What dreams of many flies?


Muha is one of the most unpleasant insects that cause negative emotions. And in a dream, the plot with a large number of flies leaves an unpleasant precipitate after awakening. What dreams of many flies? Consider all the details of this dream.

What dreams of many flies? 7794_1

General interpretation

To see the annoying insects in a dream indicates a boring and dull flow of a dream: it's time to change something. If flies stick and bite a dream, it symbolizes the coming trouble.

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Moreover, the events will be uncontrolled the dream, and it will not be easy to cope with them. To see many dead flies - to the hassle: you will have to get very good because of some events. Also, flies symbolize an unpleasant person in a close environment, which delivers many troubles.

Seen plot changes interpretation according to features of the picture:

  • where there were flies;
  • What size were insects;
  • What color were the backs of insects;
  • What events took place in a dream.

If you remember that you saw flies on the window So, in your life you have many enemies. Flies in the house - to troubles, or even a fire. To see insects crawling on food - to fright, on the ceiling - to the betrayal of a loved one, on the hair - to the deterioration of health.

The more insects you saw The more intense will be a relationship with a close environment. Many flies in a dream - Sleeping surround gossip, speculation and curvators.

Huge mugs - a symbol of bad thoughts, influence on the dream of dark forces (Velzevul - Prince Muh). You need to revise your life: is it right through you go? It will not hurt to visit the temple, confessing, praying the saint.

To see insects - you will be annoyed by unpleasant people. Try to get rid of them. Flys fell into honey - you are surrounded by the lets, who should not be trusted.

Flower flies in a dream

  • Black flies warn to deterioration of relations with colleagues.
  • Insects with green backs foreshadow many unpleasant hassle and fuss, sadness and annoyance; Green flies on hand - to the loss of something valuable.

Actions with flies

  • Catch insects in a dream - You will become a gossip object.
  • Many flip flies in a mukholovka - You will handle troubles, but the precipitate will remain in the soul.
  • Pour insects in a dream - It's time to get rid of an annoying environment, parting with any other people.
  • Try to kill swarm flies in a dream - You will be able to cope with troubles, but you have to attach efforts.
  • Drop flies from your loved one - To inevitable cooling of relationships and separation.
  • You can't disable from attacking insects in a dream - Expect the attack of slanders and ill-wishers in life, problems will be stronger than you.

What dreams of many flies? 7794_2

Interpretation of dreams

Modern interpreter interprets the appearance of flies in a dream as an approaching hassle. If the dream managed to nail insects, in reality he will successfully cope with problems. Also, sleep can be a precursor of the infectious disease, so it is worth taking care of health. If there are no health problems, you will soon enter into the twread of small annoying conflicts with the environment.

Universal dream book Warns: Thought should be changed, make a fresh stream in your stagnant life. Pay attention to your environment: among close friends there are gossip groups, slanders and envious. The larger the size of insects, the more difficult it will be to cope with the situation. The situation will become complicated if the insect bite you or you can't drive it away. Flies shuffled clothes, climb into the mouth - circumstances caustize you by surprise.

Miller It believes that the mukholovka in the dream symbolizes the flexible gossip. A large number of insects in a mukholovka - you will handle the situation, but the echoes of unpleasant events will still remind themselm. For the girl, this plot predicts problems in life and relationships.

Freud. He believes: flies in a dream symbolize children. Beat and drive flies - feel negative feelings for children. Buzzing insects - the inability to cope with a series of problems, dismissed anger on children.


Dreams warn and advise to pay attention to existing obstacles or danger. Remember that you can always get out of the most difficult situation with honor, if you do not be afraid to fight difficulties.

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