Specs: Rain on the wedding


The sky in the clouds on the day of the holiday - many nations have a reason for joy. But not a wedding! Such an event - and weather brings. And yet, despite the wet dress, the rain on the wedding is a favorable sign.

Specs: Rain on the wedding 7741_1

Roots Signs and Variations

Rain is a universal fertility symbol, change for better, wealth. The rain washes off all the bad, drinks the earth moisture, awakens the seeds. After him and the fish is best caught, and the mushrooms appear in the forest in large quantities.

In general, rain for a wedding - to a successful family life . The fertile value of the rain hints at the ambulance and numerous addition of the family. For those who do not want children, there are other pleasant interpretations: marriage consent, the end of difficulties in relations and the beginning of a truly family mutual respect.

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In the pagan traditions it was important to show a new family of the Sun, the wind, rain, so that nature and gods recognize the union. The weddings were playing in the summer and autumn, at the course of the harvest (so that it was, what to drink), then any precipitation is uniquely a good sign.

At the same time, it is believed that the sky sheds tears along with the bride. Well, once the marriage was not a voluntary business, the girl disappeared for his family and passed into her husband's family. Now the parents of young, and friends, and the young people themselves are more common, there are tears of joy (in those who organized weddings - also nerves), so the sky is not crying together, but instead.

Miscellaneous Rain - Miscellaneous Interpretation

Of the total fertile value of the rain, everyone else is growing: wealth, abundance, health of young and future children. More accurate opinion of nature about your marriage can be understood by what rain goes:

  • Small rain - to numerous pleasant events have a young family;
  • Sediments with the Sun - to Joy, laugh , ease in relationships;
  • short rain, and then rainbow is not only a beautiful background for photos, but also a promise Good luck . Where the rainbow begins, the treasures are hiding not only Irish Leprechauns;
  • strong, torrential shower indicates a new beginning . All insults will be forgotten, young (and, maybe even their families, there are miracles) will learn to appreciate each other even more;
  • the rain, which found a wedding, and then walked at least a day (perfect - three days) foreshadows Long and strong marriage;
  • rain suddenly went in winter - to Travel or shift at home. A young family planned to move? The weather feels everything;
  • Spring shower - to Growth growth . After the wedding costs, this is the most desirable sign;
  • Rain in summer - to The birth of children;
  • bad weather in the autumn wedding - to new impressions . For modern newlyweds - a sign that the wedding journey will be successfully and after it will remain pleasant memories and a thousand beautiful photos;
  • If the shower went on the night before the wedding is to gentle relationship , love and worship with each other's spouses;
  • Draked from the early morning the rain foreshadows news.

The only option commemorates when bad weather is considered to be unfinished - if the thunderstorm broke out. Thunder and lightning allegedly hint at Quarrels in marriage . But this interpretation is controversial: since ancient times, it is the thunderstorm - a reflection of the heavenly wedding, the Union of Earth and the sky, and the Thunder - Otzvuki of the noisy celebration. Symbols of discord they never carried.

Specs: Rain on the wedding 7741_2

Separately about the puddles. They say that the groom coming at the wedding in the puddle, will be inclined to drink . Careful, young people! About the bride, by the way, nothing is said - spank the puddles boldly, especially if there are beautiful wedding rubber boots.

Rituals in a rainy wedding day

Do not wait good luck - Prick her! Strengthen and approve a positive rain omen will help rituals. For not superstitious young and guests, they will perform as entertainment in bad weather, discontinued a tense situation (when the precipitates gathered to fall on the holiday, it is nervous, no matter how the rain has promised the Council and love).

Specs: Rain on the wedding 7741_3

  1. Soak under the rain of the handkerchief and put under the pillow in the first wedding night. For decisive - to do so with the pillowcase and sleep on it for three more days. Fortress UZ and complete agreement, including on a marriage bed, are provided. Everything is bad that "nalya" on the young, washed off under rain jets.
  2. Give a pair of droplets to get to the loaf. This creates the relationship between parents of young and families in general, will make from two one.
  3. Once the bride and the bride was stealless from the rain with spikes of fertility sake. Those who are in a hurry to give birth to children will suit a more modern version with rice or other cereals: let it rain to wash them, wrap in a napkin and hide under the mattress of the marriage lodge. Excellent lesson for waiting grandchildren moms and dads of young.
  4. Wash each other with rainwater - wash off damage, negative thoughts, someone else's jealousy. The bride is unlikely to be glad if the makeup will be spoiled, especially before registering, so it is better to wash your hands.
  5. Universal ritual for wealth: open a wallet and substitute it with rain for a few seconds. Let gifts in envelopes do not disappoint newlyweds, and the family budget does not care!

The bad weather, being the best sign, still makes you adjust plans. Replace what could not be fulfilled due to bad weather, interesting traditions and rites. Maybe guests also know any?

Wedding in the rain - the best of weddings

Or a few ways, how the rain will improve the wedding day.

  1. Beautiful photos. Wedding photographer, if he is professional, not confremoded. Snapshot for muddy from droplets with glass - what can be romantic? From the right angle, the highlighted rain turns into magic dust, and the wedding is in the wonderful holiday in every sense.
  2. Flowers in their hands, bouquets on the hood will save freshness until the very end of the celebration, and this may be not one day. In the heat, flowers rapidly wither, the coolness and moisture will extend their beauty. Drops on petals - another idea for photo in the album.
  3. Rain - reason to hug under one umbrella. Cozy and gentle start of family life.
  4. Salvation for allergies! Rain nails pollen, a poplar fluff that will spread it. Spring or summer wedding will be much better without red eyes and laid nose.

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