Sketches: Fish jumps out of water


The expression "like a fish in water" appeared due to the fact that a person is not inherent in the ability to move under water as efficiently as the freshwater, sea and ocean representatives of the earth fauna do. Meanwhile, a person and fish to some extent combines the ability to jump - in length and height. And if the person has motivated to move in a similar way - a reasonable set, then the behavior of fish is more predictable, although not so well studied as it would like to.

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Anxiety and jumping - to the thunderstorm, rain or total weather change

Let's watch the rapid movements of our smaller brothers, especially since they are truly flawless and beautiful in their natural appeal.

In all the observations, the restless behavior of the fish was considered the forefront of the change of weather or simply by its deterioration:

  • Even for aquarium fish-coven, the manifestation of anxiety is associated with the expectation of bad weather;
  • For the same example, decorative catals behave before the thunderstorms, but they are in immobility, and then begin to fuss fussily from one angle of aquarium into another, occasionally rapidly rising to the surface.

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In the wildlife, the behavior of fish jumping out of the water is more diverse. First of all, it is necessary to stay on the signs that explain such jumps - rapid in their beauty:

  • Any fisherman can get to write, predicting the weather, because if the fish just splashes on the surface - it foreshadows good weather, and if it rains, the air becomes more wet, insect wings are heavy, and they go down to the water itself, where the fields are started, Chavel, Jewish, rhe and other fish of the carp family;
  • Accordingly, by approaching the rain, it can be judged about its intensity, if there is a long bad weather, the midge is lowered to the surface itself, and if the rain is small, then the fish jumping is higher.

Such behavior is characteristic of not all freshwater inhabitants of river and lake depths.

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Jumping exotic fish species - an exciting spectacle

There are a lot of fish breeds in the world whose jumping over the surface of water in sunny clear weather is a beautiful sight:

  • Fish-shooter catches his prey by firing in the "target" with water jet, as well as in a dizzying vertical jump;
  • In the branches above the surface, jumping down and bending in the form of the letter S, extracts itself a fished for a fishing;
  • Special delight causes jumping flying fish - double and quad four, this type of abdominal fins were hypertrophy in the semblance of wings;
  • Feel perfectly in jumping over the water inhabitants of African rivers, the alps of the butterfly fish and the hatching fish deliver a true pleasure.

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Salmon goes to spawning - Bear is waiting for prey

In the regions of the Far North, as well as Siberia and the Far East, another type of jumps above the surface of the water is observed. The rivers here are different, large and small, and in all reservoirs in front of spawning to shallow settlements, the red fish of the salmon family rises:

  • Keta;
  • Kizhuh;
  • trout;
  • Lenok;
  • Chavik;
  • pink salmon;
  • whitefish;

As well as beauty of freshwater - the queen-salmon. The principle of this annual travel one is to find a quiet small creek with running water and check the caviar. In multi-kilometer wanders, the shoals of fish overcome huge obstacles, performing wondrous jumps through dams and stone ridges. This beautiful spectacle patiently watch a bear, as well as other taiga predators. Climbing into the water, the club-free teddy bear hunts behind the salmon from the water - shuffling his paw, and then claws towing prey to the shore.

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Fish was walking - it is necessary to wait a few sunny days in a row

In general, the revival on the surface of large and small fish - a guarantee of a long excellent weather:

  • Such a sunny day - and not one - it happens if large freshwater specimens are put forward to the coastal edge, in these periods you can successfully catch "large" on the usual float tackle with a random coil;
  • Often in the dwelling days you can observe how the fish jumps out of the water, saying the presence of predators, and for a fisherman - it's time to discounted spinning;
  • Perchi hunt a brigade of several fish, they "all the team" pound a flock of fry, which, like splashes, scatters in small jumps on the surface, trying to unite from the greedy mouth of the striped Gorbach;
  • The traditional inhabitant of the Volga Zhereh also hunts collectively, driving fry, but in this case the predators themselves jump out of the water, asking the vector of movement, spokengers are focused on such bursts;
  • The active "rampant" above the surface is characteristic of a rapid chub, this strong sports fish hunts insects, jumping out of the water, it's time to throw the flying tackle or a conventional float fishing rod with a grasshopper or a fly on a hook.

In general, watching the Zhor of various rock breeds in the immediate vicinity of the surface, you can say: the fish rejoices of life, showing this feeling with delicious jumps.

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"Candles" Sazan and Carp - to Active Klew Fish

The same Sazan or Carp, if good weather is expected, does not limit himself in the manifestation of emotions. Jumping over the surface of the water of this strong, sports fish themselves cause a storm of positive emotions:

  • At such moments preceding, on the signs of fishermen, excellent cool, the rinbery accelerates in the upper layers of the reservoir, and then with force, like a powerful torpedo, appears above the aqueous edge, the jump is accompanied by abundant splashes and characteristic "cotton" at the time of contact with the surface;
  • Such jumps are called "candles", and if there is a massive "presentation" on the river, the reservoir or lake, it is necessary to wait for the active Kleva Sazan or his domesticated fellow carp.

Of course, it's expected excellent sunny weather with a small veter.

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