the family goes to baptize the child. He will Under the best protection If unnecessary people won't know when a rite takes place.
  • After the church, it's better not anywhere, but to go home right away. So The guardian angel will remain strong.

Rare and interesting signs

  • If the girl is conveyed through the church fence and add to the house after baptism through the window, it It will be healthy . Make through the door - on the contrary, let loose.
  • Get under the rain during christening - To joy.
  • Girl sneezes during christening - not to good.
  • Need to recalculate the christening day money so that the child grew up in abundance.
  • When the family went to the church, the remaining houses should not open the door to anyone while the relatives do not return with baptized girl to Do not let the trouble.
  • Knit, sew, making blanks per day christening - Bad sign.
  • If there are several people in the church at the same time and, moreover, their names are the same - this Unfortunately.

Captures as a holiday

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The rite in the church is just the beginning. It is equally important to properly organize a feast after.

  • Fun should not be noisy. Otherwise The girl's life will be restless.
  • Drink alcohol godpants - bad sign.
  • Put during a feast cup with water to the window - provide a god Light life in this world.
  • To the girl Good rose , the godfather must take a gingerbread from the table, put on a high shelf and declare: so that the kleyman so big grew up!
  • Need to do all food with plates to girl Growing beautiful.

Traditional dishes for christening: Sweet porridge on milk with butter, pastries, cute. Pies, dishes from chicken - with a bang. If there are still children, then bake a cake well. You can even arrange him in the form of a cross so that the goal of the holiday was visible.

Very bad sign - to serve pancakes for christening. Pork is also not recommended.

What to give to christening girls by signs

Ideal - icons, spiritual books and films. While the girl is small, it will not appreciate the books, but then they will come to the way. Also a traditional gift - silver decorations, spoons, rattles.

It is from the godfather. Guests can give toys, beautiful clothes. Good sign, if the gift doll is in the form of a child, not an adult woman. The child does not like dolls - against the books-toys, paints and designers for the girl. Signs do not object, development - always a good hurt for a happy life.

Memorial gift - a set of elegant scarfs and caps.

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