If the guy dreams from Monday to Tuesday?


Any day of the week patronizes its planet, his luminais. Monday owes the moon, and Tuesday is subordinate to Mars. This planet of power and movement, fire and great achievements. So, such dreams are important with their unusual and novelty. Analysis of such a dream can help you deal with all the vaginalities of fate. What does it mean if the guy dreams from Monday to Tuesday?

The meaning of dreams

Such a dream is very important to remember to the smallest details. What a man you dreamed of how you treated him, his clothes, as far as he was beautiful or ugly, what feelings did you have at this moment at this moment and how you ourselves reacted to all. All these subtleties have tremendous importance in decoding such a dream.

  1. Favorite, dreaming of unmarried lady On this night, I will soon appear in her life. And if it is also a real man, then the relationship between them can last a very long time. A handsome man in a dream promises indelible impressions, many pleasant and joyful moments waiting for the owner of such sleep.
  2. For lady, not burdened by marriage Such a dream promises a complete revision of my convictions, and, most likely, she will acquire family and good material wealth. However, the ugly implies an adverse time, a failure strip, collapse in life and at work, in personal relationships and love.
  3. If the guy hurts fear and horror , In reality, wait for unpleasant experiences. A favorite person can do not act in the best way that he will entail a lot of disorders on your part. On the other hand, such a dream warns and protects the owner from rash adventures. But a man is such a dream to come to profits.

Which foreshadows Son.

Acquaintance with a guy on the night on Tuesday says that the desire to meet in your subconscious is very high. However, such relationships can lead to some problems and failures. If the acquaintance happened with a man unpleasant to you, pay attention to the state of my health, it may soon be shaken.

Other sources such a dream clarify on the other hand. So, the dream book in modern interpretation explains that the guy who saw a man in a dream is worth paying attention to and raising self-confidence. To date, he really needs to be supported by his relative environment.

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But for married ladies, such a vision promises the upcoming ambulance pregnancy. But if you see your beloved man, who hugs you, wait for trouble in reality.

Dreams are always distinguished by their small nuances and the secrets of the sipping sip. To interpret it only on the picture seen becomes a huge mistake. To begin with, listen to what experiences you experienced before that, that pleased or upset you in the previous week. Perhaps you have quarreled with someone very much, and your subconscious happened simply as a negative energy emission that you kept in myself so much.

Events, Facts, Emotions, Phases Moon

The only thing that can accurately argue that the dream with a dream girl on Monday night will best be the answer to all its feelings and desires . At this time, you need to memorize all the nuances, include a little fantasy and be sure that everything is good, which dreamed at this moment, will benefit, and the bad moments are awesome in the summer.

Another important moment. Mars is responsible for everything that happens on this night, this planet is the Lord of this day. All that dreamed and happened to you in a dream, can come true in seven days or seven years. The planet allows you to open the curtain of our future and a little bit of becoming a magician and a clairvoyant of your destiny.

Mars does not like panties and Slyuntaev, this planet is a patron of serious and bold people, so do not be afraid to break the experienced and go on a new road to new achievements. However, every step of your new way weigh and comprehend. Incessiability in this business is superfluous.

Watch and remember your dreams, paint and divert your life, predict your future and be happy.

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