What dreams to fly in a dream?


Flight is associated with freedom and independence. However, independence and freedom are not always pleasant and desirable. For example, dismissal from work is also freedom and independence from it. What dreams to fly in a dream? Consider interpretation of sleep in detail.

What dreams to fly in a dream? 7832_1

General value of sleep

It is believed that the flight in a dream symbolizes the care of problems. But there is a different interpretation of a dream associated with the expression "to blame in the clouds". The man is frivolously refer to life and does not notice around himself change. While you are twist in the clouds, competitors can take your place, and the rival is to conquer the heart of your loved one.

Fall and crash - a very bad sign. However, if the dream managed to awaken during the "Fall", he will be able to cope with difficult problems and circumstances without much losses.

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Interpretation will depend on such nuances:

  • single flight;
  • joint;
  • on the wings;
  • on a flying agent.

If you see yourself highly soaring in heavenly This can foreshadow a rapid take-off in the career. However, remember: it is important to be able to keep the height and not fall unexpectedly down. The career increase involves the responsible future work, so after a celebration about triumph comes a period of hard work.

Fly with a person of the opposite sex - To the fleeting joy of love. Alas, your novel will be short-term. Family man has a similar dream warns of a frivolous acquaintance that can destroy the established married relationship. It is better not to enter a love relationship with a unchanged person.

Low Flight Over Earth Speaks about landed dreams. To succeed, you need to go beyond the framework of the generally accepted and get rid of fear of being incomprehensible.

To old people It may impose an ambulance ending.

What dreams to fly in a dream? 7832_2

Flights on transport

What does dream mean in which You fly on a broom . The flight symbol on the broomstick or a stupkey is associated with fabulous plots of magic - Baba Yaga, Witch. This dream foreshadows the opening of extraordinary abilities from the dream. Perhaps soon you can read the thoughts of others.

Flying at the stage It may have a dual interpretation: either a change in the place of residence, or the change of work.

Fly by car, bike or motorcycle - To a big breakthrough in your endeavors. You will be able to realize everything you have planned.

See the flight on your own wings - To the successful opportunity to carry out all the planned plans to life. If the dream ended in a fall, it warns about the emergence of complex obstacles to the implementation of the goals.

Balloon flying for young girl is a good omen: your new acquaintance will be not only a good friend, but also a future husband.

According to esoteric dreamy Flights on an unusual vehicle (Vacuum cleaner, carpet, and so on) symbolize the upcoming journey.

Flying by plane According to the alphabet of the interpretation of dreams, promises a quick successful completion of the project or some business. You are on the right track, continue to move in the selected direction.

Interpretation of dreams

ABC Interpretation of dreams Considers this dream as a spiritual elevation over the material, tide of vitality and energy. However, the harness high above the clouds means a gap from reality: the dreams literally vitals in the clouds. The story is the story in which the dreams rushes to the clouds.

Eastern Dream Trucks a waging in a clear clean sky as a fast dream. If black wings rose in a dream, it promises a quick disappointment. In the East, it is believed that the flights in the dream symbolize growth: to the age of majority - physical, after the age of adulthood - spiritual.

Imperial Dream Interpretation (China) Shares the interpretation value by gender. For women, the flight foreshadows positive changes: she will be able to get rid of the inknet of the material and spark in the spirit in heavenly.

For men, this is a sign of separation from reality that does not promise good. A man can expect a loss of finance, loss of position in society and many other unpleasant circumstances.

Islamic dream book Offers an unexpected interpretation of fall: the dreams will receive what he fell in a dream. However, this refers to people with high status in society. Fall in a dream does not promise a good ordinary person: his illness or death awaits him.

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