Prayer for Sleep Coming - Short and Long


Contact the sacred texts should not only in the difficult moments of the life path. It will be useful for a rule for a day to thank God for the last day. With such a goal, you can spend a prayer for sleep for the night - in other words, evening prayer.

Prayers for sleep

Evening prayers

Such prayers are the final part of the daily Prayer rule established by the Orthodox Tradition. The composition is also represented by prayer texts, uttering in the morning.

What is a prayer rule

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Everyday reading of texts from the prayer rule, as the church emphasizes, has a beneficial effect on the soul of Mirianin, helps to support the righteousness of righteousness and piety. If a person considers himself a convinced atheist, denies the existence of the Lord and skeptically treats the sacred texts, his soul can overwhelm in times and to be in the power of the devil.

In general, the full prayer rule is placed in Orthodox prayers and is designed mainly to pronounce monks and experienced believers. For those who only recently addressed religion, he joined God and began to make the first steps in Orthodoxy, a brief variant of this arch was compiled.

Such a need arose due to the fact that for beginners, the rule reads a certain difficulty. Not everyone has enough willpower and patience to pronounce it from beginning to end and, especially practice it every day.

Start the initial reading of the prayer rule, the spiritual persons advise with several prayers and gradually add to this list one new text. This technique will help to join the ritual naturally and at ease.

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The church strongly recommends complying with the rule to all believers, but not every Orthodox person it is possible - its adjustments make a mad-based pace of modern life. Often, it remains very little for reading prayers, and the believer is forced to pronounce the texts superficially and hurriedly, without the corresponding prayer attitude.

As a result, it turns out that this daily tradition is simply coming down to the mechanical ritual, and reverence, respect and attention that should accompany this rite, depart into the background.

Of course, it is unlikely to fully neutralize such a tendency, but it can be minimized to minimize it, paying due attention to the texts included in the prayer rule.

Full text of prayers, with all strokes and rules, you can download the link. Print it for convenience.

In our age constant rush Evening sacred texts are among the most common. It is caused by the fact that only at the end of a hard day, a busy person in front of a beddown can afford to fully relax, stay alone with his thoughts and the Lord. This is the only time when you can talk to God, knowing that no one and nothing will prevent this deep personal process.

The time interval preceding sleep can be conducted for listening or watching records with Christian conversations or prayers. But it is best to pray to himself. In addition to them, there are a large number of other Orthodox prayers, designed for different occasions.

You can listen to it in the video:

Other Orthodox prayers

Short before bed

A short prayer before bedtime will be appropriate if the believer catastrophically lacks time on conversations with the Lord (no matter what causes). This text should be pronounced, already lying in bed, whisper or to yourself:

Text short prayer before bed

Main idea - praise and gratitude to God . Despite the brevity, these sacred words have the ability to strengthen the Orthodox faith in the heart and lead to a truly miracle miracle. Under their influence, life difficulties retreat, the fate of the believer changes for the better.


In the event that the believer for some reason does not work elaborate to read the prayer rule, it is not forbidden to contact God with the help of other Orthodox prayers. Sacred texts can be used to obtain help and support from the Most High.

Important condition: reading words needed with all the soul, and faith emanating from the praying should be sincere and unshakable.

Challenge to God for help should not happen once - to refer to the Lord regularly and first of all express your gratitude to the Creator. For these purposes the following text is suitable:

Prayer Almighty for the dream

Before this prayer, the Lord can tell us with simple words about his request, share thoughts and fears that torment the soul. A significant relief of the believer will feel in a few days of the application of the given text.

Guardian angel

The Orthodox man should never forget about his most important assistant and defender - an angel guardian.

You can pray for your heavenly intercession under any circumstances: in joy and in the mountain, asking or without it.

For daily reading, the following prayer is recommended before bedtime, addressed to the keeper angel:

Evening prayer angel keeper

It is best if the text is pronounced three times, immediately before the departure to sleep. Prayer will help the believer to become better, will save his head from the grave doom. The first results from application are noticeable in a few weeks.


The utterance of evening prayers will help to enlist the support of higher strength, cleanse thoughts and consciousness from the negative, eliminating the experiences, anxiety and stress, protects against trouble and dangers, will introduce a praying appearance, will attract positive events.

And a quiet state, usually coming after reading the sacred texts, the most favorable way will appear on a dream, protects from nightmares and insomnia, will give a person the opportunity to relax and gain strength to the upcoming day.

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