Why dream of late for the train?


With the help of dreaming, the subconsciousness is trying to convey to us important information capable of preventing trouble or tell the way to solve problems. Subconscious language - shaped, so the task of dream books is to help express the images obtained in a dream to cope with the vital task yourself. Why dream of late for the train?

Why dream of late for the train? 7784_1

General Interpretation by People's Dream

Ringing at speed train - a symbol of fast droning time. Late to land - miss the time given to the fate to change my own life. Catch up the outgoing composition of wagons - an attempt to catch up. Do not catch up the outgoing train - a symbol of disappointments in life, as well as a passive life position.

Interpretation will depend on what you saw in Gres:

  • see outgoing ingredion;
  • An attempt to catch up with running tracks;
  • jump into the train on the go;
  • intentionally late for the train.

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Late for a train that is already trring and slowly gaining a move - a symbol of deferred change in life. The dream did not have enough collens and organization to achieve the goals. You can blame in this only yourself.

If a man deliberately delayed in a dream and did not have time for a train This means doubt and uncertainty in making vital decisions. Perhaps you just want to hide from problems and are not going to solve them because of the laziness or fear of defeat.

Woman dreaming Located in the state of apathy, it swallowed the feeling of indifference and disappointment. In order not to see yourself on the side of life because of its own weakness, you need to actively resist negative feelings.

For a man This dream indicates the need to exit from under the influence of other people and independently lead their lives. If you were deliberately late in a dream, the subconscious displays the relevance of this problem for the life of the dream.

If a man has time to jump on the train at the last moment So, he will manage to cope with insoluble, it would seem that problems. This is a sign of good luck, but the dream will have to make a maximum effort to win.

Catch up with leaving composition - strive for changes in your life. The dreams wishes changes, but he does not have enough will to decide on a brave act. Perhaps the dreams wants to change, but does not make decisive steps in the selected direction.

Why dream of late for the train? 7784_2

Interpretation by dreambooks

Modern dream book Determines the fact of late somewhere as an overwhelmed chance to change its life. Also, the dream foreshadows significant losses in personal life, disappearing in love relationships.

Dance Deniz Lynn It believes that the dreams were overboard life. To avoid further failures, you need to reconsider your life attitudes and get rid of uncertainty. If you have missed a chance to implement your dreams, knock on another door: one has not opened, another will open. The main thing is not to lower your hands.

Dream Miller Speaks about missed opportunities. Also, the dream book warns that the delay can turn into a dream with sad consequences: you need to quickly find the right answer to the issue delivered by life. Your future welfare depends on this.

Dream of Freud. Considers the plot with sexual attack: the dreams are not allowed to feel sensory pleasures. At the last moment, jump into the train - an attempt to return former sexual contacts. Catch up with the outgoing composition on the platform - an attempt to take action to correct the current situation. If the dream sees a girl, you need to admit a partner in feelings and become more open in a relationship, otherwise they will be inevitably spoiled by non-ramps.


Testing the feeling of fear in a dream when late to your route is a frequent phenomenon among dreaming. It says about fear to lose something or do not have time to do. The accelerating rhythm of life, constant stress due to limited time leaves the mark in the psyche, and in a dream a person again experiences a negative feeling of fear of late.

Take your vacation, bring your nerves in order, visit spas salons or saunas. Your psyche needs rest, and the body is in muscle relaxation. Week spent with benefit from holiday health will be able to give the soul into a harmonious state. Review a list of outlined cases - what can be eliminated from it?

Remember that all cases do not all be altered, and the train of life will leave without waiting for you.

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