Specz: Give a gift


Many people know that it is impossible to hand over another person the things received as a gift. Specifications to give a dare firmly rooted in the subconscious of the majority of us. But few people think about what it is determined and what will actually happen if you decide to transfer something personal person to another person.

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Some do not even hide that quite often give their gifts to others. In most cases, such presentations include completely useless items that people cannot apply for themselves. For example, imagine the situation that you gave up completely two identical vacuum cleaners to you, and your relative is planned in a week a solemn event.

Of course, in such a situation, everyone will have an idea to transmit unnecessary. Is it possible to do this and what consequences may be fraught, we will talk about it further.

Negative interpretation of signs

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When we are preparing a surprise for a close and expensive person, we put into it a part of your soul, yourself. The acquisition of gifts is a very pleasant ritual, during which you disclose your positive qualities of character. In addition to the present, you also prevent your good feelings and positive energy as a gift.

By sending someone's present, First of all, you are thereby demonstrating disrespect for the donor And also demonstrate your native attitude. At the level of the subconscious, you destroy the energy relationship with this person. It is likely that you will very soon at all with him to raise and completely stop communicating.

Also, if you believe the folk signs, the continued present will not bring any positive emotions to its new owner, and even at all risks to become a completely useless thing for him. In order to avoid such annoying slipping, it is extremely careful about the choice of gifts.

It is better to spend more time on this procedure, carefully work out all the options, to bring the triumph at the culprit that he will have the most likely, and then, on the basis of these knowledge, make a purchase.

Fraught with an unpleasant situation

In addition to the energy issue, which is inevitable when transferring the presents, you are also risking to be in a very implicit situation, when close people can be very offended.

For example, someone will surely ask to demonstrate the present, and you will have time to transmit it by that time. Or a donator on the coating of evil rock will see his present from a third party, it is unlikely that at this moment he will experience positive emotions to you.

The inhabitants of Western countries have long come up with a way to protect themselves from unnecessary gifts, - for this gift will be presented with the check, and if suddenly the thing does not like it, you can always return it to the store, having received money for it.

This wonderful tradition is very logical and save you from getting into unpleasant situations. So, if the present I liked you, you will leave it yourself, but in the other case, you will receive financial reward for him. In the end, as they say, the taste and color is difficult to find comrades. Someone will be delighted with the clock from the head of a deer, and someone considers such a thing an obvious sign of the poor taste of the donor.

Based on all the above, it can be concluded that giving gifts is a completely inappropriate thing if you wish to achieve good luck and success in life. It is best to give personally acquired presents and delight their relatives, friends and loved ones.

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If you are guided by the ancient art of Fen-Shuya, several other postulates are approved. To the question: "For what reason should abandon the transfer of things?" Feng Shui gives the following answer: "A presented item must independently choose the owner. He will only give himself a man who really deserves this. "

When can I pass a gift

There are a number of situations in which the transfer of the presents is allowed and even welcome. This is especially true of the cases when some thing goes from one generation to another. These objects usually advocate:

  • originals of paintings;
  • ancient decorations;
  • Antiques.

Such family relics are carefully guarded from a bad look and carry a often sacral meaning - the decorations often act as talismans that protect their owners from negative influence from outside.

Separation of family relics means the transfer of wisdom generations, but it does not carry any negative meaning. This gift has properties to bring good luck, happiness, health and promote a peaceful atmosphere in the family. Similar presents at all are not dangerous for the donor, nor for a person who gives.

If we talk about the examples of such successful gifts, they often protrude nominal knives or daggers.

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But for the process of transferring the gift is successful, it is important to give it, and not to convey. In this case, the risen gift will not entail a negative energy field, but on the contrary, it will actively strengthen it.

Give out darisy things - really not very beautiful and appropriate. And the point here is not only in the very subject, but also in the ethical side of the question - after all, by refusing a gift, you show that he is absolutely not expensive to you. Think about how it would be unpleasant to know that someone exactly did the thing with the one who was presented as a gift.

It is unlikely that you would experience positive emotions towards this person. Therefore, always choose gifts from the soul and also take them, carefully store and never give up them!

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