Why dream of lice in the head?


Vile insects crawl through your head, you constantly feel itching, shy, that the problem will be known to others, and ... wake up? Fortunately, the pediculosis defeated you only in a dream, you can not run for the medicine in the pharmacy. But it's interesting because what a lice dream is in my head? Let's try to decipher the meaning of such nights.

Why dream of lice in the head? 7786_1

How to express sleep with lies

Dreams are not just pictures, this is a reflection of real memories, emotions, impressions.

No wonder the study of dreams were engaged in "serious" scientists - psychotherapists: Jung, Freud. They claimed: Sleep is almost always a hint. The body through night visions can warn about danger, give a tip, how to behave in controversial situations. Sometimes dreams - just unloading consciousness, discharge the load from the brain. When emotions, impressions and thoughts are too much, sleep is a protective mechanism that saves your mind from excess stress.

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The interpretation of dreams in folk dreams was already invented no psychologists: people were analyzed, what dreams of the same dream, as often comes. Based on the age-old observations and the values ​​of dreams were determined. Vision with lice may mean the following:

  1. Wrench in the head - A sign that a person lacks a mental load, he stopped in development and does not move on. You need to give time to spiritual activities.
  2. If the lice dreamed of a girl who recently received a hand offer And the hearts, wrapped and is in the status of the bride, it means there is a risk that the wedding will be upset. There are some inconsiderators between lovers. It is necessary to talk to a tet-a-tete, frankly and not biased. Perhaps the desire to tie fate with each other will disappear after this conversation. Or vice versa, fears will dispel, and marriage will be prosperous and long.
  3. If lice is shot by a married woman This is a bad sign. He talks about the strong fear of the girl to lose her husband, because she suspects him in infidelity, and the rival considers strong, superior to her in everything. This applies to working married ladies.
  4. If the girl is married, but does not work , and is engaged in the economy, the meaning of sleep with lice is different. Such a vision indicates the desire to develop, engage in creativity, to get away from home routine and serve a full life, realize hidden talents and give the will ambitions.
  5. If insects dreamed of a man-entrepreneur It is worth waiting for good profits soon. And in general, sleep with lice for a businessman is an excellent sign! He speaks of a huge mental potential of man, his creative nature, which in the aggregate will help to achieve incredible heights.
  6. Often, lice dreams of young talents . Such dreams are a sign of the presence of creative vein, high level of creativity. Man is clearly talented and deserves the "people's" calling.
  7. Not in all dreams of Versh - a good sign . Some authors claim: parasites will take off for negative events. A person may get sick, to undergo his life threat (accident) or get into trouble at work.
  8. Some authors consider: lice dreams of unexpected visits . Wait for the guests: relatives, friends from another city. Most likely, they will settle for you for a long time and will have time to get bored. In addition, the visit will hit the material welfare and relationships of members of your family.
  9. If you have squeezed out in a dream So, in real life, you will be awaiting a quick solution to existing problems.

In general, Vershi dreams most often to favorable events. But remember Jung and the fact that the body often warns a person in advance through dreams. Check your head - Maybe there is the truth of the lice?

What if you don't have chiefs?

Why dream of lice in the head? 7786_2

For a more accurate interpretation, you should pay attention to the circumstances of sleep.

  • For example, if nasty Insects occupied the head of another person And not yours, it promises close financial progress. You will receive an unexpected inheritance, a prize, will find a treasure, win the lottery or you can quickly earn a lot of money.
  • Lice in the head of a stranger - Sign of speedy success, starting a white strip in life, the appearance of new opportunities. Insects attacked a familiar person? Remember who exactly: he will play a big role in your life (in a positive sense).
  • Great if you are a girl, and The rider appeared at the rival . So you easily won the victory over it, leaving anything. Also, sleep may be foreshadowed with a long-standing enemy.

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