What dreams church inside?


The Holy Temple causes God-fearing in people. At all times, the temple was considered the refuge of oppressed, hope for salvation and eternal life. What is the dream of a church inside - to good or hum? What to expect from this plot? Let us turn to interpreters.

What dreams church inside? 7806_1

General value

The church recalls cleansing from sins and spiritual self-improvement. For atheists, the vision of the internal decoration of the temple carries the call for repentance: think about your soul, about the inevitable death hour. The vision of the temple foreshadows changes in the dream of a dream, and not always positive.

The exact interpretation of the seen will depend on different nuances:

  • What confession belonged to the church;
  • What condition was the room;
  • What happened in the room;
  • Internal dream experiences.

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Church with a Catholic priest He foreshadows heavy times in the dream of a dream: you have to make a difficult choice. The church with the Orthodox Patushka speaks of serious internal disappointments of the dream: a turning point has come in your life.

Tosted on liturgia - You are gnawing internal doubts, the voice of the conscience does not give rest. Perhaps you offended a person and experience the flour of conscience? The dream suggests: it is necessary to fix everything, to upload your guilt. Immediately it will become easier.

Attend fune in church - To unsuccessful marriage. Set aside marriage, family life collapses inevitable. Also, the dead man in the temple dreams of sadness, longing for the departed or deceased person. The funeral of the living person - to a long separation with him.

To see the cristin rite - To the joyful events in the dream of a dream. To see the christenings of their own child - to the well-being and health of the baby. To see the christenings of someone else's child for childless - the long-awaited pregnancy will soon come.

Attend the temple on the rite of wedding - To harmonious and warm relationship between spouses. To see himself a priest who performs the rite of wedding - to the life shock. However, it will not be possible to change the events, you need to prepare yourself morally to inevitable. All in the hands of God.

If the dream sees a pregnant woman Soon she will safely give birth to a strong kid. However, it is necessary to take care of its spiritual growth and purification.

Pray in the temple - good sign. You are awaiting a calm prosperous future, all the trouble will be bypass, reconciliation will come with enemies. You patronize over.

  • Stipping in the temple - To a conflict situation.
  • See icons in rize - A favorable sign, shoot icons from the wall - to get away from the right path.
  • Make repairs in the temple - Build a happy future.
  • See your enemies in the temple - To reconciliation with them.

Negative value is it Confession in church . If the dreams confessed, he expects severe life circumstances due to their own mistakes. To see in the temple confession of someone else's person - to obstacles in the life path.

What dreams church inside? 7806_2

Candles in the temple

The candle has a certain symbolism - this is a sign of purification, repentance and forgiveness. Healing in the church of the candle - the sign of the blessing of heaven, cleansing and updating. Also this is a symbol of internal insight - you will be understood by many reasons for the events that occurred. If the dreams were seriously worried about some event, soon the relief will come.

Women candles can dream of a pleasant acquaintance with a reliable man who will become a satellite of life. Either it will be a good friend who can be reached in a difficult moment. Buy candles in the church - to a pleasant surprise.

However, not any candle carries a positive image. To see black candles in the church or a smoke spot - to disappointment, separation and trouble. See how the servants quit candles in the temple - to the death of a loved one.


If the temple in the dream was richly decorated, and sleeping felt peace, such a dream foreshadows a calm benevolent life in the future. The vision of the temple in the twilight predicts difficult times - get ready to survive the alarming events in your life. Stand in difficulties will help faith in God. The same meaning is the vision of an abandoned old temple. Get ready for testing.

The temple is a symbol of a man's soul. How you saw the interior decoration of the church, such and the condition of your soul. An abandoned uncomfortable church without icons and candles symbolizes the emptiness of your own soul. Think about the eternal, determine the true goal in your life.

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